Such behavior by Lithuanians is very worrying: they do not understand how they can harm themselves


“I’m tired, although I don’t know what,” is often a family condition. How to explain the concept of emotional fatigue? What does it usually come from?

– Fatigue occurs whenever we participate in fairly uniform activities without interruption. It is important to remember that it can be more than just sitting or running: when we think a lot all day, we get mentally tired, we are sad all day or we are happy, we get emotionally tired. All physical or mental activity requires resources and no resource is an abyss. When we run out of resources, we feel tired. No, this does not mean that there is some kind of “emotional fuel” to be obtained from food or the sun, but the principle is that any long-term activity requires breaks, otherwise we will get tired.

– How to rest when even, apparently resting physically, emotional fatigue does not leave?

– Each type of fatigue requires the right kind of rest. If you are tired of tension, of anxiety, you need emotional rest, you need activities or thoughts that are accompanied by completely different emotions than those of which you are tired. You need a change, a pause in what was bothering you. If the emotions were intense, you need peace of mind, if you are tired of doing nothing (because boredom also bothers you, the feeling of helplessness that comes from it), you need emotional fireworks and a carnival. During the change, the focus is frozen on a new focus object, so the processes that preceded it can be stopped and the resources assigned to them can be restored. If you relax physically, you continue to deal with the same troubling problem with your thoughts: You haven’t stopped the tedious activity, so the rest doesn’t happen. At least for a short time you should do something that doesn’t bother you, even if you do the dishes.

Monika Kuzminskaitė

Monika Kuzminskaitė

© Personal album photo album.

– Technology, sleep, food and emotional fatigue: how are they all related? How would you advise to properly distance yourself from the “screen” so that a person can rest and at the same time not feel that tension “or maybe miss”? After all, we are in the habit of constantly checking virtual news feeds.

– Technology, sleep, diet, fatigue, as well as physical and mental health in general, environmental factors – everything is interrelated. We are affected by the whole combination of these factors. Changing an element in this system will change the overall picture a bit and will likely come back as each system seeks to stay in balance. As for the screen, more specifically, more attention should be paid to what we will really lose without seeing one or another notification. The first impulsive thought that our world, as we know it, will collapse, should be allowed to slip through our minds, because that is not a sufficient purpose. What is really going to happen to you today? Most worrying is the nameless threat, the unknown. The fact that there are no threats is already a reassuring thought. If you can’t figure it out, it’s worth a day to disconnect from all the usual notification “drops” and check your catastrophic predictions, of course, not a repeat day that you don’t get the usual traffic, but a nice and meaningful activity to do. you. Absolutely nothing bad happens to most people on such a day, which is already good reason to think if you really need to stick with those needles all the time. Maybe it’s just a habit that causes stress and creates the illusion of need and employment.

– Stress is a common companion of modern man. There is probably no one-size-fits-all method, but do you have any simple practical advice on how we can sometimes hit the “power off” button and relax?

– There is definitely no one-size-fits-all method, because people are stressed for a variety of reasons, and saying “don’t stress” would really be of little help. However, it is important to understand what your personal sources of stress are, to understand which of these stressful circumstances you can handle and cope with and which you cannot. The first is planning and executing the steps, while the second is resolutely and systematically exchanging thoughts with things you can change. This should be done as often as necessary and several times a day. Allowing yourself to act in a strong and controlling position, when you are faced with challenges, when you focus on progress rather than the goal, fundamentally changes your attitude towards the whole situation and allows you to mobilize all your forces for meaningful action. The off button is not the best way to relax; in fact, it’s not even a good way. The feeling that you are moving and things are improving helps you feel good, and the frustration and helplessness that arise without experiencing such feelings often seems like fatigue.

– And yet, as the login prompt approaches, perhaps you can reveal: When life seems to be falling apart, where do you start managing it: sleep, food, stress, or screen? It says to change the world, first go to bed in the morning. What daily rituals to start feeling calm, harmonious, happy in the long run?

– The question is very broad, so I will only answer about the very beginning of this journey. I suggest starting with calm, rhythmic breathing. I say this as seriously as possible because calm, rhythmic breathing is a very effective and very simple relaxation technique. It is also used in most relaxation or meditation techniques, and it is not unnecessary. If you combine breathing with mindfulness management, that’s enough to count, inhale – one, exhale – two, and practice this for a few minutes several times a day – you will have a great tool to improve your condition. It’s an adaptable anytime, anywhere tool, perfect for a break from any activity and allows you to change your focus productively. The second thing you can start to do is spend as much time as possible on just one approach at a time, stop working nine, in other words, “multitask.” Focus is a limited resource, and by sharing it, each job is done with lower quality and fatigue comes faster. I know I really want to say that life does not wait and forces me to do a lot at the same time, but here we also enter the third important element: priorities. What are your top five jobs today? Start with the most important, and even if you don’t manage everything, the most important work will receive attention and time, and at the end of the day, the result will still be good.

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