The 5 most common disasters in the home that cause the most damage: experts warn not to make such mistakes


Damaged property

As the whole family spends more time at home, various items are used more frequently, including smart devices or other expensive equipment. Naturally, there are cases when those items are accidentally damaged: they get liquidated, get out of hand, and thousands of pets or children hit them.

“Such losses amount to an average of 180 euros, but there is also much greater damage, for example, there have been cases in which almost 3 thousand people are damaged. Televisions that cost euros. In addition, we note that these types of claims have increased during the quarantine, ”said Mindaugas Balinskas, chief claims officer for the non-life insurance company Compensa Vienna Insurance Group.

To avoid such cases or at least reduce damage, M. Balinskas recommends being more careful: avoid storing liquids near electronic devices and keep expensive items out of the reach of pets or young children.


Not only can we accidentally damage the property in our house, but it can also be attacked. Police reports show that major thefts from various sites in the country’s major cities are committed every other day. Meanwhile, many more such events are recorded on holidays.

The 5 most common disasters in the home that cause the most damage: experts warn not to make such mistakes

According to Tomás Jonaitis, the head of the Project Management Department of the Argus security service, which protects more than 7,000 houses in Lithuania, receives daily calls about possible attacks on property from residents’ homes, and two or three are confirmed. cases.

“Although our customers are protected, we see an increase in intrusion attempts, so we always recommend activating security systems even at home, especially at night. If a house or apartment is protected, malicious people generally avoid such objects. At the same time, I would like to point out that even properties that are safe at first glance can become easy prey for thieves.Occasionally, items like motorcycles weighing 300 kilograms and more or other expensive items are stolen from fenced and gated areas. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the security of the house property before leaving for a longer period of time, “advises T. Jonaitis.


This year, almost 4 thousand people have already emerged in the country. fires, many of which occurred in buildings. Furthermore, even grass fires often spread to residential areas. Statistics show that home fires are primarily caused by careless behavior by people and a messy electrical installation. Therefore, it is worth taking proper care of the fire safety of the house and the condition of the electrical installation.

“To protect ourselves from such disasters, we must first be careful and aware. It is very important that fire detectors are installed in certain areas of the home. Their choice these days is vast, from highly sensitive solutions to wireless and mobile. And that they are more suitable for a particular house will be better advised by specialists, “says the head of the Argus Project Management Department.

Fire in the apartment

Fire in the apartment


A storm, a hurricane, a hurricane, a hurricane are natural disasters that occur in a country and can damage home property. Storm season generally begins when spring is approaching and continues in the warm season, but also occurs during the cold season. According to Compensa Vienna Insurance Group, storms or storms generally break windows, damage ceilings, downspouts, balcony trim and furniture left outside.

Such damage averages around € 400. To avoid them, and most importantly, to protect your health, M. Balinskas advises to stay home and close all windows in case of storm or splinter. If there are lightning strikes during an item, it is advisable not to stand near windows or talk on the phone. It is also recommended to turn off unnecessary appliances. For those who do not have a balcony or glazed terrace, it is worth removing furniture and objects from there, because in strong winds this can all end elsewhere or break the windows of the house.


Another risk to home ownership is flooding. This is especially true for those who live in apartment buildings, as an apartment may enclose a few more below it. According to the head of the claims department, flood cases are recorded every day, and the amount of damage depends largely on how quickly the flow of water was reacted and stopped. The minor damage can amount to several hundred euros and the large damage: several tens or even hundreds of thousands, especially if several apartments or commercial premises were flooded instead of one.

Flooding with loss at home

Flooding with loss at home

To minimize the risk of flooding the house and neighbors, it is worth turning on the water taps before leaving the house, in the bathroom, kitchen and near the washing machine, as well as taking care of a good pipe. Additionally, the home can be equipped with smart water leak detectors that report flooding.

“Knowing the aforementioned risks for home ownership, it is possible to properly assess them and take full care of the protection of the home. Alarms installed in the home can announce an intrusion attempt in a timely manner, smoke detectors can warn of the danger of fire and if there is any damage to the home, the insurance company can cover the losses ”, concludes M. Balinskas.

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