The ban on smoking on balconies is becoming a reality: in Vilnius alone, it has already entered into force in almost 300 apartment buildings


The amendment to the Tobacco, Tobacco Products and Related Products Control Act, which introduced additional bans and restrictions on smoking in apartment buildings, went into effect on January 1 of this year.

I already receive notifications

A month passed and at least Vilnius residents began receiving messages from their apartment management companies with the following content:

“We want to inform you that according to the request of the neighbor and in accordance with the order of the municipality, it is forbidden to smoke on the balconies, terraces and loggias of your house.”

Residents of an apartment building on Viršuliškių Street were informed in this way and the message was sent by the Mano Būstas company.

We inform you that according to the resident’s request and in accordance with the municipal order, smoking is prohibited on the balconies, terraces and loggias of your home.

The representative of the latter is Paulius Ugianskis 15 minutes He said that so far it has not been possible to send these types of messages en masse – the company has received only about 10 requests from the municipality to inform the population about the ban on smoking on balconies, terraces or loggias.

However, according to the company representative, this is just the beginning: When the process accelerates, smoking bans on balconies are likely to go into effect in most apartment buildings.

About 400 objections were received

Adomas Bužinskas, deputy director of the Vilnius municipal administration, says that since the New Year, the municipality has received around 380 objections to the smoking ban and around 50 more inquiries on the matter.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Adam Bužinskas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Adam Bužinskas

“Managing Director Povilas Poderskis has already made the decision to ban smoking in 270 apartment buildings. Decisions are not made at the same time and will come into effect at different times in different apartment buildings. The first order of its kind for 28 apartment buildings apartments will take effect from 2021. February 5 Subsequent bans on other apartment buildings will take effect later.

I want to emphasize that until the ban goes into effect, individuals cannot complain to others (neighbors) for violating the ban and smokers cannot be punished. It is important that only those who have declared their place of residence in that apartment building can file complaints. We can receive the first complaints only after February 5. “

The managing director has already made the decision to ban smoking in 270 apartment buildings. The first such order for 28 apartment buildings will go into effect on February 5.

Home managers should inform residents that smoking is prohibited in their home by posting information on bulletin boards, devices, if managers have them, and people use them.

It is also important to emphasize that the day the ban goes into effect, the administrator will still have to install and smoke bans in a particular apartment building, but in any case the order of the administrative director is a normative legal act that is published in the Registration of Legislation, disseminated information, installed prohibition signs or not ”, explained A. Bužinskas.

You can check if your apartment is between the non-smoking balconies Here.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Smoking on the balcony

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Smoking on the balcony

The name of the smoker is required

The amendment to the law, which came into effect on January 1, stipulates that smoking is now prohibited not only in all educational and health institutions and their territories, indoor workplaces, public transportation, restaurants, cafes and bars. , covered stops, outdoor sports competitions, but also “on the balconies, terraces, loggias of apartment houses, owned by individual owners, when at least one resident of the house objects to smoking.”

The Vilnius Municipality states that “according to the description approved by the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, a resident of an apartment building may object to smoking on the balconies, terraces and loggias of the apartment building owned by individual owners.”

People who do not comply with the smoking ban can receive a warning or a fine of between 20 and 90 euros.

Upon receiving such an objection, the director of the municipal administration shall, by order, prohibit smoking in the apartment building.

If a resident who will live but has not declared a place of residence in a particular apartment building objects, the smoking ban will be lifted after 6 months if that person does not declare their place of residence in that house within six months .

People who do not comply with the smoking ban can receive a warning or a fine of between 20 and 90 euros.

Violators can only be reported by residents of that house who have declared their place of residence here.

The complaint must be accompanied by data confirming the fact and circumstances of smoking on the balcony, terrace, loggia of the apartment building.

The law stipulates that it is necessary to indicate the data of the person who smoked: name, surname and address of residence.

If you don’t know your neighbors and can’t provide that data, but you tend to complain, think again.

You may face a higher fine than those who smoke in a prohibited area: 30 to 120 euros.
