Teacher: A fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine will be required


“It has long been clear that the coronavirus develops immunity both after vaccination and after illness. However, we are not all trained equally. And, on the other hand, it fades with everyone over time. It will become clear from the principle that a booster dose will be necessary. It was only considered when it would be necessary, “said the professor in the program.

He explained that the recommendation was now clear: 6 months after the full vaccination schedule, a third shot, called a booster, was needed.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Because even after a vaccine, a person can get sick when exposed to the virus,” explained S. Čaplinskas.

An antibody study among physicians showed that immunity to the coronavirus decreased over time.

“And those whose immunity developed after the disease, their immunity is stronger than after vaccination. This is not surprising. (…) The cost of acquiring immunity after illness is very high, followed by long-term health consequences. This was just another proof of the need for vaccination. And continue when immunity is weakening ”, said the professor.

The Info Day interlocutor said there was nothing to look forward to and that anyone who had passed 6 months after a full vaccination should receive a third dose of the vaccine.

“Or if there is a suspicion that immunity may not have developed in the past,” he explained.

Saulius Čaplinskas

Saulius Čaplinskas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

In Israel, vaccination with the third dose of the vaccine is accelerating. Professor S. Čaplinskas urged not to be afraid of side effects.

“It just came to our attention then. But not everyone has those stronger side effects, not everyone needs medication or bed at home. You just have to be in the mood and be prepared for it, maybe you can’t work for a while. couple of days, ”said S. Čaplinskas.

The professor said a fourth dose of the vaccine would be needed, but it is unclear when.

“It seems the fourth dose is needed. It’s just not clear when. And to date, the predictions are that a fourth dose, or a dose of immunity that boosts the immune system, is unlikely to be needed in a year. They may be needed later. But so far, these are just guesses, based on how immunity develops, how those immune memory cells build up. We all need to understand the fact that when we get sick or get vaccinated, if we have a high antibody titer, these are enough to defeat emerging viruses in the event of an infection.

We just don’t get sick of this. But if those antibodies are not enough, but there are enough immune memory cells, in 3-5 days they will produce a large army of neutralizing antibodies. And in that case, the disease will pass faster and in less time we will spread the virus to others ”, explained Professor S. Čaplinskas in the program.

He explained that there is no doubt that the virus will disappear.

“Let’s think for ourselves, why should it disappear? If it feels good among people. The virus has come forever, the next question is when will that balance be established, when will there really be a lot of people with immunity. The virus will then no longer cause such severe disease outbreaks or such a difficult clinical course. And maybe it will become more like a seasonal cold. But experts do not believe that this can happen before two or three years, ”Professor S. Čaplinskas told Info Day.
