The blink of an eye: Although the ministry says otherwise, there has been a desire to manage the zoo


The weekend came the news that no one wanted to run the Lithuanian zoo. Representatives of the Ministry of the Environment told BNS that no requests had been received. According to the data available on the portal, there were applications, and not one.

The surprised information

“I don’t know where that information comes from that there were no people who wanted to lead,” a Kaunas resident was surprised to contact the portal

The documents of those who wish to participate in the contest were accepted until July 30. The man, who was unwilling to publicly reveal his name, sent evidence to reporters that he had completed the application and submitted it on July 29.

“It meets the requirements,” says the system. The application has been registered and has been assigned a number.

The request made by one of the interested parties was accepted. (Photo from a reader of “Kauno diena”)

And he is not the only one who has expressed a desire to manage a zoo.

“I sent the application,” Benas Arūnas Noreikis, acting director of the garden, confirmed to the portal The applicant was also informed by the head of the garden. biologist Kęstutis Radziulis.


Were you surprised by the news that there was no will to run the institution, even though you had personally expressed such a desire?

Noreikis said the request was probably delayed, so it was not accepted either.

I don’t know where that information came from that didn’t come from wanting to lead.

“I was [išreiškęs norą kandidatuoti]”But I wanted more candidates,” he said Monday.

“I gave it at the last minute, but the contest was canceled. I received a notification that it has been canceled. That the competition will be announced again, “said B.A.Noreikis.

We check: did you withdraw your application or was your application valid? “It just caught our eye then. I introduced it at the last minute. It was said that it could perform until July 30, I did it on the last day, but already after 5pm. Maybe then it didn’t blow me up. I don’t know.” The acting director hesitated, adding that he would simply reapply because a new competition would be announced.

“I know that it will facilitate the requirements so that there are more participants to choose from. Let’s see, let’s wait, “said B.A. Norikis calmly.

Benas Arūnas Noreikis / Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

K. Radziulis also assumed that his request had probably been rejected. I do not recall receiving confirmation that it was accepted. When asked how he submitted the application, he said that he did not send it directly to the Ministry of the Environment, which announced the tender, but through e. system.

Unlike B.A.Noreikis, it has not yet decided whether to try to apply again. “How to say … Let’s see what the requirements will be. The desire is to provide, but we will live and see,” said the chief. Biologist. He was reluctant to be open about his plans as a future leader.

Big changes

B.A. The need was more eloquent. He noted that the zoo is facing major changes. “The garden is being prepared for reconstruction. Some work has already begun. The organization itself, the structure, the positions will change, construction will begin. It will be a difficult time. In a short time we will have to build the entire garden again. A mid 2023. You see, I am a veterinarian by specialty, and here I will have to manage projects, solve various other complex problems, but with a good team, it is overcome, ”BANoreikis is determined.

The Ministry was seeking a person with a university degree in biology, ecology, environmental science, civil engineering, environmental engineering, veterinary or business administration and management (master’s degree) and at least 3 years of managerial experience.

In announcing the competition, it was stated that the new manager was expected to be smart, managerial and determined to successfully implement the big changes awaiting the Lithuanian zoo. Last year, an EU-funded garden infrastructure renovation project of € 18.3 million was launched. euros

The former zoo director was fired in October last year. Aurimas Didžiokas managed the garden for six years. He was fired because, as mentioned, he had lost the minister’s confidence due to the delay in rebuilding the zoo.

Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis.

The portal sent questions to the representatives of the Ministry of the Environment.

– If the application was submitted on July 30. 5:15 p.m., should it have been accepted?

– Legislation does not stipulate that applications are accepted until the end of the working day, so we believe that applications must be accepted within 30 days. 24 hours

– We know that at least two people have applied for the competition. For what reasons were they not accepted?

– July 28 The decision was made to cancel the tender in order to clarify the conditions by extending and reopening them. During the new harmonization of the tender procedures, the National Center for General Functions informed the Ministry of the Environment that three requests had been submitted, which had been reviewed and answered within two business days.

– When will the second competition for the gardening director position be announced?

– A new competition will be announced after the approval of the new job description for the director of the Lithuanian Zoo, in which we expand the special requirements for education, thus providing an opportunity for more applicants to participate. The date is not yet clear, but we hope to announce this week.
