such a solution is the first in the world


This innovation is not only a necessary help for the restaurant and bar sector affected by the pandemic, but also an opportunity to supplement the state budget with legally taxable income.

The idea born a year ago was believed by the leaders of Lithuanian brewing – Švyturys, who helped make it come true – today the first Tipit machines have already seen the light of day.

The creators of the idea, Juozas Piekuras and Tautvydas Grinius, claim that this state-of-the-art solution is the first in the world and looks forward to successful development not only in Lithuania, but also throughout Europe.

Tipit is a portable card reader that allows you to transfer tips directly to your staff account. This solution allows you to pay the lowest possible fees – only 15%. GPM. To date, staff have received less than half of the remaining amount by leaving a tip card. Such a decision was not motivated and therefore was not upheld. Thanks to Tipit, tips can be left on the card without obligations, smart applications or QR codes. As far as we know, this solution is the first in the world, so we hope to implement it not only in the Lithuanian market, but also in the entire European market ”, say the initiators Juozas Piekuras and Tautvydas Grinius.

The unique idea soon attracted the support of Lithuanian beer leaders, so after less than a year of development, it saw the light of day today.

According to Rolandas Viršilas, head of Švyturys-Utenos alus, this decision is especially relevant in the context of a pandemic.

“The bar and restaurant sector is going through a major recession today. Even with the opening of the outdoor terraces, the flow of people is limited, turnover is falling and there is a lack of staff. Tipping is a very important part of the business. culture of this sector, which not only shows gratitude for the service, but is also a great economic incentive and motivation for employees, therefore, we contributed to the idea of ​​Tipit and asked for support for the sector most affected by the pandemic.

It’s a great way for restaurants and bars to attract employees, motivate staff, thank them and help the public get their business up and running, ”says the director of Švyturys-Utenos alus.

The bars themselves welcome innovation with outstretched hands, calling him another Lithuanian unicorn and predicting a special future for him.

Kristupas Baublys, the bar and restaurant manager, who employs more than 100 professionals throughout Lithuania during the summer season, says that such a decision has been expected for many years.

“Today, when there is a great problem of staff shortages, we are very aware that the employee would prefer to go to work where this new Tipit system is installed, because they will receive direct economic benefits. Some job board workers are reluctant to go back to work because it doesn’t suit them. To increase wages, frankly, we have nothing to do. And such a solution will allow the staff to earn more money, which is no longer affected by the bar. It is therefore gratifying that “Švyturys” once again demonstrates its leadership not only by supporting this unique idea, but also by constantly growing and nurturing the entire bar culture “, says K. Baublys.

More revenue for the state budget

Start-up developers are convinced that innovation will also help generate more revenue for the state budget.

They estimate around 17 million. The annual loss of tips is due to the fact that it is not possible to leave a tip card, which is a significant loss to the state budget.

“In the current version of Tipit, bartenders and waiters will have to declare and pay 15% of their tips. Personal taxes. However, in the future, with the consent of the staff, we intend to declare these taxes ourselves. The bartender or The waiter will only have to connect to the STI system, confirm and declare our calculated income.

We receive exclusive permission to report Level B income for other people. In this way, the bar does not participate at all in this transaction, it does not have any additional accounting, it can only see statistics of how much tea is collected in the bar ”, says J. Piekuras, one of the creators of the occurrence.

Previous decisions have not worked

According to Gintautas Giržads, director of payment solutions at SEB Baltics, card payments have grown steadily in recent years and people now spend more than half of their money on them.

“Recently, especially in the context of a pandemic, the population is paying more and more by card or telephone, less and less even with small amounts of cash in their wallets, so the need for electronic advice is becoming evident. In cooperation with Tiplt, we have adapted the card payment service to be suitable for leaving service personnel with a card. It is a modern solution that not only meets customer needs, but also contributes to greater transparency, ”says G. Giržadas.

The creators of Tipit say that this decision is very reminiscent of our usual way of leaving tips, so it should be much easier to set up than other initiatives released so far.

“Various smart applications and QR codes have been developed, but all these solutions have not worked. Therefore, we decided to take a different path: instead of virtual devices and solutions, we created a physical scanner. Today, many flee from the physical facilities because they require maintenance, complex manufacturing and supply processes. However, we believe that only a physical scanner allows you to have an experience similar to leaving a cash tip. All the customer has to do is turn the wheel, capture the desired quantity and add a card. This is not possible with devices or QR codes, “says J. Piekuras.

The startup’s plans are to attract investment and cover all of Lithuania with the new Tipit devices during the year. In the five-year perspective, it is planned to move to other Baltic countries and eventually to the entire European market for bars and restaurants.
