Ten Nationalists of the Center Party: “Puteikis plus”


Only the first number in the top ten of the joint bipartisan list stands out. And furthermore, his wife, two whose best times in politics have long passed, are still trying but do not enter the Seimas, some who have achieved a lot in other fields, but this is no guarantee of success in debuting in politics.

The top ten on the electoral list is a business card, a badge of honor, a statement of priorities and values ​​for each party. What message are the parties sending about themselves to the voter who will elect the new Seimas on October 11? “Kauno diena” continues the rehearsal cycle, this time featuring the elite of the Center party nationalists.

Politics Tadas Blinda

These elections looked different in the vision of Naglis Puteikis, the leader of the Center Party “Welfare Lithuania”: he hoped that his party would become the epicenter of the unification of anti-systemic political forces, bringing together the elites of all of them. However, an agreement could only be reached with the Union of Nationalists and Republicans. Polls and political scientists do not promise anything good for his list, unless, as in the last elections, N. Puteikis is once again a commander without a troop. In 2016 the coalition he led did not cross the threshold of the Seimas, but won a parliamentary seat in a single-member constituency.

N. Puteikis has a rare gift of a politician: he is getting angry at something, he is angry at someone, but even scandals that would ruin another’s career, like water from a goose. Here is 2006 he, the then leader of the Klaipėda Conservatives, was arrested while intoxicated trying to break into a foreign car, but a few months later, in the municipal council elections, Klaipėda residents located him from the 31st place on the list to second place and won a term. It is true that the Conservatives no longer nominated him for mayors. N. Puteikis is probably unsurpassed among politicians according to the deliberations of the ethics guards, litigation in court, conflicts. But people are impressed by the halo of the fighter for justice, and the problems he raises are not without reason. Voters have presented N. Puteikis with the term of a Seimas member for four terms.

In the Soviet era, he was involved in the creation of pre-movement public monument protection organizations and organized a series of public protests. After the restoration of independence, he headed the institutions for the protection of monuments and their units. He defended his truth to the fullest, even if he suffered as a result. Those responsible for the Klaipėda branch of the Cultural Heritage were fired for trying to stop the destruction of the Ieva Simonaitytė library, but were returned to them by court decision.

Since 1996 N. Puteikis was a conservative, but his position and that of the party also intersect more and more. Repeatedly criticized for allegedly destructive activities, he proposed to remove it. But in 2014, the National Christian Democratic Union (TS-LKD) launched itself, declaring the party undemocratic and rotting from within for many years.

Ten modest. N. Puteikis is not very capable of keeping his comrades around him, who have greater political perspectives.

In the same year, N. Puteikis decided to run for president. Some were initially ironic about whether it could collect at least the necessary signatures to sign up, but unpredictably they gained as much as 9.3 percent. votes.

In the 2015 city council elections, his name was even in the names of six public committees. Puteikis Plus has been predicted to become a new brand in politics, perhaps a new party.

But then success turned its back on him. He ran in all three elections last year and did not shine in any of them. Among his candidates for the European Parliament, even his partner Kristupas Krivickas surpassed him in the ranking. In the presidential election, he said at the last minute that he had asked for support from the so-called non-bank candidates and claimed that he had even voted for himself. He ran for the office of mayor of Vilnius, but received only 1.5 percent support.

By the way, his wife Nina Puteikienė also ran in the mayoral elections, only in Klaipėda, but she remained sixth out of twelve competitors. But she managed to win the mandate of the Klaipeda Council, and for the second time. She is now seventh among the national center candidates for the Seimas.

Until now, it has been better to attract people’s attention as a host and producer of criminal television programs, than as a politician for the second number on the list, K. Krivickas, who works as an assistant to N. Puteikis at the Seimas. In the last four years, he will try to enter the Seimas for the fourth time. 2016 failed to win a term with either a coalition roster or a single member. After that, he ran twice for the vacant seats of a member of the Seimas, and still without success, like last year, to the European Parliament, to the Vilnius Council.

Political career – in the past

Besides N. Puteikis, there are two other politicians who have already worked at the Seimas in the top ten, albeit for a long time. Povilas Gylys, third on the list, was elected to the Seimas for the first time in 1992. He was second on the Democratic Labor Party’s list after Algirdas Brazauskas, in charge of the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1996 Received a mandate again, but retired from politics after this period and returned to academic activities. P. Gylys is a former long-term economics professor at Vilnius University, professor and doctor of science.

