The ambulance was rushed to rescue the first victim of COVID-19 at Ukmergė Hospital: “Why are you transporting bodies here?”


It is probably ironic that the scandalous story that happened during the COVID-19 spike came to light precisely in an attempt to cover it up.

On the fact that the first person in Lithuania to die from COVID-19 did not receive adequate treatment, and died at the entrances to the Ukmergė hospital, recently released by the Solidarumas union, which described a dispute between ambulance workers transporting women and the administration of the Ukmergė Primary Health Care Center (UPSPC).

Even more ironically, the Ukmergė Hospital did not accept a woman who was likely infected with COVID-19. in the same hospital

On March 21, representatives of the Ministry of Health announced the death of a woman of respectable age, who had already been discharged from Ukmergė Hospital on March 19.

Instantly understand

  • On March 20, emergency workers received a report from an 83-year-old critically ill patient. They claim that according to the procedure, the resurrected patients had to be transported to the Ukmergė Hospital, they did so. They informed the patient to the emergency department of the Utena Hospital by telephone.
  • When they arrived at the hospital with the patient, they were not admitted to the medical institution; No one opened the door and did not answer calls. According to the doctor who brought the patient, a member of the hospital’s emergency department said that she would not be admitted and that “the patient could be transported wherever she wanted.”
  • When the patient began to languish, she was resurrected for about half an hour, but her life could not be saved. She was diagnosed with COVID-19 after death.
  • While resuscitating the patient, the paramedic driver filmed everything. Ambulance staff say they recorded the incident so they could later prove how things went.
  • According to the Solidarumas union, a doctor from the Ukmergė Hospital complained to the management of the ambulance staff that the filming was done without consent.
  • On April 22, UPSPC’s chief physician, Gitana Čepienė, issued warnings to two center employees who transported and resuscitated the woman for violating work obligations.
  • The Solidarumas union appealed the warning to the Labor Disputes Commission.
  • A peace treaty was concluded at a meeting of the Labor Disputes Commission. UPSPC is committed to deleting alerts and employees to destroy the video they have.

When the woman began to languish, the ambulance doctors crashed into the windows.

Ukmergė ambulance worker, who, for fear of management’s crackdown, asked not to be identified, 15 minutes He said that the sick woman was being transported to the hospital by two brigades: the first brigade arrived and saw that the patient previously treated at the Ukmergė hospital was complaining of high fever and difficulty in the lungs, so he invited the reinforcement to take her out and take her in an ambulance.

Although she had not yet been diagnosed with COVID-19, an ambulance doctor already suspected that her grandmother might be suffering from coronavirus.

“We saw that the woman was weak; they called her to the reception department to ask if she could be transported. (She said: aut.) Yes, carry. I need to accept, nothing. Everyone ran away, we made a call, nobody let us in.” recalled the interlocutor.

Tomás Markelevičius / 15min photo / Ukmergė hospital

Tomás Markelevičius / 15min photo / Ukmergė hospital

According to him, at first, the doctors thought that the door of the emergency room of the Ukmerg sliding hospital had been broken, it would not have been the first time.

Only later did he realize that no one here was waiting for either an ambulance or a patient with a serious condition.

According to the interlocutor, when they initially agreed to bring the patient, the staff of the Ukmergė Hospital changed their mind quite quickly: it was about 4 kilometers from the old man’s home to the hospital, so the trip was not short.

“It is closed everywhere, there are no people,” he said. – We waited, the woman began to die, we began to scream, towards the windows. Balladoti. But they hid. To get out, open the window, say: Quarantine, such an accident. It is incomprehensible that we carry patients all our lives. “

According to a UPSPC employee, one of the crew members opened the sliding door with his hands, entered the hospital hallway, and the woman was rescued from the car on a stretcher during the resuscitation.

He is convinced that his brigade was doing everything right: an order was posted on the UPSPC bulletin board to transport the resuscitated patients to the Ukmergė Hospital and the lighter ones to the surrounding areas.

Like the horses we work with, it was hell.

“One of the resuscitators came out dressed: all with masks, they will not recognize who they are. A doctor came from afar (and asked: aut.): Why are you transporting corpses here?” – about what kind of “greeting” did he receive from a hospital doctor said.

The interlocutor was unpleasantly surprised that the warnings were given by G.Čepienė, the chief physician of the center, without even speaking to the subordinates.

“She worked as a deputy at the Ukmergė Hospital. Maybe his soul is still there, not for us. She should defend herself, just talk to us, how was she here? Nothing, immediate malice. There were not even conversations or warnings at the same time, lamented the interlocutor. – Like the horses we work – it was hell. Instead of saying thank you … “.

Three resurrected employees

Another UPSPC Employee 15 minutes He did not want to tell what happened at the entrances to the Ukmergė Hospital. But what happened there, he explained in an explanation quoted by the union.

“I made the decision to film the situation after considering the fact that we resuscitated the patient in three, “In order to record the possible hospital violation and possible criminal activities of the employees, it was necessary to demonstrate that we, the GMP employees, fulfilled their duties properly, we acted in a legal, reasonable and diligent manner,” said another doctor who transported the woman to the hospital.

