Support for affected companies is also available to companies that have paid dividends or accumulated funds in their accounts | Deal


Mykolas Majauskas, president of the Seimas BFK, drew attention to these cases in which companies that used state support measures paid dividends.

He asked the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė how it is ensured that companies receiving state aid do not withdraw money.

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / Mykolas Majauskas

Valdo Kopūstas / 15min photo / Mykolas Majauskas

The head of the State Tax Inspectorate (STI), Edita Janušienė, confirmed that this problem is relevant. The STI assesses applications from companies requesting the distribution of subsidies related to taxes paid in 2019, which began in late January. Under this measure, it is planned to distribute 150 million LTL to companies. euros.

E. Janušienė said that the inspectors had selected 366 companies from which they had submitted applications for subsidies for inspection. It turned out that 68 companies on this list had paid a total of almost 6 million. dividends in euros.

“They were asked for documents. There are no final decisions on whether they will receive subsidies. Since I am signing negative orders, I can say that there are already some negative decisions for those companies that paid significant amounts of dividends in the amount of 300-400 thousand each to end of last year, and after evaluating the other activities of the company ”, informed the head of the STI.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dawn Armonaitė

A. Armonaitė stated that these issues are being addressed, because there is another trend when companies apply for grants, even though they have not actually suffered or have suffered fictitiously. Solutions to prevent abuse will be found with the responsible authorities on Thursday.

You asked for tax deferrals even though the bills are full of money

Businesses are trying to abuse not only by claiming subsidies for the affected business, but also by requesting tax deferrals.

The STI sent data to the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, which shows that the STI refused to allow the tax deferral to 476 companies that requested it, as it was clear that 247 companies according to the information provided in the request were not in difficulties and 192 were insolvent. Others were asked to provide additional data.

Violators were also revealed by the selection of 140 taxpayers for CTI monitoring, whose arrears amounted to LTL 76.5 million. EUR. There were 3 cases in which the companies had significant amounts of money in the account, the turnover of 37 companies had increased and the turnover of 35 companies had decreased to 10%.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Edita Janušiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Edita Janušiene

In total, the total arrears of tax deferrals amount to 1.1 billion. euros. The total arrears of legal persons are 955.5 million. EUR. Tax arrears of legal persons subject to tax aid amount to LTL 782.4 million. EUR.

Companies affected by the coronavirus may be eligible for various types of support. Currently, small and medium-sized companies with up to 250 employees, whose turnover has fallen by 30% due to the pandemic. and more, may be eligible for a subsidy of up to 25%. In 2019, the company paid the Personal Income Tax (PIT). 150 million are earmarked for this. euros.

Affected companies can also apply for soft loans: 30 million. euros.

The government has recently approved or is considering four more measures that should go into effect in the near future: compensation for rent in the market, compensation for rapid tests, a subsidy for the most affected companies and a subsidy for the self-employed, which would reach the 100%. GPM paid in 2019.
