Talks about Lukashenko’s health are getting louder: leaked record – search for the dictator’s deputy


The new video, released by members of the initiative, indicates that folders with telephone recordings of employees were stored in the security department of the Interior Ministry and that they allegedly received said records.

“This video will be instructive for anyone who has been serving the regime thus far. You must know the truth, today we will open your eyes to the power that is on your side until now. We will show that each employee is worth nothing to them. You are simply a substance that can be mercilessly thrown away at any time, “BYPOL activists have asked support officials.

In the excerpts, the people identified by BYPOL as Dmitry Balabu, head of the Executive Committee of OMON City, and Ivan Kurbakov, Minister of the Interior, consider, for example, the need to find a successor for “person 01” (supposedly named Alexander Lukashenko). Also, the people at the stall discuss the protesters and the announcement of their search.

Alexander Azarov, a BYPOL spokesman and former head of the GUBOPiK section of the Belarusian Interior Ministry, told Nastoyashche Vremia why the authorities needed to collect all these conversations and in which cases they could be used.

– BYPOL states that the compilation of compromising material on all representatives of the force structures of the Ministry of the Interior began in March 2020, that is, half a year before the presidential elections. Why did you come to such conclusions? And most importantly, why did they start collecting all this information?

– In general, regarding the Belarusian government, compromising material has always been collected on government officials. It is well known that, for example, Noskevičius, the chairman of the interrogation committee, was arrested for a bribe while he was still an interrogator while working in Pinsk; Or, say, Vice Minister Kazakevičius, has also been arrested several times for taking bribes, but no criminal proceedings have been started. Each official has his own folder, so these officials satisfy any whim of the dictator.

By the time we started working with cyberpartisans and have been collaborating fruitfully with them for eight months, cyberpartisans have managed to obtain this data that they have shared with us.

And after examining the enormous flow of information, thousands of interviews with officials, as well as received lists and explanatory notes of the records heard, we concluded that the government was beginning to collect compromising material on the structures of the force in this area. moment, so if anyone could expect some pardon at court or maybe even grace and the like.

After examining all this, we decided to film a powerful video, which we distributed as a call to the power structures, because the government is ungrateful, it evaluates the situation based only on its own interests.

A dictator, in the case of a fiasco, as we have already said, can impose such compromising material on someone so that only he himself is left alone; or, for example, Kubrakov himself, who has access to all that information, in the event of the fall of the dictator, intends to remain himself in his homeland and, let’s say, begin to cooperate with the new government by providing such material. compromising.

– Here’s an interesting record where Kubrakov, the Interior Minister, asks to find a man under the station similar to Lukashenko and dress him in a black uniform. You see what’s going on here, who needed a subordinate like that?

– From what I understand, it was necessary for a directed shoot. We all know that the dictator currently has health problems, there are many videos where he almost fainted, limps, barely walks. Perhaps to reassure people that the dictator is fine, they are looking for second hand. They are really looking for second hand, dressed in clothes similar to those Lukashenko wears, directing films that are later shown on state television.

– In your opinion, is this compromising material now being collected precisely on those involved in the persecution of the protests and the beating of people, or on all those who currently work for the Belarusian authorities in general?

– In general, compromising material is collected on everyone, but especially on those who participated in the evictions and who were contaminated with blood. We have given an example: the head of OMON, Minister Bedunkevičius, who currently leads the current Gestapo on the GUBOPiK board of directors. These people are devoted to the regime and the regime has no doubts about it.

But they still listen to your conversations, gather information about them, document them. Therefore, we see that the government does not turn a blind eye to its most loyal people. We have provided just a few examples because, after all, you realize that it is impossible to show everything in a 10 minute video. We only show the material we select, we have a lot of information.

Aliaksandr Lukashenko

Aliaksandr Lukashenko

© Stopkadras

– Do those records mean that if the regime changes in Belarus, the power bodies will ultimately remain those that were under Lukashenko’s rule? They will just say, “Did we really go partisan and gather information on those who beat people, so we can keep working?”

– Of course, no. Decisions about what to keep in the service and what not to be made by the established commission. We are in favor of everyone being screened. First, all personnel must be properly inspected, and only those who have not been contaminated and committed crimes will be returned to duty and serve. All the rest of the material will be handed over to criminal scrutiny to bring people to justice.

– They address smog in their video. And in general, for those people who are currently staying to work in the Belarusian forces, what should they do now? Should they resign? If so, how do you think they will need to feed their families? Do you have any chance of finding another job in Belarus?

– In no way is it worth giving up, because we need people who serve the system to receive information, and at the right time, those people must move towards the nation. You know that we are developing a Peramoga plan that will give current employees one of the key roles.

They also have access to material resources, the media, and the like. We will take advantage of all that. We need these people within the system. There is no way to quit. Right now, Belarus, as you see, is shaken by the economic crisis and it is difficult to find work. Therefore, they will be more beneficial to the homeland only if they continue to serve. Just do not commit crimes, try to sabotage all the illegal instructions.

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