Teacher: Time to quit the vaccination cartel


The specialists discussed the lifting of traffic restrictions and the vaccination process on the program “Radio del Día” “Dienos informacija” on Wednesday, the first day of the release of traffic restrictions.

Letter: You should think not only about vaccinating the elderly, but also those of working age.

According to Alvydas Laiškonis, infectologist and professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), the epidemiological situation is not favorable for release from quarantine, but the movement restriction, according to him, was simply no longer effective.

“I think that the current situation is not very favorable, but that restriction between municipalities is really very difficult and has probably already been exhausted. People find endless reasons to circumvent this restriction, “said A. Laiškonis.

According to the professor, at present the government should focus on the widest possible scope of testing, targeted vaccination, however, A. Laiškonis emphasized, in any case, the most important aspect will remain the awareness of the people.

“Whether we make an effort or apply other, third measures, the relaxation of our people is really very high at the moment, as evidenced by the entire epidemiological situation,” said the LSMU professor.

Alvydas Laiškonis

Alvydas Laiškonis

© Voice of Panevėžys

He also highlighted the importance of targeted vaccination.

“The sooner we can vaccinate more people and they will realize that vaccines are really necessary, the faster we will be closer to possible releases,” emphasized A. Laiškonis.

Asked if the pace of the last days, when tens of thousands of people are vaccinated, is sufficient, the infectologist answered affirmatively.

“If we had a vaccine every day and 14-15 thousand citizens, we could really approach the limit that we need very quickly. Let us also remember that part of our population is sick and also has immunity. The biggest problem is that we are not sure how many and when, what vaccines will we receive. As a result, this bending effect is created, “said A. Laiškonis.

However, according to him, if such large quantities of vaccines will be received in April as are actually advertised, then this, the professor noted, will be an important step forward.

AstraZeneca vaccine now coronavirus

AstraZeneca vaccine for coronavirus

At the same time, he emphasized the need to start thinking about vaccinating people of working age.

“More problem, in my head, are the elderly who live in the districts, who have a hard time getting the vaccine because they do not have mobile phones, in general the means of transport are quite complicated. “You have to think about them and, of course, humiliate the cartel and vaccinate it for sixty and fifty years,” the expert emphasized.

Zemlys-Balevičius: the immunity passport should be used only after the start of mass vaccination

At the time, data scientist Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius, speaking about the immunity passport initiative, said that discussions about it were taking place around the world. However, he did not hide his belief that the immunity passport should not divide the public.

“In my opinion, until mass vaccination is started and everyone can receive the vaccine, that passport should not be used,” said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

The expert shared his experience: he received the vaccine as a teacher because he works in a higher school. However, according to him, this is not true because other important personnel, such as police officers, have not yet been vaccinated due to the order of priorities established by the ministry.

“It just came to our attention then. The Board of Experts opined in the same way that it is mainly based on age groups. If we look at what is dying and what is sick in hospitals, it is the elderly, over 60 years old. It is they who should be vaccinated, do everything possible to make sure they come, ”said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

Teacher: Time to quit the vaccination cartel

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

The researcher also pointed to the need to improve communication about the benefits of Vaxzevria.

“The Vilnius communication campaign was, I would say, one of the best and an example of how to do it in all of Lithuania,” he said.

“The season is just that component, that effect that should help. Many people say that people should be left to their own devices; we will see how people take care of themselves. We will see how it will be ”, added V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

Medal: The sectors of education and culture should not be forgotten

Vytautas Mitalas, vice president of the Seimas and representative of the Freedom Party, also spoke at the fair. According to him, the restrictions on movement were no longer adequate, and it is still necessary to appeal to the conscience of the population itself.

“The situation remains difficult, but individual restrictions must also be measured in terms of how much they generate specific benefits and how many people adhere to them. Regarding restrictions on movement, we saw a significant reduction in mobility when those restrictions were introduced, but now we see (…) that this measure has been exhausted, ”said Mitalas.

The Freedom Party has recently spoken out loud about the need to introduce a so-called immunity passport in the country. As Mr Mital has said, we must prepare for this now and as intensely as possible.

Vytautas Mitalas

Vytautas Mitalas

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“It seems to me that we will inevitably have an immunity passport. The question is whether we are starting to prepare for it now, make all the arrangements about how we see it working in Lithuania, consider all the issues and prepare for its presentation, or just wait for it to. Someone will do that ‘black’ work for us. And probably will do it later. In view of the EU initiative to create such a system, it is not clear to what extent it will meet Lithuania’s expectations, “said the Vice-President. of the Seimas.

Speaking more about possible layoffs, Mr. Mital emphasized the need to prioritize layoffs in the education and culture sectors.

“I have the greatest anxiety for two main sectors: education and culture. I would like to see a light at the end of the tunnel so that, in terms of education, students can return to school before the end of this school year in separate classes, in some overlapping scenario ”, said the politician.

According to him, returning to classes would not only help prepare for fall, discuss the whole school year, but also improve the psychological well-being of students.

“I would very much like all educational plans to include the education sector as one of the sectors that needs to be liberalized sometime this spring,” Mital said.
