The birth of Kaunas turned into a nightmare: the painful words of the midwives tore the heart


Late on Monday night, Agnė reached the news portal (the publisher’s name is known to the publisher) a letter in which a woman recounts her birth experience at Kaunas Christian Maternity Hospital. Agnė has been visiting this medical institution since the beginning of her pregnancy and says that the experience at that time was the best, so she decided to give birth here.

The woman did not expect the situation to change drastically when it was time for her daughter to see the world. According to the woman, the doctor, who had been kind and compassionate until then, became sarcastic and abusive at the most difficult moment, and after the delivery did not go smoothly, she left her mother with her husband in the room and continued. asking if the woman “promises to give birth”.

The daughter was in no hurry to be born

After reading an article about a childbirth that tragically ended when my parents lost a child, I was very excited, but I was even more excited and shocked to learn that the delivery took place in the same institution, in the presence of the same doctors. that he didn’t kill me or my daughter. I feel compelled to share my experience on behalf of the safety of future parents and children, no matter how difficult it is to go back to the memories related to the delivery, which took place in February 2020 in Kaunas, Christian Maternity Hospital ”, it begins Agnė. the history.

According to the woman the pregnancy was very smooth and easy, the 9 months she visited the Kaunas Christian Maternity Hospital where everyone was extremely nice and helpful so she decided to give birth here.

“My daughter wasn’t in a hurry, so a week after the deadline I was a bit worried, especially when I was informed during the last ultrasound that the baby weighed more than 4 kilograms. However, 8 days after the deadline, the doctor decided to ascend and on the decided date I came to give birth together with my husband. She was calm and ready, gathering information through lectures and books, so she hoped to give birth to a daughter through natural paths.

The incentives were given early in the morning and little by little I began to feel active. The contractions grew fast enough, I tried to move and wanted to use the aids shown during the lectures: belts and balls, which makes the contractions easier to bear, but to my surprise we were asked to leave those rooms.

I tried to go as long as possible without epidural anesthesia, but every time the midwives came to check on the situation, I got ridiculous comments that it is better for the “sensitive” to have an epidural, because, well? He asks rhetorically. .


5 hour run in utero

Agnė and her husband’s daughter were not in a hurry yet; When the waters did not flow naturally, the doctors decided to cut them off and perhaps encourage labor.

“After this process, I received scathing comments about the ‘sensitive’ again, after all I was wondering if most mothers go through all these stages with a smile on their face and joy. Well, I didn’t delve too deep at the time, it was just very awkward and a bit anxious, as the smiling and helpful faces that were seen over the 9 months had simply gotten angry, full of sarcasm and insult.

It had been about 12 hours since the early morning when I could no longer relieve the pain and requested an epidural anesthesia. The time left until the neck was fully open was actually lighter and with the joy of checking and hearing about the fully open neck, she was ready to move into the uterus.

The effects of the epidural anesthesia gradually subsided and when I reached the uterus I began to feel intense pain, quite constant, unlike contractions which are “intermittent”. The man was always by my side and I tried to land on him to prevent the baby from landing any faster. The pains were difficult to lift and complete, I really did not understand when those limbs and when only the pain.

For an hour the midwife yelled at me to bend over, to move, but the pain was so severe that I was barely holding it on my feet, it was not like the stories told by loved ones from the birthplace, or the teachings I heard. during conferences. Then began a 5-hour run in the maternity ward that I will never forget, and a doctor’s eye that openly humiliated and taunted me squarely in the eye.

They put me to bed, sowed, built, abundant green waters began to flow, and the pain tormented me unbearably. For me, the doctor with the midwife screamed to push, even though I didn’t feel the push at all and tried to tell them what they didn’t hear at all and just made fun of who it was through my mom who couldn’t ‘Give a birth to a baby. They left after half an hour with the comments “tell me when do you want to give birth” leaving me screaming and begging to do something, I felt that something really was not as if I did not even feel the baby on the roads “, the woman remembers the ordeal.

The man raised the ultimatum

Along with Agne, the man involved in the delivery kept encouraging her, encouraging her, but the pain she felt was so severe that she was only begging to be saved.

“I was constantly running through the abundant green waters, I felt like I was losing all my strength. There was also a cleaner in the room, who was also “generous” in his comments. During those 5 hours, the doctor and midwife kept going out and looking around, asking each time if she had already promised to give birth or not.

I prayed to operate because I did not feel any feeling of push, no matter how much I tried to push, nothing happened. I saw that the doctor with the midwife did not promise to take me anything, so I begged the man to do something, to save me because I could no longer.

The man took action, demanding a cesarean section, or called an ambulance and took me to the Kaunas clinics. Then very unhappy he brought the ultrasound machine to check me and then, when my face changed, I only heard that he was operating. At that point, I gathered my last strength and was transferred to the operating room, and I was delighted to see the incredible doctor who had to participate in my operation. I just woke up while I was sewing, ”says the woman.


It could have ended tragically

After the operation, Agnė and her husband learned that the situation was very dangerous, and if a caesarean section had not been performed, both Agnė and her daughter could have died.

“The first comment – the daughter’s head was already very hard, the next is that the clinically narrow bowl, well, and the essential factor – the umbilical cord was so short that after cutting it she could not even take the child out during surgery , and by giving birth naturally, the placenta could have ruptured, then it would have been bleeding and my daughter would have suffocated.

If it weren’t for the strength and perseverance of one man, I believe that our story with a happy ending could have ended as a lost son for a family that was tortured by the same methods of execution that I experienced thanks to this doctor.

How many more impolite and rude comments I will not mention, but they were all the rest of the time I spent in the neighborhood with my husband and daughter. I am only grateful for my daughter, whom I keep healthy and alive, because to this day the memories and nightmares lived in those “homes” haunt me. This was followed by a severe psychological state that seriously affected my daily life and the joy of having my firstborn.

I no longer saw that doctor; anyway, she didn’t come. The doctor is certainly not worthy of the name of doctor and to avoid more sad stories and tragic births, action must be taken, so I decided to share this story which really is not the funniest. The mind is not understood as it is today, and with such advanced medicine, those things continue to happen, ”Agnė concludes.

Such events are rare

When the news portal contacts the Kaunas Christian Maternity Hospital, its director, Virgilijus Rudzinskas, regrets the complaints and misunderstandings, but adds that they can be unavoidable in any area.

“The name of Christian motherhood has recently been cited in the media as a result of a tragic event, the real causes of which we will learn after a thorough and objective investigation by specialists. We sympathize with people who have suffered losses. We are also sorry if there are any complaints or misunderstandings. Perhaps they are unavoidable as in any environment where there is a lot of interpersonal communication, and especially in matters as sensitive and important as childbirth.

However, these are very rare cases in our institution. I would like to draw attention to the fact that during the pandemic, when the birth rate in the country decreased, the number of mothers in our country increased by more than one tenth, one in four families comes to us from other cities and regions ”. Virgilijus Rudzinskas, head of the maternity home, wrote in a reply.

Women want to be able to choose a cesarean section

The news portal recalls that he recently wrote about the fact that as an alternative to natural childbirth, women who want to opt for a cesarean section turn to the Ministry of Health (SAM) to facilitate a procedure for it. Doctors agree that regulation is necessary, although they do not support the desire to choose the method of delivery for the woman herself. Attorneys say the ministry is simply delaying the process in this case. You can read more about it here.
