Teacher: The city must look at the river, not at the ends of the plots or warehouses.


At the entrances to the alley on the shore, the orderly street that replaces the gravel road that stretches so far does not leave anyone indifferent. On Tuesday, the designers, who listened to the comments and wishes of šančiškės, will present to the residents of Kaunas their plan on how the picturesque space on the Nemunas embankment should be renovated. The updated design solutions have received rave reviews. Jurgis Vanagas, a former resident of Šančiai, a well-known urban planning professor and engineer, has no doubt that these changes will benefit the entire city.

Changes are needed

“Last year and last year, when there were strong discussions and protest events directed against the details of the Nemunas embankment in Šančiai and the preparation for the implementation, I took a neutral position, I did not publicly support either side. It was not easy, because both parties, knowing that I was a sincere Šančiai patriot, who had accumulated a lot of professional urban experience during his life, were waiting for my opinion. And he had it – firmly formed – immediately, but he did not want to weigh the plate of arguments a little, to influence the emerging attitude.

Now that the final material of the project has been published publicly, officially, in detail, along with an attractive visualization, I see no reason to continue to hide unwavering opinions, ”said J. Vanagas, who has known Lower Shantes well since then. childhood and still comes back to them.

Jurgis Vanagas / City of Kaunas municipal photo

According to the long-term ancient Danschiškis, there are at least a few reasons why the winds of change should blow at the entrances to Kranto Alley.

“The city must look at the river, not at the ends of the plots, warehouses or bathrooms. The bank of the river that runs through the city, its planning, construction and architecture, not only in the center, but also around the perimeter, cannot recall a “broken fist”.

It is necessary to border the territory by installing a road with the planned green coastal territory, wide pedestrian and cycling routes, widening of the road for parking, rest areas, as well as safe passages from the residential area to the water area ”, he commented. the planned changes to the Nemunas embankment. skilled. Dr. J. Vanagas.

Better communication is needed

According to the architecture critic, given the rapid expansion of the area, the planned changes would significantly improve communication, since the gravel road, which now stretches for more than a kilometer, causes obvious inconveniences. Especially for the locals.

In the modern world, those changes are taking place.

“In the urban sense of the street network, such a large area cannot be reached by the only existing street: A. Juozapavičius avenue. It needs not only a functional “back-up”, but also an inevitably bright exit route from the city massif, “added an experienced architect with a doctorate in humanities.

However, J. Vanagas emphasized that the planned renovated highway must ensure maximum safety through the installation of elevated crosswalks, speed limit signs and other measures. This is exactly what the designers have envisioned in the updated design proposals: a category D non-main street, 5.5 m wide, arranged only down to the smallest detail, accessible only to special vehicles and cars. .

“If it is possible to ensure maximum safety in the busiest traffic areas by installing elevated crossings, hills or speed limit signs, as well as good lighting, the potential problem will be solved. In the modern world, they are being realized. those changes. The presented material of the Nemunas embankment improvement project, in my opinion, meets the most important planning requirements of such parts of the city “, – certainly prof. J. Vanagas.

City of Kaunas municipal photo

Remote delivery to Kaunas residents

The Kaunas resident, who sent his public speech to local residents and the Kaunas City Municipality, is determined to present his opinion in public as well. March 23 5 pm There will be a presentation for residents, where Kaunas residents will be able to get acquainted in detail with project proposals directly online, hear the answers to all questions of interest and express their opinion.

According to the latest corrections made by the designers, taking into account the wishes and arguments expressed by the people of Dšančiškės, a clean and safe 1673-meter road ran along the dusty gravel road in Kranto alley. Next to him, more vegetation. Additional parking spaces, outdoor fitness equipment and playgrounds are also planned. There are also widened and separate pedestrian and bicycle paths, comfortable ramps for people with reduced mobility and mothers in wheelchairs. During the project, district heating will reach a part of the apartment population.

The Nemunas Embankment Street was conceived in the general plan of the city of Kaunas in 1929 and has survived to this day. It is true that your designed section of the A. Juozapavičius avenue will reach the 11th street of Kranto. and in the end it will end.

City of Kaunas municipal photo

After the continuation of the quarantine in the country and in accordance with the recommendation of the Ministry of the Environment, the publicity procedure is provided through the transmission of video on the web. Participants login: bit.ly/RegistrationPara residents (the link will be activated one hour before the event).

Residents can also familiarize themselves with prepared project proposals on the Kaunas City Municipality website: bit.ly/NemunoKrantine.

Photo of the municipality of the city of Kaunas.
