The authorities will lock up their compatriots at home during the holidays: there will be no parties in villages or hotels Business


The special meeting on Monday not only extended the universal quarantine until the end of the year, but also adopted a number of other bans. For example, it has been decided to prohibit the rental of accommodation for private events, celebrations or other gatherings.

Apsinakvoti leis

According to SAM, this prohibition applies to all persons (both natural and legal) who provide accommodation and who rent premises for holidays. Ministry commenting 15 minutes he did not distinguish whether this applies to both hotels and farms or not.

When asked which specific premises cannot be rented, the following response was received: “accommodation premises”.

According to SAM specialists, the goal is to prevent the spread of the virus through private events, celebrations and other gatherings.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ministry of Health

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ministry of Health

It is true that it is emphasized that hosting services are not prohibited.

It is stated that hosting services can be provided in various cases:

  • accommodation for a maximum of 2 people per room, except for family members (children (adopted) of the spouse or the person with whom the registered partnership contract has been concluded, including the minor children of the person and their spouse or person with whom the registered partnership contract has been signed (adoptive parents, guardians);
  • in common areas, ensuring the use of masks for all people and maintaining a distance of at least 2 meters between people or groups of people (up to 2 people or family members);
  • ensure the other conditions established by the Emergency Operations Manual at the state level for the management of the flow of people, respect for the safety distance, the conditions necessary for the safety of public health, hygiene and provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment.

“Accommodation services are not prohibited. The rental, subletting or loan of premises for the purpose of organizing a private event, celebration or other gathering is prohibited.” 15 minutes SAM specialists highlighted.

The requirement is illogical

On Monday, such a ban brought a smile from Agnė Vaitkuvienė, the director of the Rural Tourism Association. She called such a claim illogical.

“The government allows two families to meet up and they can no longer rent a house or a cottage. Of course, we do not judge in any way because there is no logic in it. Whether those families meet at home or in a rented house will not change your health or your chances of getting infected, “he said.

According to A.Vaitkuvienė, even before this restriction, the owners intended to rent the farms to a single family.

Luke April / 15min photo / Homestead

Luke April / 15min photo / Homestead

Hotels sighed

Meanwhile, the hotels, frightened by the vague wording of the ruling, asked SAM to send an explanation of it. Lithuanian Association of Hotels and Restaurants shared with 15 minutes response from Ministry specialists.

“This provision should be applied in cases where the accommodation provider rents its premises for various events, celebrations, such as the rental of rural tourism homes for weddings, birthdays or New Years.

This prohibition does not cover the possibility of having a safe dinner in a hotel room for 2 people, within the limit of two families. This prohibition does not mean that people who currently live in accommodation establishments (hotels, etc.) cannot receive catering services (breakfast, lunch) in the room ”, – according to the explanation received by the LVRA, which was provided by the association. 15 minutes.

President of the LVRA Evalda Šiškauskienė 15 minutes He argued that such an interpretation reassured hotels that they could still provide accommodation for two people and families.

“They wanted to protect themselves from the big events at the rural tourism farms, but when they wrote, nothing was impossible to understand. But hoteliers see how many people walk into the room and they will definitely never let it be a youngster in big companies. Nobody wants the hassle because you only need one case to ring. The business is very careful, and you still have to go through the reception, you can’t think of it, “she is convinced.

Photo by Lukas Balandi / 15min / Evalda Šiškauskienė

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Evalda Šiškauskienė

15 minutes remember that in early December, compatriots actively looked for where to spend their holidays. There were many ads on social media asking people to rent houses for groups of 8 to 20 people during the holiday period and families looting apartments on the beach.

READ MORE: Compatriots will not sit at home during the holidays: they look for estates for big companies, they will travel to resorts

It will be difficult to verify, but you will observe

Vilius Vaičekauskas, director of the hotel group of the real estate development company Darnu Group, which includes the capitals Artagonist and Urbihop, believes that all actions for everyone’s health are positive.

Luke April / 15min photo / Hotel Artagonist

Luke April / 15min photo / Hotel Artagonist

In addition, he pointed out that they do not organize events in hotels, nor do they allow more than 2 people to stay, except family members, which would make it difficult to organize a party.

“Our staff also monitor guest flows to ensure compliance,” he explained.

True, V.Vaičekauskas admits that if two couples rent a room and spend the night in one, it will be difficult to verify.

“But if there is a suspicion that there are more people in the room than registered, we have the right to inform the guests about the applicable restrictions. So far, there have been no guests who have abused our hospitality, especially since the room is now occupied by one person at a time. “More and more guests are choosing the hotel to change the usual home environment,” said the interlocutor.

Darnu Group / Photo by Rytis Šeškaitis / Vilius Vaičekauskas

Darnu Group / Photo by Rytis Šeškaitis / Vilius Vaičekauskas

Hallway security will not be built

Kai Schukowski, General Manager of the Grand Hotel Kempinski Vilnius 15 minutes He assured that the hotel had not held major events since the announcement of the second quarantine. He also noted that even since the hotel opened after the first quarantine, the revenue share from events has been very small.

“Clearly, we are very sad to see from a business perspective that solutions are being adjusted for business in such difficult times. But of course we watch and monitor the situation, we see growing numbers that are concerning and we really understand why it is being done. doing this, ”he said.

Luke April / 15min photo / Hotel Kempinski

Luke April / 15min photo / Hotel Kempinski

Schukowski also admitted that there is some truth to the saying that he will not stand next to the caretaker in every room. Although it ensures that all requirements are taken very seriously.

“We will not put the police or other security guards in the hallways and we will not see who enters the room and who does not.” This requires responsibility from both companies and individuals. On the business side, we will definitely do our best to meet the new requirements. ” 15 minutes spoke the interlocutor.

“Kempinski” nuotr./Kai Schukowskis

Strict quarantine

15 minutes recalls that the outgoing government held an extraordinary meeting on Monday on the tightening of quarantines.

It was decided by consensus to extend the quarantine until the new year, new restrictions have been introduced in supermarkets, it is recommended not to take children to kindergartens if teleworking is possible for parents, and it is proposed to take a leave after the start. It is forbidden to gather more than two people in public if they are not members of the family. However, it is not forbidden to meet two families at home.

READ MORE: Government imposes new quarantine restrictions: stricter and extended rules until New Year