Tomás Markelevičius / 15min photo / Ukmergė hospital

Tomás Markelevičius / 15min photo / Ukmergė hospital

According to her, filming lasted approximately 2-3 minutes, and the patient was still resurrected by three employees at the time, which had no effect on changes in the patient’s condition.

“In my opinion and in other team members, the possible violation of the law caused by the inaction of the employees of the Ukmergė Hospital (refusal to admit a resurrected patient) violated the interests and rights not only of the patient, but also of the entire society “, she is convinced.

Union leader: ambulances called 112

Jolanta Keburienė, President of the Solidarumas Union of Employees of Medical Institutions 15 minutes He said that if the ambulance staff had known that Ukmergė Hospital would not accept them, they could have gone directly to Širvintos and saved a lot of time.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Jolanta Keburienė

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Jolanta Keburienė

“Soviet times are nowhere to be found … If it hadn’t been for that footage, I don’t know who I thought it might be,” he said.

The caller said that out of desperation, paramedics even called the emergency number 112 and asked what to do.

The interlocutor also noted that after the incident, they were so shocked that they would have benefited from the help of a psychologist.

Explain that the express did not perform functions

Find out why ambulance doctors and patients were not admitted to the hospital 15 minutes then it failed. The chief doctor at R.Civilka Hospital did not answer calls or short messages.

“It just came to our attention then you had There are many nuances of all kinds and the express did not perform its functions, and everything, “he commented on this situation to the LNK news.

UPSPC Chief Medical Officer G.Čepienė 15 minutes He said he wants to get answers from all the surveys first.

“No, access to the reception is officially filmed by the hospitals themselves and the complete image is in the preliminary judgment, that is, official, from the cameras.” Those images have not gone anywhere, they are, “they asked if the demand to destroy the video was not an attempt to destroy the evidence, he said.

G.Čepienė emphasized that his position is always that the doctor must first perform his duties.

I think let’s wait for the conclusions, they probably won’t be as sensational as this situation seems to you here.

“And what are your responsibilities? This is your job according to the standard, because of your specialty, right? I can say a lot and I will not expand or comment further. We are also conducting an investigation here in this case: a medical audit and everything else that belongs in the event of such an event, “said the center’s chief.

She emphasized that video from cameras in the hospital’s emergency department shows how things went.

“I am not going to comment, because I was not involved in it, if it is the emotions that did not let me in.” I think we will wait for the conclusions, they will probably not be as sensational as this situation seems to you here, ”he said.

G.Čepienė said he was awaiting the conclusions of the pre-trial investigation.

its 15 minutes Darius Varnas, the director of the administration of the municipality of the Ukmergė district, the owner of the Ukmergė hospital, explained.

But what is this study? Why?

Representative of the Ukmergė police station 15 minutes He said Thursday that the pre-trial investigation had started, but could not say exactly why and what the outcome would be, he suggested contacting the prosecutor.

No research

Prosecutor of the Seventh Division of the Vilnius Gintas Vaičiūnas District Prosecutor’s Office 15 minutes He explained that a pre-trial investigation had been launched to determine the cause of death, but that it has now ended.

“Not because of any action by hospital staff, but simply because of the woman’s death,” he explained.

According to the prosecutor, what happened was the hospital’s internal order, not matters of the Penal Code.

Just like you come to work and someone won’t let you in. So what’s here, a criminal or something?

“Just like you come to work and someone won’t let you in.” Who’s a criminal or something here? “He asked.

G.Vaičiūnas said that the admitted doctors later decided to transport the patient to Vilnius, but they saw that he could not do it because he was dying: the woman had been ill for a long time and was of a respectable age.

“Someone may be scared there, you know, when the first (cases – aut.), Doctors are confused, some give instructions not to let in, others – to let in.” They don’t know themselves: the letter of the letter, so such a situation happened there at that door. And they went into that reception department and she died there, ”he said.

The prosecutor acknowledged that the hospital should have admitted the resuscitated patient, but emphasized that it saw this as an administrative and disciplinary offense and did not see why the Penal Code should explain why a person died.

“Therefore, the investigation was not separated, since it can be seen in the case file that the person has been ill for a long time (…) Family members who were constantly out of breath were interviewed, did not even want to go to the hospital”. The doctors say that, following the will of the patient, they could not transport, but then they explained to the relatives that everything was here, almost death, and then they accepted. Also: coronavirus, everything has just started, confusion, ignorance. The medical personnel arrived without security measures, so they returned, got dressed, took another crew, because there was no one to take that grandmother to. Such was the confusion, everyone acted according to themselves, “said the prosecutor why the investigation was terminated.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ukmergė photo during a relaxed quarantine

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ukmergė photo during a relaxed quarantine

The fact that the pre-trial investigation ended surprised D. Varna, director of the municipal administration of the Ukmergė district. He said he had no information about it and promised to comment on the situation later after clarifying with the police.

Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga said on Wednesday that he knew nothing about the situation in Ukmergė. Thursday 15 minutes He was asked through a representative if he had already been able to investigate further and ask the hospital and UPSPC managers for explanations, but received no response.
