The black car market hides millions


Despite the increased focus, the shadow market for auto repair and trading is booming. It is true that there are sometimes suspicions about whether officials respond adequately to complaints received or simply tend to reciprocate.

Huge damage

During 2020 Across Lithuania, the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT), on its own initiative and in cooperation with other institutions, inspected more than a dozen car trading companies or persons related to this business. Seventeen pre-trial investigations have been initiated into the EU and US auto trade.Let’s compare: 2019. Only five of those pre-trial investigations have been initiated.

Among the most common irregularities are value added tax (VAT) or income tax evasion, unincorporated income, illegal business activities, and accounting documents show car sales lower than they actually are.

Damages caused to the state last year are estimated to be 4.4 million. euros. In some studies, it is still being determined.

The damage calculated by the FNTT is evaluated based on the crimes committed.

The State Tax Inspection (STI) also presents the results of its inspections. Last year 698 follow-up and control actions were carried out to control the market for the trade and repair of automobiles and auto parts. The amount to be paid to the budget determined during them exceeds 1.5 million. euros.

“The experience of specialists shows that in this sector there is usually a tendency to hide income in various ways, some car sales transactions are carried out informally or are resolved by signing a so-called buffer, various evasion schemes are created VAT ”, said working groups coordinating the sale and repair of STI automobiles and auto parts in the field of commerce, manager Loreta Krisiukėnienė.

Illegal workshops

Over the past year, ITS specialists identified 31 cases of unregistered auto repair activities. STI recalls that as of 2020. July 1 Auto repairers can no longer perform activities after obtaining a business license. They must register an individual activity under a certificate or establish a company.

“The STI constantly monitors the situation, records and evaluates the data received from taxpayers: analyzes the information received from third parties, reports from residents on possible tax violations, information published in public space – media, social networks,” he said. L. Krisiukėnienė.

Last year, the STI received 223 complaints of possible tax violations in this sector. MS from Kaunas submitted a request to FNTT and STI regarding possible illegal purchase, repair and sale of cars

He identified a specific person whom he suspected was involved in a potentially illegal auto business. The Kaunas resident does not hide that he decided to take this step after learning about the peculiarities of the former business partner’s activity.

MS suspects that the former partner operates without a business license and is not registered as a sole proprietor.

The Kaunas resident told authorities that his former business partner A.Š. The buyers of some of the imported cars refer to companies indirectly controlled by them and enter a lower price on the car purchase and sale invoices than they actually pay, in order to reduce import duties and taxes. According to MS, the money transfer is likely to be disregarded in the company’s accounting activities.

Designated law enforcement

MS says it has not only reached out to financial crime and wrongdoing investigation institutions. A Kaunas resident also feels cheated by a former business partner. He allegedly filed a lawsuit against the non-transferable debt maliciously and the dismantled car.

Although officials have refused to open a pre-trial investigation, the man has no intention of calming down and promises to appeal the decision. The officials’ reason for not initiating a pretrial investigation is that former business partners must interpret the relationship in a civilized manner.

“In total, I lent him 94 thousand euros. He gave a piece, but he still owed 40 thousand euros. I was shocked when I came to pick up the car and found it without an engine,” said MS.

MS claims the Honda CR-V just needed to be repainted, but all kinds of repairs were devised to inflate the bill. (Personal file photo)

WHAT. the debt is not recognized. Not exactly that, he also addressed the police, saying that a business associate had beaten him up and wanted to hijack the cars parked at the repair shop.

Both men’s statements reached the police on June 10 last year. MS applied tired of waiting for the outstanding debt, and A.Š. he complained of beatings and attempts to impound vehicles. The two start their communication and business in 2016. in the fall.

Did you act criminally?

According to MS, 2016. in autumn A.Š. He offered to do business together: buy damaged cars at American auctions, repair them, and sell them. WHAT. he had no money, so he took out a loan.

