The Astrava nuclear power plant is about to be launched without a reservation: a bomb or an exaggerated fear? The | Deal


Lithuanian law prohibits the use of the Kruonis Hydraulic Accumulation Power Plant to balance the Astravas Nuclear Power Plant. It is true that Belarusians still hope to use it against the will of Lithuania.

Already alarming the Belarusian energy sector

After the start of the operation of the Astrava nuclear power plant, the entire energy system of Belarus will change, and the most important tests will be carried out in the first months.

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

Vladimir Bobrov, Deputy Director and Chief Engineer of the state-owned company Belenergo, spoke about this in the publication “Belarusian Energy”. He did not hide the fact that it is still unclear where electricity will be needed at night: Belarus has no balance reserves, the networks to Russia are too weak, and the Baltic countries promise to disconnect.

Vladimir Bobrov

Vladimir Bobrov

“The most difficult period is when the first unit is turned on,” said V. Bobrov, the chief engineer at Belenergo, which controls the entire Belarusian electrical system.

It is true that the Belarusian supreme government expects the Astrava electricity released to the system to still “use” the Kruonis power plant, as this will be determined by physical laws and not by laws or policies.

Nikolai Ulasevich, a well-known Belarusian public figure who lives in Astrava 15 minutes Said executing the first block when there is no balance reserve is very dangerous. “In my opinion, it is not possible to do it in any way, because it is a criminal offense; everything can end in an accident or in great economic losses,” said N. Ulasevičius.

Nikolajus Ulasevičius

Nikolajus Ulasevičius

Supports – failed to build

According to Belenergo’s chief engineer, V. Bobrov, “to avoid an emergency situation, this regime must be maintained using the reserve of the entire Belarusian electricity system.” This will be the great challenge. He said attempts are now being made to integrate the Astrava nuclear power plant into the overall electrical system, leading to the construction of backup power plants to help balance the system during peak hours. However, construction is delayed.

“Objectively speaking, we see that the construction of this capacity has already been delayed: the first unit of the nuclear power plant, as well as the second, according to forecasts, will be put into service before the reserve is connected,” he admitted.

N. Ulasevičius, having repeatedly been penalized for his critical approach to the Astrava nuclear power plant, noted that the commissioning of the nuclear power plant in the absence of a reserve that would balance electricity capacity is adventurous. “But I hope that common sense prevails and that the power plant doesn’t start without a reservation. In general, I hope it will never be published, “expected the public figure.

D.Virbickas: “it is energy vandalism”

Belarus has officially applied for permission from the Lithuanian authorities to use the Kruonis Accumulation Hydroelectric Power Plant to balance flows. Lithuania has not granted such a permit, and it is also prohibited by a recently adopted law. However, it is possible for Belarusians to use the Kruonis power station and without request: the power system of Lithuania and Belarus is still in the BRELL ring, therefore no one will physically stop the flow of electricity from Astrava.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Daivis Virbickas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Daivis Virbickas

Lithuanian electricity operator Litgrid recently addressed Belarus with a question about how they intend to balance the system, but received no response. To the head of energy operator Litgrid D. Virbickas, this situation seems similar to “energy vandalism”.

“With regard to reservations, with respect to Kruonis, we have sent them several times in writing, both together with the Baltic States, and separately, that there will be no point in the Kruonis reservation, everything, the law has been passed. We asked: where do you get that reserve? That’s not the exact answer we have today. And if it happened that the Astravas power plant would go live and they wouldn’t have a reserve, then that energy vandalism would be called, even at the state level “Said D.Virbickas.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Kruonis Hydro Accumulation Power Plant

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Kruonis Hydro Accumulation Power Plant

Academic: “it is not necessary to be so dramatized”

There are others in Lithuania who think otherwise. The situation of the Belarusians is reminiscent of former academic Jurgis Vilemas, a former academic known in the past, from the Ignalina nuclear power plant several decades ago.

“So we didn’t have a place to put electricity, we sold it to Belarusians.” It is now that they will sell excess electricity to the Russians with whom they have to connect. They may not need a crown, “said J. Vilemas.

Photo of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences / Jurgis Vilemas

Photo of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences / Jurgis Vilemas

It is true that Russia still does not seem interested in Belarusian electricity, but the symbolic price, according to J. Vilemas, may attract Russians. Still, the academic does not dramatize the fact that a nuclear power plant will begin operating without reservation.

“This will not happen this year, because now we will only test the power plant, it will take a long time here,” the expert reasoned. Belarusians, he believes, could shut down thermal plants that now burn Russian gas and therefore use their electricity. True, as will be the case when the second unit is launched, Willem did not dare to predict: the Belarusian authorities do not seem to know where to consume electricity.

The objective is to accelerate the connection with the western system.

The only way out is to accelerate Lithuania’s accession to the Western European system, recognize Lithuanian politicians and experts. photo considered the so-called scenario 3a, how the Baltic States could connect to the transmission networks of continental Europe. photo considered the so-called scenario 3a, how the Baltic States could connect to the transmission networks of continental Europe.

Belarus’ secession will also solve Astrava’s electricity supply problem. Former head of the State Atomic Energy Security Inspectorate (VATESI) Saulius Kutas 15 minutes he taught that the energetic vandalism of the Belarusians did not arise now, but much earlier.

Photo by Vladimir Ivanov (Business News) / Saulius Kutas

Photo by Vladimir Ivanov (Business News) / Saulius Kutas

“The vandalism started when he chose a location when he was misinformed about a power plant under construction, and the vandalism continued during construction,” said the former energy engineer. Therefore, he is convinced that the timing of Lithuanian energy must be accelerated.

If the start-up of the Astrava nuclear power plant is delayed and Lithuania’s steps to the West are accelerated, the gap in Belarusian electricity will be further reduced.