2012 returned to the Seimas again, this time with the “Path of Courage”. After the dissolution of this group, he joined the “Order and Justice”. This party even appointed P. Gylys as Minister of the Interior, but then Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius removed him, taking into account the political force with which G. Gylys was elected to the Seimas and how he despised the police system.

Last year, P. Gylys, as the Center Party candidate, competed unsuccessfully for the vacant seat of Seimas member.

Gintaras Songaila was fifth in the Seimas in 2008. TS-LKD listed. In the run-up to independence, he was a member of the Sąjūdis initiative group and, in the 1990s, among the founders of the Independence Party, its vice president. 2004 joined the Union of Nationalists, soon elected its president. In 2008, the party decided to join the Homeland Union, but in 2011 it recovered and G.Songaila became its president again.

He has directed the Ethics Commission of Journalists and Editors of Baltic TV, and is now Director of the Foundation for the Support of the Press, Radio and Television.

Fourth among the top ten is the current leader of the Nationalists, Sakal Gorodecki, who will probably be last, because by the New Year they promise to join the Center Party. S. Gorodeckis, who works as a business consultant, has run for both the Seimas and the Vilnius City Council, but without success.

25 to 78 years

Sixth on the list is Vytautas Magnus University Professor, Doctor of Social Sciences, Chief Researcher, former long-term professor at Kaunas University of Technology, Gediminas Merkys.

Eighth is the former president of the Center Party, 78, in the top ten, and currently its honorary president, Albinas Stankus. He is the director of the Center for Innovative Medicine. researcher, former professor at Klaipėda University, professor, member of the Palanga Council for six terms.

And the youngest is Tomas Aleknavičius, 25, who is registered in the ninth issue and is interested in ethnography, organizer and manager of patriotic events.

Linas Medelis, who is finishing in the top ten, is a journalist and, together with Center Party founder Romualdas Ozolas, was editor of the Atgimimas de Sąjūdis publication. He became famous in 1993 when, as editor of the satirical weekly “Monday”, he encouraged actor Remigijus Vilkaitis to register as a presidential candidate as a representative of the nonexistent Bread Eaters Party.

I missed an opportunity

The center-nationalists, who promise to restore justice in the country, expect ten seats in the elections. However, in the September Vilmorus / Lietuvos Rytas poll, 2.6 percent had to vote for them. determined voters.

According to Matas Baltrukevičius, associate analyst at the Vilnius Institute of Political Analysis, the 5 percent needed. it was possible to tighten if they had managed to unite other small socially conservative and economically left parties into a single bloc, and now they are fighting for the same voters.

But, according to the analyst, N. Puteikis’s list cannot be expected to be successful not only because of increased competition: “Ten modest. N. Puteikis is not very capable of keeping around him comrades who have greater prospects. policies. Rūta Janutienė fled The best times in G..Songaila and P. Gylis’s politics are already deep in the past. Political rookies soar to the skies. “

According to M. Baltrukevičius, N. Puteikis himself, having joined the ruling faction of the Union of Peasants and Greens, has somewhat lost his reputation as a fighter, a rebel and an eternal opposition.

The Center Party’s golden opportunity was in 2016. The anti-corruption coalition of N. Puteikis and K. Krivickas won 6.06 percent. he would have been in the Seimas if he had presented himself as a party instead of a coalition (he needs 7%). However, according to M. Baltrukevičius, there was a time when it seemed that this party could grow, and now we can see the decline.

Center-Nationalist Ten Party

1. Naglis Puteikis

2. Kristupas Krivickas

3. Povilas Gylys

4. Sakalas Gorodeckis

5. Gintaras Songaila

6. Gediminas Merkys

7. Nina Puteikienė

8. Albinas Stankus

9. Tomas Aleknavičius

10. Linas Medelis

Current Seimas members: 1

Existing members of municipal councils: 1

It was in 2016. in the top ten of the electoral roll: 2

Age: 25 to 78 years, average 56 years

Gender equality: men 9, women 1

Beginning policies: 3

Party Runaways: 3

Non-party members *: 4

* Only one representative of another party can be in the ten that do not belong to the coalition, so other members of the Union of Nationalists and Republicans have suspended their membership