“The amount loaned more than once reached 94 thousand euros. With that money, cars were not only bought in the United States, but also to set up workshops and pay salaries. In a word, it was the working capital he used, ”said MS.

2018 in the summer of 2006 decided to terminate its cooperation with A.Š. because, as he says, he was not satisfied with the activities of his company.

“I refused to work so informally, I called to start a company, but he did not agree. There is a whole system of car transport from the United States. I call it a criminal. Everything goes there until customs, but they do it so difficult that then it is difficult to prove who brought the car, who bought it and for what amount, “said MS.

According to MS, he has always done everything officially because he grew up as an entrepreneur in Sweden, where the law is viewed with great responsibility. “In Sweden, a completely different mentality, a completely different level of trust. A.Š.’s offer to do something was the first in Lithuania. The offer seemed good: I invest the money and then get it back with interest. Now I understand that Lithuania is not Sweden, which here is seen more like a hoax rather than a good thing to do, “shared MS.

Found without motor

MS calculates that A.Š. owed 40 thousand. and a Honda CR-V worth 18.5 thousand euros. euros.

There are still 40 thousand in debt. euros. I was surprised when I came to pick up the car and found it without an engine.

“I have a contract that had to transport and repair three cars. I have a signed promissory note for the amount of 10,000 euros,” confirmed MS.

The history of the Honda CR-V is extraordinary. MS says that A.Š. They offered to fix the car. “He said that after the repairs he would sell it and the proceeds would be deducted from the debt,” MS said.

This car, like others that are still in the heyday of the men’s business, was bought in the United States. The vehicle burned down, so it had to be repainted and other repairs were not major.

MS assures that the first one was cheated and that the car is still dismantled at A.Š. According to MS, he fulfilled the agreement: he bought a car, paid for parts, repairs, and when he decided to return it, he was blackmailed into turning over all the debit notes. “Eventually the car was dismantled, the engine was removed and he said, either he would give away the debit notes or you would not see the car,” MS wondered.

Seeing that the engine had disappeared from the car at the service station, the Kaunas resident turned to the police. (Personal file photo)

Hanging invoice

WHAT. he does not defend himself by borrowing MS 10 thousand. and signed a promissory note. Accepting that for that money A.Š. you will buy cars in the US, repair, sell and return money.

“The money is returned to him, but he does not give the debit note and he blackmails”, A.Š.

After mentioning a dismantled car without an engine, A.Š. presented his version. He said he paid for the repairs and parts himself.

“We put all the money in that car and MS doesn’t want to pay for the repairs,” A.Š. spouse. Auto repair jobs, details are said to have been removed by about 8 thousand. euros. WHAT. confirmed the MS saying, “Return the bills, pay for the car repair and then pick it up.”

However, events have taken a completely different direction. MS and three other men reportedly came to the workshop and demanded to sign a receipt. It is because of this fact that A.Š. and appealed to the police.

The man assured that the MS Honda CR-V has been semi-repaired in his workshop, that the police have ordered him to guard, that he is guarding.

Did the victim pretend?

WHAT. it also teaches 10,000. the history of the return of the euro. It was a situation where MS took a long time in Sweden. At that time, six cars that he had bought in the United States were in customs. Since the machines were purchased from A.Š. codes, and MS assured that it did not have money to pay 1.5 thousand. tax in euros per car. WHAT. He consoled that he had to mortgage the shop and clean the cars for the money he received.

The cars mentioned A.Š. ensures repaired for your money. The two men then shared three cars and MS canceled $ 10,000 for the three cars. EUR A.Š. debt without just paying the bill.

WHAT. does not recognize that 94 thousand. The amount of euros is your borrowed money. It is said that in the two years since 2016 it has been spent on cars, repairs and other expenses.

He claims that MS himself bought cars at US auctions and transported them for repair. It is true that the cars to be purchased were selected by A.Š., for which the codes required in the auctions were used on his behalf. Later he allegedly passed the codes to MS, who performed other formalities.

Personal file photo
