Terrible accusations to the hospital: after a fateful decision the child does not walk, does not sit, does not speak, does not see


He couldn’t imagine the gravity of reality.

The couple, who had been planning a baby for a long time and had undergone complicated artificial insemination procedures, lived with a joyous wait for nine months: the pregnancy was perfect. Even when he realized that the birth at the Republican Hospital in Panevėžys had not gone as well as he had when he heard from Vilnius doctors that it was bad for the baby, he did not realize that the reality would be much scarier and more difficult. than they could have imagined then.

“It so happened that both the child’s life and ours fell apart, because he was born under the supervision of the wrong doctor,” says Egidijus M., Mark Jonas’ father.

The child is one and a half years old. Parents cannot rejoice in their first steps or words. The life of the son is all a suffering and constant trips to the hospitals of the country. The child does not walk, does not sit, does not speak, does not see, the child suffers from epileptic seizures and many other health disorders.

Basically, the parents of the remaining vegetative baby are convinced that their first-born would have seen the world healthy if the cesarean section had been performed at least a couple of hours earlier at Panevėžys Republican Hospital.

The faces of the doctors changed

Egidijus M. and Živilė J. planned the future like all young couples: creating their own home, raising children. When they discovered that they could not get pregnant naturally, they did not give up, they turned to specialists in artificial insemination.

Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

© JP / Rimvydas Ančerevičius

“We were so happy when Živilė got pregnant,” says Egidijus.

According to him, the pregnancy went smoothly, mandatory tests always showed that the condition of the fetus was good. And last year, when the expected time of delivery came, on the morning of June 21, at 7 o’clock, the couple arrived at the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

At Živile Hospital, medical preparations were administered to stimulate labor activities and the child’s condition was monitored by recording a cardiotocogram.

“Throughout the day, we felt a lot of concern from the staff. They came to check it out, they said a good word. But at night, the shift changed and then it started, ”Egidijus recalls.

According to him, the medical staff who visited the maternity ward were cold, even arrogant. He just looked around and went to wait.

The situation changed long after midnight.

“Already after 1 pm he came again, by their faces I saw that something was wrong. He looked around, distracted, and immediately took his wife away. I waited outside the door. I saw that one escaped with something wrapped in a blanket. He explained that he had brought the boy to be checked, “Egidijus memorized the events of the night, which drastically changed family life.

Mom calmed down

Later, she learned that Živile had undergone a cesarean section, and the boy was not greeted by the world-famous cry: he was born flaccid, out of breath, and constantly pouring green water from his mouth. Doctors drained much of the same raw fluid from the baby. The baby was crazy. According to Egidijus, according to the APGAR scale, the newborn was evaluated with only 2-3 points out of 10.

“Around 5 pm I found out that the boy had been taken to the Santara clinic. I also flew to Vilnius. There the doctors said immediately: for a man, it will be very bad, but I did not think so badly. We do not imagine that it could be as bad as it is ”, Egidijus has not been able to speak calmly about the suffering of his son.

And at that moment, after a terrible night, the doctor who received the child at Panevėžys Hospital rushed to bed to retrieve the mother recovering from the operation: everything is fine, don’t worry, he just took the child to Santar for a checkup.

Asked what happened

In the Santara clinics, according to Egidijus, the doctors themselves were surprised to see a newborn with this condition.

“They asked me what happened here. He said he hadn’t seen such a traumatized baby in his forty years of practice, ”said his father.

The boy was treated with high doses of antibiotics, psycholeptics, tube-fed and later gastrostomy. In the absence of a sufficient sucking reflex, he underwent a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy.

According to Egidijus, the doctors in the capital did not hide the darker perspectives of the baby and encouraged the young parents not to give up, to move on.

“For us, it was a strong motivation to seek justice, not to leave everything to the will of fate,” admits Egidijus.

Parents returned from the Santara clinics with a disabled baby three months later knowing that their son would never walk, sit, see or speak.

Parents need help too

And now the boy’s condition remains particularly serious and complicated, and his list of diagnoses is long and incredibly painful: spasmodic quadriplegic cerebral palsy; mixed specific developmental disorders; severe intranatal asphyxia, other hydrocephalus; microcephaly; nutrient deficiency; anoxic brain injury; severe visual impairment in both eyes; astigmatism; epilepsy.

Terrible accusations to the hospital: after a fateful decision, the child does not walk, does not sit, does not speak, does not see

A year and a half of his life is a journey through hospitals. Recently, the mother and child returned from the Kaunas clinics, where they were treated for intensified epilepsy. Doctors do not give parents optimistic predictions.

