Teacher: Passport holders should live like they were before a pandemic


When asked to assess the epidemiological situation in the country, S. Čaplinskas said that the indicators are gradually improving.

“It is logical that all indicators are gradually improving. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the volume of vaccination is growing, on the other hand, the era has arrived, the warm period of the year. There are many problems and problems with the way people protect themselves as pandemic fatigue manifests itself. A lot of people do not meet quarantine requirements, “he said.

The epidemiologist assured that such a long and strict quarantine, which was introduced in Lithuania, simply no longer works.

“I’ve always said from the beginning that such a strict complete shutdown of the country, quarantine provides the maximum effect for 3-4 weeks. And then the damage it does can far outweigh the benefits. And people have been living a long time, not all, but a large part of them do not live in quarantine conditions, it is necessary to accept that reality, “said epidemiologist S. Čaplinskas on the radio news program” Aktualusis interiu “.

Evaluating the quarantine releases adopted by the government on Wednesday, the professor said he did not understand why the opening hours of coffee shops, restaurants and bars were limited for those with an Opportunity Passport.

“Why are they all the same? After all, the Passport of Opportunity is there, that’s your idea. These are the people who have acquired immunity, become ill or are vaccinated, or those who have been tested, so they must be subjected to the same conditions under strict restrictions as those who did not care and do not know it. This is where all the logic of this solution passport disappears ”, assured the epidemiologist.

“After all, his idea was to give people the opportunity to manage their own risks,” he said.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said Wednesday that people with and without a Passport of Opportunity will not be able to be in the saunas and pools at the same time. S. Čaplinskas stated that he understands the logic of such a decision.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The main task would be for people to be able to plan their leisure and business moments, so that it is clear what decisions the government will make,” said the interviewee.

The epidemiologist agreed that holders of the Passport of Opportunity should live as in a pre-pandemic world.

“It just came to our attention then. After all, the US Centers for Disease Control was the first to say that those people who acquired immunity, because now scientific data already shows that people who have acquired immunity do not transmit the virus to humans if they expose themselves to it again. In other words, the vaccine not only protects against serious disease, but also against further spread of the virus, ”said epidemiologist S. Čaplinskas.

He stressed the need for more stringent requirements for people coming from India.
