suspects conservatives will remove the leader with an amendment to the Constitution


In this initiative, the peasants see the efforts of the conservatives to “fight for unity”, to eliminate Ramūnas Karbauskis, the president of the LVŽS, who resigned from the Lithuanian Seimas at the beginning of his term.

Meanwhile, the initiator of the proposal, S. Šedbaras, doubts that the Seimas will approve these amendments to the Constitution and emphasizes that this initiative is still only at the level of discussions.

A. Širinskienė: this amendment attempts to remove R. Karbauskis from politics

“The situation is that the president of the Law and Order Commission has sent a letter to the Future Commission about the planned development of the Constitution. Named after that, there are a number of amendments planned to the Constitution. And one of them are the amendments to the Constitution, which, as it is written there, are made based on this term and those unexpected withdrawals of the members of the Seimas del Seimas. The amendments themselves state that if a person resigns, they simply cannot stand in other Seimas elections, ”A. Širinskienė told Eltai.

This letter, which was also received by ELTA, actually refers to two numbers for 2020-2024. Ramūnas Karbauskis, a peasant leader, and Antanas Guogas, a “hard worker”, who voluntarily resigned from the mandate of a member of the Seimas during his tenure.

A letter signed by Shedbar, chairman of the Law and Order Committee, said the proposal was made because “there was a debate that it could be seen as electoral fraud and should not be tolerated when the same person ran in another election.”

A. Širinskienė, in response to the observations made in the letter, considers that these amendments to the Constitution, which are proposed for consideration in the Future Committee, focus on the peasant leader R. Karbauskis.

For all these circumstances, especially for the reference and reference to this term, and not for previous resignations, not for the fact that it is a common phenomenon, it is obvious that in principle there is an attempt to eliminate R. Karbauskis from the Lithuanian politics and I would not be able to participate in the next Seimas elections, ”said the politician.

The Seimas member assures that these amendments to the Constitution, which are proposed for discussion in the Future Commission, are also criticized by experts in constitutional law. According to her, this is understood as an interference in democratic processes, since, according to politicians, parliamentarians are usually allowed to resign in democratic states for various reasons.

It can also be a political statement, a resignation, what happened in the case of R. Karbauskis. As I believe, the experts in constitutional law point out well, there is no forced labor in Lithuania, everyone can resign from his position, that is, the constitutional right of a person. And in fact, he cannot be punished for it, ”noted A. Širinskienė.

“You cannot force a person to be a member of the Seimas, if they do not want to, you cannot prohibit their resignation, you cannot punish a person for leaving the Seimas by making a certain political statement, because in this case it seems that a certain punishment” , he also emphasized.

R. Karbauskis: with these amendments, the conservatives seek monogamy

The peasant leader R. Karbauskis himself believes that this initiative to be considered in the Future Committee is directed against him personally.

“I find it very strange that a party that has been shouting for the last four years that the Constitution does not need to be changed is something sacred is now beginning to change a set of issues in the Constitution and elect one or more people. This is completely incomprehensible, R. Karbauskis told Eltai.

“Even constitutional law experts say something has gotten very strange here, because there has never been such a thing in the history of a multi-person amendment to the Constitution,” he added.

For this reason, the politician assures that this type of modifications to the law “conservatives seek monogamy.”

Mr. Shedbar: There is a debate, but I doubt that this initiative will receive the necessary support

For his part, the president of the Law and Order Committee, S. Šedbar, assures that so far no draft amendment to the Constitution has been registered in the Seimas to prohibit parliamentarians who have refused to participate in the next elections to the Seimas. However, the politician acknowledges that discussions about such a possibility are planned in the Future Commission.

“So far there is no project, but there have been discussions between colleagues, there are such thoughts among the members of the Seimas, should we not think in perspective that a person who has promised to work honestly, put his hands on the Constitution but if he did not receive the power will resign and will promise the mountains again to the voters in the next elections, “Eltai told the politician.

S. Šedbaras affirms that the idea of ​​proposing to the Future Committee to consider this possible amendment to the Constitution arose in response to the request of several members of the Seimas.

“Several members of the Seimas approached me as chairman of the committee when these resignations took place. This is what they suggested to me to try (amendment – ELTA) to register. But a member of the Seimas cannot register an amendment to the Constitution, because here is an amendment to the Constitution, so I wrote to the Future Committee, among other proposals, for their consideration, ”he explained.

Although the chairman of the Public Order Committee underlines in principle the idea that parliamentarians who have resigned as members of the Seimas cannot participate in the elections of the Seimas, S. Šedbaras doubts that he can receive the necessary support in the Seimas.

“You can think of deceived people, but it has to do with changing the Constitution. 94 votes with a three-month hiatus. It is not that simple here. And that this debate is taking place is very good. Even I would say that it is a kind of preventive measure that a famous person thinks that if he goes to the polls, “he said.

However, S. Šedbaras admits that the adoption of this provision of the Constitution would prevent both R. Karbauskis, who resigned from the Seimas, and Antanas Guoga, who resigned from the parliamentary mandate, from participating in the next elections to the Seimas. However, the president of the Public Order Commission points out that this prohibition would not apply to people who have resigned the mandate of a member of the Seimas due to health problems and to parliamentarians elected by mayors.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen: I have doubts about this proposal

This initiative was also evaluated by the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen. The speaker of parliament stated that her proposal to ban parliamentarians who had refused the mandate of a member of the Seimas from running candidates in the upcoming Seimas elections raises doubts.

“It just came to our attention then. Precisely because, as several experts have noted, it can even surpass the Constitution,” V. Čmilytė-Nielsen told reporters in the Seimas on Thursday.
