Summary: V. Babaryka’s path to the presidents of Belarus has ended in the window


V. Babaryka, who has run the Belgazprombank commercial bank since 2000, resigned in May and announced that he would seek the opportunity to participate in the presidential election. According to observers, his candidacy was unexpected: V. Babaryka had not participated in politics before.

As dissatisfaction with those in power grew in Belarus, Babaryka, like other alternative candidates, quickly began collecting signatures, with Belarusian cities lining up to sign for those who wanted to replace Aliaksandr Lukashenko, the last European dictator, as president.

TASS / Signatures photos collected in Moscow for alternative candidates

TASS / Signatures photos collected in Moscow for alternative candidates

Analyst Kaciaryna Šmiacina before 15 minutes He explained the reasons for the popularity of V. Babarika: Babaryka, who came from business and is not associated with the political regime, is an attractive candidate for various groups of voters, including the middle class.

Furthermore, it is moderate: unlike other opponents, it does not speak of revolution. Banker V. Babaryka also strongly criticizes the country’s economic system, which is largely controlled by the state.

“Organizer of illegal activities”

In early June, officials from the Belarusian State Audit Office searched Belgazprombank in a criminal case for tax evasion and money laundering. V.Babaryka condemned the search as an attempt to “press” him.

Vladimir Dudarev, chairman of the Babaryka initiative group in Mogilev, as well as Sergei Karmyov, head of the Belgazprombank branch in the city, and several other bankers linked to Babaryka were quickly arrested.

On June 18, V. Babaryka, along with his son Eduard, who worked for his company, was arrested as “the direct organizer and leader of illegal activities.” Later, it turned out that V. Babaryka is accused of money laundering, tax evasion and bribery. E.Babaryka is imposed only for tax evasion.

AFP / Scanpix photo / Belgazprombank

AFP / Scanpix photo / Belgazprombank

At that time, the arrest of other candidates had already begun. One of them, Nikolai Statkevich, wife 15 minutes he told methat conditions in detention centers are currently worse than during the 2010 protests. After the arrests were announced, hundreds of Belarusians took to the streets to show solidarity with the detained opponents.

“Undeniable Evidence of Guilt”

A “special investigation” appeared on state television in Belarus (ONT) in July. The report shows excerpts from videos in which Bababka is arguing with Kirill Badey, Chairman of the Board of Belgazprombank.

The latter names companies and individuals from whom he received 250,000. up to 300 thousand. dollars in cash per year.

“I myself did not count the money, I handed it to Viktor Dmitrijich. The next day he invited me and gave me an envelope, which was intended for me”, – says K. Badejus in the video, at that time V. Babaryka is shown several times in the report.

K. Badejus was filmed saying that the last amount was transferred in the spring of 2020, that V. Babaryka ordered to transfer the money to other colleagues. According to K. Badejus, the money was transferred to cooperate with the companies mentioned in the report.

The report reports that 20 people have been detained and that “the numbers are actively cooperating with investigators.” A KGB spokesman said on television that this was incontrovertible evidence of his involvement in criminal activities.

V. Babaryka’s lawyers appealed the ONT report to the Office of the Attorney General. They are for the portal He said the report did not comply with Belarusian law and international law.

Lawyers criticized the use of pretrial investigative material in the report, alleging a violation of the presumption of innocence principle, and argued that the reliability of the displayed material had not been confirmed. Lawyers noted that before the investigation was completed, the KGB representative concluded in the report that there was “indisputable evidence of guilt.”

Information about the “black box office” of the Belgazprombank headquarters in Minsk soon appeared on the air of ONT. It was allegedly used by the bank’s administration for clandestine operations, such as money laundering. According to the representative of the KGB, the cash register operated by order of V. Babaryka. According to the report, the currency of one of the boxes was exchanged for a special exchange rate for certain people.

Another state-owned channel, Belarus 1, aired its show on Sunday when Belgazprombank allegedly abuses borrowers who failed to pay their loans on time and confiscated their assets.

Rejected candidate

V. Babaryka had submitted to the Central Electoral Commission more than 367 thousand. Signatures valid for 165.7 thousand. from them.

However, on Tuesday, the commission announced that V. Babaryka is not allowed to participate in the August presidential elections. The reason is that V. Babaryka’s income and real estate statement and the involvement of a “foreign organization” in the election campaign are unclear.

Photo by TASS / Viktor Babarika

Photo by TASS / Viktor Babarika

But perhaps V. Babaryka did not wait for the opportunity to participate in the elections?

“Babaryka himself is smart enough to understand that the results of this year’s election are likely to be predictable.” However, his and other candidates’ strategies may be as follows: participate in building a political reputation for future elections.

Because one day Lukashenko will continue to resign. And then there will be an opportunity to really compete for the presidency, “before 15 minutes said Belarusian analyst K. Schmacina.

Amnesty International has already recognized Babaryk and popular blogger Sergei Tikhanyovsky, who is also being held behind bars.

Not the first deal

This is not the first choice when dealing with A. Lukashenko’s serious competitors.

N.Statkevičius, who sought the position of head of state a decade ago, was found guilty of organizing mass riots and sentenced to six years in prison. Admittedly, in August 2015, Lukashenko bestowed the grace on N. Statkevičius. He is currently under arrest again.

Andrei Sanikov, who also participated in the 2010 presidential elections, was sentenced to five years in prison for organizing massive riots. Mr. Lukashenko soon granted him pardon and the opposition received asylum in the United Kingdom.

TASS photo / Sergei Tichanovsky

TASS photo / Sergei Tichanovsky

Among the candidates already arrested this year are blogger S. Tikhanovskis. He was accused of participating in an unauthorized opposition picket in Grodno.

It is true that his wife Svetlana, who registered to run after her husband’s arrest, was allowed by the Central Electoral Commission to run in the presidential elections.
