The bank was humiliated: a disabled mother wanted to open an account, but her shaking hand did not suit her


Milda, who wrote to Delfi (her real name is known to the editorial board), says that there have been several problems with the banks, but the latest experience at Swedbank has shocked her.

In a letter sent, he says he has an 85-year-old mother who is disabled. He barely walks away and can no longer let in the postman, who brings him his pension every month.

“We live in our own house, so my mother can no longer go that distance. I went to see the old woman in town and we agreed to take her home and she would confirm a power of attorney that allowed me to collect my mother’s pension at the office. post office every month. I have that power of attorney! But I soon realized that the queues at the post office were long, the elderly were angry, waiting for their money, so I applied to the bank to open an account in my name mother, I thought I would take the money as soon as I had time, ”says the woman.

He claimed that he had submitted an application to the Swedbank branch located in the Savas Mall in Kaunas. But opening an account for Mom here was not easy.

“It turns out that to open an account, I have to bring my mom. The elder’s authorization to manage the mother’s pension money is not adequate, he had to turn around and leave. But it is almost necessary to carry it ”, sighed the woman.

However, he decided to solve the problem: he got ready again, checked in, and on the specified day he put his mother in the car and took her to the bank.

Swedbank rejects currency exchange services

Swedbank rejects currency exchange services

“The esteemed bank employee looked lopsided and immediately said he would open an account. if the mother can sign legibly. Only here it is not about the signature, it turns out that you need to write well two of your names, surname and signature. I say that I will write those commanders and last name, and my mother will only be able to sign, after all, she sees her mother and her mother agrees, and finally we have the power. That is not because of the bank, but still confirm that there is no deception ”, says Milda.

He explained that his mother’s joints are twisted from old age, her fingers are shaking, she can no longer write names beautifully and legibly. The bank clerk gave him the brochure to try, but he failed.

“Suddenly I hear: illiterate, there will be nothing. I nearly fell off my chair! What does that mean? I ask. She responds like a nightmare that she won’t open accounts because her mom doesn’t write the way she needs to. But here it is not a business account, you see a man in front of you, because your daughter is sitting next to her with her documents and power of attorney, but those banking rules appear ”, the woman is surprised.

She says she is not mad at the bank.

“A good bank employee told me to go to a notary. Yes, it is necessary to go to a notary prior to agreement, so that day is no longer the right one. And by entering the house the notary loots the money and, you know, nothing small. Is it even difficult for an ordinary person to understand what that notary must certify? That my mom is my mom. What can open a bank account for you? Milda didn’t understand.

Milda assures her mother that she agrees and makes the pension available. However, Milda did not return to the bank later.

“You know, I’m very offended. I started to shake my hand, thinking that I definitely would not go. Something terrible. And when I said illiterate, there would be nothing, I just fell out of the chair. I no longer requested anything, I left and we are trying to to collect a pension with my husband, but it is not convenient. The man is now retired, if he has no urgency, he tries to always stay at home that day to open the door and the postman to bring his pension. Well, you know, we are not yet old people, we still have businesses, and because of that pension, one day or another we have to sit at home, ”says Milda.

She is convinced that the bank could do a better job serving customers: “I’m sorry for ourselves. They come here not to help us, you know, but only for what is good for them. Whoever gives them orders from a grandmother, if he will use a credit card, he will probably accumulate a pension, and she does not want them. He was very hurt. “

Swedbank – Sometimes a resident has little understanding of their actions, representation is only possible with the approval of a notary

Delfi has relayed the status of a Swedbank resident, but the bank does not have the right to comment publicly on specific customer cases due to personal data protection and bank secrecy requirements.

The bank emphasized that consent to disclose the details of the relationship with the bank must be granted by the client himself and not by his relatives.

“Commenting in general, it can be said that opening an account for clients who cannot sign is not a problem. There are special arrangements for this, and such cases do occur. However, based on the experience with this type of client, we can say that there are also cases in which the client cannot explain what services they want, cannot indicate for what purpose the account is opened. This creates preconditions for believing that the client misunderstands their actions, ”Swedbank explained.

The bank was humiliated: a disabled mother wanted to open an account, but her shaking hand did not suit her

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The Civil Code stipulates that the representation of clients who are natural persons in relations with any legal entity is only possible with a power of attorney, the bank added.

“We inform clients accompanying people with physical disabilities about the possibility of obtaining a power of attorney to represent that person,” the comment reads.

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