Teapot buyer was shocked by Lidl’s terms – everyone would know


It is worth living like this: Lidl’s advertising slogan is published almost every day, inviting consumers to its online stores, offering not only Western business culture, but also potentially useful for them to spend money on useful goods.

Only if the Lidl customer is really happy and really wants to live up to it, knowing that the slogan is more suitable for the network itself than it is for him. Because it really is. The merchant network has proven such trading rules that he is always the winner, and the consumer is a fool and a poor man of God who has the right here just to spend his money.

This network ignores and unilaterally rejects other business relationships with its customers. I can’t imagine any European country and a true self-respecting European in which, for one reason or another, you cannot return unused and unused goods to the seller within a reasonable time and the seller would refuse to accept it.

I have returned more than one product not only in Lithuania, but also in other European countries. However, in Lithuania, the Lidl network has done the opposite, and you will never find a warning next to its daily advertising slogan “Yes, to live decently” that goods purchased on this network will hardly ever be returned.

While the network claims that it constantly informs its customers about it, you will not find such notices at the points of sale next to the merchandise for sale, so after reading them you will really be able to assess the need for the purchased item.

According to them, the buyer must evaluate everything himself, but the network itself does not even offer to do all the possible tests to evaluate the goods it sells. Especially for power plants. That’s what happened to me when I tried to buy an electric kettle.

You can touch, smell and polish that kettle, but you cannot test its essential characteristics and therefore fully assess whether such an item will be really necessary and useful for you at home. Its full properties can be fully evaluated only after actually testing it under the right conditions.

When I brought the kettle and tested it, I realized that I could not make full use of the thing, because the noise it creates in a small room is so great that early in the morning not only homeowners will wake up voluntarily. , but also to the neighbors.

There is no way to evaluate such things in the store. So after evaluating this product under real conditions, I realized that it is not suitable for me to use when I need it.

So the next day I took it back to the place of purchase to be returned, where I discovered who the motto “It is worth living this way” was really intended for. And it is only for the company that manages the network, because they did not accept the product and did not evaluate the arguments about the quality of the product at all.

Since I do not really intend to drop my hands, the State Consumer Protection Service has been contacted about this incident and we will make a concerted effort to return the product to the seller that did not suit the customer. I also intend to make public the true ambitions of this network trying to offer its products to naive buyers and as a result do everything possible to avoid taking them back.

In the West, this network approach and customer complacency would be the most direct path to destruction, because consumers there not only don’t like those merchants, they don’t need them.


Lina Skersytė, a public relations representative for Lidl Lietuva, emphasized that the buyer had bought a quality product: a glass teapot.

“In the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of July 22, 2014 No. 738 (wording of Resolution No. 738 of July 22, 2014) Article 17 of the Retail Trade Rules establishes the list of goods that They meet the appropriate quality requirements that cannot be exchanged or returned in Lithuania. This list also includes the product purchased by the supplier.

It is in accordance with these rules that we cannot accept purchased products, because the products are of high quality, fully functional and technically in order. The product can only be recalled if the product is defective or breaks down during the warranty period.

The buyer can always familiarize himself with the technical characteristics of the article, the instructions for use, as well as the quality guarantee and other characteristics (parameters such as color, size, design, etc.) at the point of sale, that is, physically inspect the Article. , remove the item and accessories from the main packaging, to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use that describe the product in the official language.

As of 01.11.2019, Lidl Lietuva applies the return and exchange procedure for non-food quality non-returnable and non-exchangeable products. Lidl Lietuva informed its customers about these new requirements in advance, in October 2019.

This procedure is constantly communicated in all stores, as well as in an additional format that is clearly visible to customers, this information is provided in each box, on the side of the cigarette hangers, next to the non-food price lists and on our website, ”Lidl Lietuva said in a comment.


According to Dalia Malinauskienė, head of the International and Public Relations Division of the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer has the right to return the product, but some goods are included in the list of non-returnable goods.

“In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the consumer has the right to a period of 14 days. from the delivery of non-food goods to him, unless the seller establishes a longer term, to replace quality goods purchased at the place of purchase or another place specified by the seller with similar goods of different dimensions, shape, color , model or completeness, or return the merchandise to the seller and recover the price paid.

Note that the buyer’s request to replace or return merchandise is satisfied if the merchandise has not been used, has not been damaged, its consumer properties have been preserved, the merchandise has not lost its commercial appearance, and the buyer has evidence that you purchased the merchandise from a particular vendor.

It should be noted that Section 17 of the Retail Rules establishes a list of quality, non-refundable products. Goods included in this list, of adequate quality, can be returned only with the consent of the seller.

In the case you described, according to the seller, the purchased glass kettle would be classified as electrical equipment according to the corresponding product breakdown and included in the list of non-returnable products.

The seller has the right to establish his own rules, which, of course, must not contradict the law. The seller must adequately inform the consumer of the established rules.

We would like to inform you that SCRPA, having received the user’s request, initiated the out-of-court dispute resolution procedure and contacted UAB Lidl Lietuva, offering to resolve the dispute amicably. SCRPA received a letter from UAB Lidl Lietuva stating that UAB Lidl Lietuva refuses to resolve the consumer dispute amicably.

For this consumer dispute, SCRPA will make a decision taking into account the circumstances established during the dispute and the supporting evidence. In accordance with the procedure established by legal acts, the SCRPA examines a consumer dispute and makes a decision no later than 90 days, ”says the comment of the representative of the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights Mr. Malinauskienė .

This subjective opinion of the author does not necessarily coincide with the publisher: lrytas.lt is not responsible for the content of the reader.
