The 38 puppies who survived hell in the breeder of Jonava will not have to return: the court has increased the fine


The court also increased the fine imposed on the woman from 700 to 1,025 euros, according to a statement released on Tuesday.

In January this year, the Jonava Palace of the Kaunas District Court punished A. Perederij for cruel treatment of animals and for failing to submit mandatory pet care and husbandry records.

However, the Court of First Instance ruled not to confiscate the animals, claiming that Mr Perederij had drawn conclusions during the process and had undertaken to provide adequate housing conditions for the animals, found suitable premises and rented containers to keep the animals. dogs and bought mats for the animals. animals.

In addition, it was taken into account that the breeder had not previously been administratively sanctioned, had been registered as an animal breeder for a relatively long time and was engaged in the breeding and care of dogs.

The Jonava Chamber’s decision was appealed to the Kaunas Regional Court by the Jonava Division of the Kaunas State Food and Veterinary Service Department and the representatives of the person who assumed administrative responsibility.

After reopening the examination of the evidence, the appeals court questioned the woman who was brought to administrative responsibility, witnesses and attached additional evidence presented by the parties.

The Kaunas Regional Court argued that A. Perederij had not demonstrated his willingness to properly care for the animals.

Although, as stated in the order under appeal, the AP has been in the business of raising and caring for dogs for a long time, the record confirms that it did so inappropriately and in a manner inconsistent with the principles of animal welfare, and the offender The commitment to improve housing does not change long-term storage conditions, ”the court said.

The Court notes that Mr. Perederij did not plead guilty to cruelty to animals during the trial.

The images are like a horror movie.

The images of the kennel terrified the participants of the raid: the French Bulldog had difficulty walking, did not eat, did not swallow water, had lost weight, had severe bloody diarrhea and had an erect rectum, showing erosion. Another dog of the same breed was frozen, defecated only with blood, had diarrhea and showed signs of dehydration, severe inflammation of bacterial origin. A wound was found on the head of another quadruple, a deformity of the ear was thought to be caused by trauma and inflammation of the eyes.

He had diarrhea and his skin was damaged by constant tearing. The legs of the fourth pet in the kennel, reminiscent of this concentration camp, were swollen, veterinarians noticed a chronic inflammatory process of allergic origin, its ear canals were completely occluded, the cartilage of the ear was deformed, polyps were formed in them and a fistula. it was formed one by one.

Purulent eye inflammation was also detected. A dog died four days after the raid due to acute pneumonia, inflammation of the stomach catarrh, dilated heart, clots in both ventricles and anemia. Animal handlers told the court about the horrible smell, the quadrupeds surrounded by feces, and confirmed other shocking acts of neglect.

While the complaint is being considered, the animals have not been returned to the current breeder A.Perederij – T. Varapnickas announced that their breeder registration number had been revoked after the raid.