In this way, during a horrible night of labor, all the dreams and plans, hobbies and hobbies of the young couple were swept away in a single bridge.

“We need medical help. Živilė has been without sleep for a year and a half and visited a psychologist. He had so many headaches that he thought he would die or survive. The doctor discovered that these pains were nerve-based. I had to take sedatives.” said dad.

The specific care of a disabled child also requires financial resources. To support the family, Egidijus has to travel to work abroad and when the boy gets worse, he grabs him when he takes his suitcase.

Incorrectly evaluated cardiotocogram

For about a year now, the family has been searching for someone responsible for the fact that a baby that developed perfectly during her pregnancy was born crippled and nailed to bed for life.

First, the couple applied to the Republican Panevėžys Hospital, but according to her father, she saw no fault from her doctors. According to Egidijus, her family was not contacted by the doctor who gave birth.

Egidijus and Živilė, assisted by a lawyer, sent a letter to the State Accreditation Service for Sanitary Activities. In his report presented in September this year, the latter pointed out that “the obstetrician-gynecologist (…) made a mistake in his assessment on 06/21/2019 at 11:30 p.m. repaired the pathological cardiotocogram and belatedly changed delivery tactics, thus violating article 3 of the Law on Patient Rights and Health Compensation. 1 d. – the patient has the right to quality healthcare “.

Egidijus is convinced that a timely cesarean section could have saved the child.

“Živile had to have a cesarean section at 11.30pm. Even then, the cardiotocogram showed that something was wrong. His incision was made at 1.35pm. Doctors were 2 hours late. And 5 min. So long our baby suffocated. It just happened. It is not clear where a doctor who has been working for decades has been. The cardiotocograms were done maybe every half hour, each with a signature. It is 11:30 pm it is the doctor’s signature that everything is fine, “Egidijus told it costs to compose.

The damage is estimated at one million

Having received such findings, the parents of the child, who is essentially in a vegetative state, turned to the Patient Health Injury Commission. Their first meeting is scheduled for December 10.

Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital.

© JP / Rimvydas Ančerevičius

The Commission will assess both the case and the responsibility of the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys. If the fault of the medical institution is admitted, the amount of the damage will also be decided.

The parents themselves value it at a million euros.

“Those who are not in our place will not understand how much it hurts to see our son suffer every day. That money means nothing. I would be much happier with a salary of € 400 but with a healthy child. It takes a million to create a more comfortable life for the child: we can hire a professional nurse, take ourselves abroad for rehabilitation procedures, ”says Dad.

Doctor: I want to apologize

The obstetrician-gynecologist, who accepted the birth, left her job at the Republican Panevėžys Hospital in October this year. The doctor told Sekundei, who had left the workplace for more than four decades, having left the family due to a disaster: a man seriously injured.

The doctor said that he remembered the birth of a disabled child, but explained that he could not answer why this happened.

“I remember that case, but how it happened, if the cesarean section was performed too late or on time, I cannot answer. I did not make the decision alone, we made decisions in two. I am very sorry for the family. I want to apologize to them a lot. I survive a lot thanks to them. Scary is probably not the case, but it does happen sometimes. I don’t know why this happened, “a gynecologist currently working in another city told Sekundei.

The Republican Panevėžys Hospital states that it will not comment on the scandal. His spokesman Vytautas Riaubiškis states that the deadline for appealing the findings of the State Accreditation Service for Sanitary Activities has not yet expired.

“It just came to our attention then. All questions will be answered in a month. When the deadline expires, everything will be clear,” said V. Riaubiškis.

Consequences for the whole family

Modest Soup


The findings of the State Service for the Accreditation of Health Activities indicate that the obstetrician-gynecologist made an erroneous evaluation after 11:30 p.m. Fixed pathological cardiotocogram and delivery tactics changed late. Consequently, the hospital doctor misinterpreted the CTG performed on the mother, from 11:30 p.m. It was not considered pathological, so the decision to interrupt the cesarean delivery was made very late, only at 1:35 p.m. This had serious consequences for the child’s health.

Our next step is to submit an application to the Patient Health Injury Commission.

The family does not have sufficient funds to provide the complete care necessary for the disabled child. Not only the physical but also the psychological condition of the mother is aggravated. Imagine you have 24 hours alone. take care of the child every day because only dad has to earn for the needs of the family. It must be recognized that raising a child in this condition requires considerable resources. Dad is the only one who makes money and Mom’s job is to take care of the child. In the hospital, such a patient would be cared for by nurses who would change, and here a person remains complete 24 hours.

There is no help from the Republican Hospital Panevėžys, there is no communication with parents. His approach is very nonchalant so far.
