Teacher. DEPTH OF Povilas: Chucpa. Or how to stumble a nation? – Respublika.lt


Old Vilnius residents know him. I also found that word in Polish and German dictionaries, and its origin is interpreted differently there. I believe that this phenomenon can be detected in any corner of the world. Lithuania is no exception in this regard. It is true that it is unlikely that we will find another country in the European Union that has suffered so much.

The word “chucpa” is difficult to define at once, because it has a multifaceted meaning. This phenomenon is characterized by arrogance, arrogance, cynicism, contempt for and for nothing, the victimization of the victim and the proclamation of the offender as a victim, and so on.

Dictionaries provide several examples of the concept of ‘chucpos’.

The literature deals with legal matters. chucpaWhen, say, during a trial, the offender and his defense begin to blame the victims. It’s also about politics chucpa – Arrogant, oppressive and cynical behavior that exchanges good and evil in places of the political scene.

In this text, we will continue to confine ourselves to the phenomenon of political collusion. In politics, chucpa occurs when a political force, which itself has major flaws, blames its political opponents for those flaws and uses all available political, monetary, informational, legal, administrative, and other resources to destroy them, to sometimes only psychologically, but if conditions permit – your competitors. After this description a vivid political story comes to mind. chucpos examples are fascism and Bolshevism.

By the way, politician chucpa He hardly admits defeat, his perpetrators usually fight to the end, because defeat means at least his political death. How consistent and cool chucpos adherence to principles is a struggle for survival. What many chucpos the victims don’t understand. They expect that chucpos representatives will one day recognize the truth. But after all, the victory of truth means for them a collapse as a force, as an organization and, ultimately, as personalities.

It is time to move on to the Lithuanian reality. I have the courage to believe that one of the most striking features of the recent history of our country is chucpos domain. A political force, guess what, shamelessly privatized the monopoly of truth, patriotism, Christianity, in general, the right to a good monopoly and “in the name of good” began to harass and continue to harass its opponents, blaming them for what they themselves were or are to blame – I mean our Landsbergers (I don’t call them conservatives or Christians because they are not like that).

May l chucpa call a thirty-year situation where one part of the Soviet nomenclature accuses another of naming crimes? I think so. How else should a Stalinist Komsomol (at the time, that is, early 1952, not yet mandatory and some of the young people were still in resistance), a Marxist teacher, and possibly a KGB agent? (who could deny it), privileged, exceptionally representative of the Soviet nomenclature, who received the title of professor on recommendation of the highest level, shamelessly abandons his biography, arrogantly declares Resistance No. 1 and begins to gather a part of the nomenclature Soviet against Another part of the same Soviet nomenclature on a “crusade”? “,” Catch the Kremlin agents! “Everyone understood, I’m talking about Vytautas Landsbergis.

If it’s pure chucpa. After all, among the Landsbergians there were many young Communists: Liudvikas Sabutis, Kazimieras Motieka, Česlovas Stankevičius, Bronius Kuzmickas, Raimondas Rajeckas, Algimantas Čekuolis, Romualdas Sikorskis, Jonas Avyžius and others. On that plaid, you can see the names of less prominent communists: Kęstutis Masiulis, Kazimieras Starkevičius, Arvydas Vidžiūnas, etc. Our generation knows that there were thousands of ex-communists in that company.

And the Kebeístas, as they constantly told me, were a very tall party worker and, consequently, well informed of the time, chucpininkus they were much more than cursed, despised, humiliated, though clearly not ideal on the part of their opponents. I am referring to the conditionally called Brazauskininkai.

For more people to understand the meaning of this text, I will mention a couple of other cases of Lithuanian political chutpa. Juk chucpa committed and committed to more than one person. It is not an individual activity, they operate in a mysterious and very supportive group.

One of the most active chucpos The users of the method are, say, descendants of a tough communist Rasa Urbonaitė-Rastauskienė-Juknevičienė, whom I remember from her legendary question to then-Deputy Prime Minister A. Brazauskas during the economic blockade in April 1990. Then she asked and I’ve been remembering that He has been asking since then: already three weeks after Lithuania declared its independence, why was the government unable to reorient the country’s economy from East to West? The question with the subtext “bright”, it turns out that in three weeks it is possible to turn the country’s economy to where it wants …

R. Juknevičienė is, in my opinion, one of the most cynical and arrogant political figures in the country. From this former Kaunas Medical Institute comrades (This was told to me by one of his former colleagues) we constantly hear curses and threats against “communist ancestors” and “Kremlin agents” on our lips. For people like me. Although 30 years have passed and no evidence has been found, no trace of such a service has been found. After all, our SSD had to look for that trace …

The paradox, at the same time that Mr. Rasa is at war with the Kremlin and the “Kremlin”, his family business is operating successfully in the East. By Mr. Rasa’s own logic, the terrible Kremlin had long ago suppressed or ruined his brother’s business. In response to his rhetorical army. But neither recovered nor ruined. That she herself performs a certain, say, provocative task received from the East? If so, it could be said that she blames others for what she is actually doing herself. chucpos concept.

Another striking example is the active anti-communist Emanuel Zinger. Recently, more and more information has appeared in the public sphere about the fact that Emanuel’s father, Mykolas Zingeris, was a Soviet specialist. NKVD / KGB staff member. Berods, a captain who fought against “bourgeois nationalists” in Marijampolė and Alytus counties.

Most Lithuanians agree that children are not responsible for their parents’ work. However, when E. Zinger voluntarily became a commission that investigated not only the Nazi but also the Soviet era, especially the specification. The services committed by the President of Crimes are bogged down chucpa. Unless p. Emmanuel would like to condemn his father. Until now, he has not heard such condemnations or public explanations of family history from his lips.

Political chucpa – a powerful weapon. Those who use it in Lithuania almost destroyed the real opposition and threw out the majority of the population. 60 percent. Non-voting voters are the clearest illustration of our degree of exhaustion. Chucpininkai it repressed political competition, slowed down the progress of the political system. I would say even more: our nation, once encouraged and cherished by the hope of a better life, has lost much optimism and the desire to act in the interests of the common good, its state.

In short, our country has gone down the path of regression, it began to recede from the Renaissance to degeneration, from democracy to authoritarianism. Probably the main reason for that regression, in my opinion, is that it continues to this day. chucpa – Aggression well organized, consistent, conspicuous, reckless and that sows fear towards self-thinkers. Exchanging good and evil.
