The Bishop of Panevėžys addressed the rulers and followers: a painful hour broke out


He appealed to his Facebook followers and told them that “I will not stop thanking God for our Nation!”

“What a wonderful spirit God has given us! I admire infinitely: our nation has always astonished the world with its brave struggles against the Crusaders, against the brutality of Tsarism and Bolshevism. Our Nation has always defended Freedom.

But now a painful hour has exploded: the old heart of the bishop cries for a terrible threat to the Nation.

My people, what have you sinned so that now your own people want to destroy you? Governors, I appeal to you: if you destroy the Family, you will also destroy Lithuania.

Dear Lithuanians, I feel your thoughts with all my heart. Your voice is alive in my spirit. You proclaim, you shout: “The time has come to defend the Family, to defend the future of Lithuania, its survival. Only together will we defend what is precious to us! ”, Assured the priest.

Kauneckas asked his followers that “there are no threats that the Great Family Defense March is being organized by hostile foreign forces.”

You are convinced that these own translators want to ruin Mars. And you cry out with tears: “We will not give up, no one will scare us, no one will stop us, we will defend the Family, we will defend with all our might.” No one can stop a true Lithuanian. “

Now you need to defend yourself, as against the most terrifying enemy. That is why, in that March, you got up to fight for the Family, for what was always the most precious thing for a Lithuanian.

The uprisings, the struggles against the occupiers were accompanied by prayer. For this reason, this march is accompanied by prayer: we, the bishops of Lithuania, invite everyone to the bridge of prayer for the Family ”, said the clergyman.

He also recalled that on May 15, the day of monthly indulgences, he would pray in Krekenava to the restored 612-year-old miraculous painting of the Virgin Mary.

After all, Maria has always blessed Lithuanian struggles. I will pray to bless Mars with tears in the lyrics of Maironis’s song: “Maria, Maria <...>, save from the terrible enemy <...>“You will abstain from the highest of the highest of men.”

Listen, good people of Lithuania, listen: Mary is really a blessing. And I, Bishop Jonas Kauneckas, bless the march. I bless you all. “

The Church Hierarchs will not participate in the Great March for the Defense of the Family

The archbishops of Vilnius and Kaunas do not intend to participate on May 15. We plan to organize the “Great March for the Defense of the Family” in Vingis Park. According to the organizers of the protest action, the Family Movement, the event is expected to attract 5 to 7 thousand people. people.

The statement from the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference notes that the Church will continue to do everything possible to ensure that our families remain safe and can live unhindered in response to their vocation.

“Not only the family institution in general, but also each individual family is important to the Church, because the well-being of the family is one of the central tasks of the mission of the Church and the essential objectives not only for the Church but for the society as a whole. Family is a prerequisite for a harmonious and happy society.

By promoting family values ​​and protecting the family institute, we foster cooperation between members of society that will allow our families to be cared for and create conditions for their well-being without the use of hate speech or innuendo of any form of violence. physical or psychological. To achieve the well-being of the family, let us recognize that despite different beliefs or points of view, the relationship of each member of society with the other must be based on mutual respect and love for loved ones ”, the LVK report . read.

Organizer: Orlauskas said what every second Lithuanian thinks

The March for the Defense of the Family, which will take place on May 15 in Vilnius, Vingis Park, is already awakening passions in the public space. Its organizers are criticized for hate speech, planned demonstrations during the pandemic or homophobic attitudes. What are the organizers of the family defense march aiming at, what is it aimed at and why has the event aroused so much passion in public space?

Arvydas Daunys, the initiator of the family movement, assured that the issue is obvious to people interested in these issues.

“Parents can no longer choose how to raise their children. Kindergartens teach worrying things. I would not like to delve into all these things now, there was information in the media about all the love of the prince and the prince. There are no cases here unique ”, stated A. Daunys on the radio news program“ Question of the Day ”.

When asked what this Family Defense March is fighting against, A. Daunys began to name the most important issues.

“Istanbul Convention, Law of Associations. This is a prelude to the gay marriage institute. The chairman of the Human Rights Committee, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, also spoke publicly about this. They keep going until they start to stop, they don’t stop by themselves, we see it and we know it, “he explained.

A. Daunys assured that Lithuania has its own traditions and on the basis, according to him, laws should be drawn up.

“Society is changing naturally, but not through laws driven by force or coercion,” he said.

In the social space, the comments of the comedian Artūras Orlauskas about the planning of this rally received a lot of attention, he was even accused of using hate speech. He promised to “end the oil in the Seimas” and spoke about the possible siege of parliament if his demands and positions are not heard.

A. Daunys claimed that A. Orlauskas’s statements were only emotions. He explained that words were simply spoken that turned many minds.

“It just came to our attention then. (…) Let’s be right, he said what every second Lithuanian thinks. Because the members of the Seimas spit on us twice a day, “he said.

The initiator of the family movement stated that A. Orlauskas is simply “more open”, and others are simply silent.

The event organizers expect about 7,000 people to participate in the rally. In early April, the Vilnius City Municipality issued a permit for such a protest.

The listener of the radio news program “Question of the day” explained that it is necessary to think carefully if pragmatism and the desire to take power are behind the whole event.

Lauryna Vireliūnaitė, a journalist for the news portal, stated on the show that it is more of an event of hatred and quarantine fatigue.

There is also talk of a concert hall

Delphi has already written that the Family Movement writes on its website that the march is being organized due to “aggressive sexist propaganda carried out by methods of ideological warfare and the laws are drawn up by the ruling majority, which are contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania approved by referendum ”.

The event organizers themselves announced on April 8 that permission had been obtained to organize this protest.

The automobile column is promised to move from Klaipeda to Vilnius, with participants from other regions joining along the way, all gathering for “the myth of all Lithuanian unity and protest in Vingis Park.”

The organizers of the march announced that after the participation of the participants from all the districts, “in the section of the march from Kaunas to Vilnius it is possible to recharge the road, so we ask for seriousness and concentration. Let’s be friendly with the other participants and tolerant with the officials, since they are part of our nation. We believe that the number of cars in this section could reach 700-2000 (passenger cars). “

The organizers also mention the “protest action concert hall” in the protest rules.

Delphi recalls that the government eased quarantine conditions last week. As of this Monday, events with a maximum of 150 spectators will be allowed in accordance with the established requirements.

Events can be organized indoors when it is no more than 30% full. all seats, ensuring the electronic distribution of tickets and / or the registration of spectators to wear masks for spectators over 6 years of age, as well as other conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level.

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