Target of the designated Minister of Health: 200 cases per day


Arūnas Dulkys, Minister of Health. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

Arūnas Dulkys, the designated Minister of Health, who participated in the first meeting of the COVID-19 Steering Committee of the Ministry of Health (SAM), presented the objectives to be achieved in the fight against the viral crisis and areas where additional restrictions can be expected .

“Even today, the Prime Minister will initiate a meeting with a wide circle of experts and we will begin our action plan,” A. Dulkys told reporters. According to him, the country is on the brink of a worst-case scenario of virus spread, so the new restrictions would come into effect as soon as possible once they are adopted.

At least 5 areas

Regarding the areas where new restrictions or other solutions can be found, the Minister first mentioned measures directly related to quarantine and the movement of people, although he did not respond directly if there were plans to restrict the movement of people during the holidays.

“It will be important to hear the opinion of the experts, from what I have heard the arguments, they convince me, but we will see how the entire cabinet leads,” said A. Dulkys.

He also mentioned that he will talk with experts about vaccination, organization of work in medical institutions and residences and other places of social risk. It is planned to review the processes of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) and make decisions about the organization of work.

“I cannot say anything about educational institutions today,” added the minister.


The designated minister also presented the objectives, after which it can be stated that the situation in the country is under control.

According to A. Dulkis, the objective will be to improve three indicators. The first approach is contact tracing: they must be identified and people must isolate themselves within 48 hours, which is now “best done in 3-4 days.”

Furthermore, without reducing the scope of the tests, the goal will be to keep the number of positive tests below 5% of all those analyzed, which currently exceeds 20%.

“We will do everything possible to ensure that the number of new cases does not exceed 200 per day,” said A. Dulkys.

He also said that once appropriate measures are in place, 100 people should not be infected by more than 100, which means that the so-called effective reproduction rate of the virus would not exceed 1, which is now in the range of 1.2-1.3.

“It is not enough to achieve one of these goals, all if you want to achieve them together. When we do that, we will not be able to say that we have defeated the virus, but we will return to a situation that can already be handled by organizational and other means ”, the designated Health Minister is convinced.

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