submitted the third response to the COVID-19 test


When the test result indicates a suspected case of COVID-19 disease, people are informed by text message and invited to repeat the test by registering electronically on the website Hotline 1808 During registration, it is necessary to choose the type of registration, for those who repeat the investigation after the suspected case. It is also possible to register through the 1808 direct line.

“It is not uncommon for a laboratory test to show that a person has almost recovered from COVID-19 or that there are other circumstances that affect the questionable results of a PCR test. In this case, it is recommended to retest the sample for a positive or negative result.

It should also be taken into account that after illness, the virus can be detected in the human body for up to 30 days or more, but a person is not a carrier of the virus and cannot infect others, ”says Assoc. Dr. Dalius Vitkus.

Upon invitation to repeat the COVID-19 test, isolation is required until the repeat test result is available. To obtain a certificate of incapacity for work, you must contact your family doctor remotely.

So far, the country’s laboratories have been able to mark the following PCR test results in the Collaboration Infrastructure Information System and Electronic Health Services:

Positive – SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA has been detected in the sample and the person is considered to be infected. A person who has received a positive test result should be isolated.

Negative – No SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA was detected in the sample, but it is important to emphasize that there is a risk of false negative results due to incorrect sampling time, incorrect sampling technique, low virus concentration, improper sample transport , virus mutations and other technical or biological reasons.

Therefore, even if a negative test result is obtained, it is recommended that other measures be followed to control the spread of the coronavirus, such as regular monitoring of your health, isolation, and timely retesting;

Nevertintins – when there is insufficient data to interpret the test results, so the test result is not defined and the result cannot be considered positive or negative. In this case, a new exam is recommended.
