Terrible Flax disease only strikes at 24: no one hires due to body tremors


When Lina was 24 years old, the first symptoms of the disease appeared. The stretch appeared in one leg as if he was riding a bike the entire time. Still, the woman didn’t turn her head too much and hoped that feeling would just go away.

“But then the disease intensified and I started looking for doctors. The 11-year-old doctors found no reason for what I have. The research was very good. The symptoms also appeared later. The whole coordinating apparatus is broken, shaking”, says the woman.

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PHOTO GALLERY. 55-year-old Lina Karnatkienė

I heard a rare diagnosis

The woman says that the most difficult thing is that the disease is seen externally. From 1990 to 2001, the woman visited the best Lithuanian doctors and teachers. Still, all these years, acupuncture was the one that helped the most, but only one of the three acupuncture specialists helped Lina.

“He helped restore movement a little, gait, but at that moment my husband died of cancer and I was left alone with my 14-year-old son. After my husband died, I was scared. Through doctors in completely different fields, I accidentally came across a doctor, a neurologist L. Pačkauskas, who diagnosed juvenile Parkinson’s disease. My case is very rare because it does not progress at all ”, says the woman.

The Lithuanian Parkinson’s Disease Society states that when symptoms of the disease occur in a person under the age of 40, it is defined as early Parkinson’s disease, also called juvenile Parkinson’s disease. About 5 percent. all patients with Parkinson’s disease are under 40 years of age. And in Lithuania, among all people with Parkinson’s disease under the age of 50, there are only between 1 and 2 percent.

Electrical stimulation would help

After diagnosing Parkinson’s disease, the doctor prescribed Lina medications that helped, but eventually they weren’t enough. New involuntary head movements and tremors appeared.

“It just came to our notice then. I tried another stem cell treatment in Germany, but it didn’t help. Dr. Pačkauskas himself retired and I had to find a new doctor.

I did genetic research, but your answers were good and I didn’t find anything. Everything has been done in Lithuania and I need a second opinion on brain stimulation, which I refuse to do in Lithuania. I received a referral to a neurosurgeon for deep brain stimulation, but the doctor refused to do it, ”says the woman.

Lina Karnatkienė, 55

Still, Lina did not give up and found doctors in Germany, where one of the professors told her to come so she could do research and start electrostimulation of the brain.

“This operation is invasive. During stimulation, the electrodes are connected to the brain, here it is not very simple. However, this stimulation can make the tremor go away, ”says the woman.

Receive only subsidy

Lina herself is waiting for the dream to come true, because it is still impossible for a woman to get a job. Employers do not want to accept it not only because of age, but also because of the visually visible disease, tremor. Now Lina herself is forced to live only on the benefits she receives and cannot really afford an $ 8,000 surgery. euros.

“Now I live on an allowance of 200 euros. They deducted € 100 from the benefit because the diagnosis had changed, now written not for Parkinson’s but for a specific group of diseases. I lived with my mother for 5 years, so we both collected our benefits and we survived, and now my mother has been dead for half a year. I was left with only 200 euros and no health. The condition remained stable with prolonged use of the medication, but as a side effect of the medication, involuntary movements occurred that they are visually noticeable, ”says the woman.

One of Lina’s former English teachers has created a fund with which all the money will go towards consulting a woman.

Lina sent documents confirming her diagnosis to the news portal tv3.lt. Those who are willing and able to contribute to Lina’s surgery can do so here.
