Students will return to class beginning September 1.


The Minister of Education, Science and Sports, Algirdas Monkevičius, confirmed on Thursday that students will be able to return to classes from 1 September.

“If the question arises whether to match a student’s uniform, the answer is yes, the school year will start in the usual way. General education schools and vocational education institutions start: September 1. Also for institutions higher education, except for freshmen, “A. Monkevičius told reporters on Thursday.

However, schools will need to follow the guidelines established by epidemiologists.

“The operations manager establishes hygiene and other safety conditions.” Every week starting this week, we meet with epidemiologists and coordinate how we see the changing situation, “the minister added.

The ministry, together with epidemiologists, foresaw the conditions under which the educational process would unfold as usual, when masks would be introduced and when the need for distance education would be considered. So far, according to A. Monkevičius, no Lithuanian municipality has reached the risk limit.

At that time, on the occasion of September 1, it is recommended to meet with the celebration in the open air.

Working in schools will look different

Jolanta Navickaitė, Director of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, pointed out that this year’s educational process will be slightly different than usual.

“We will have to comply with all the requirements set by the Ministry of Health to be able to organize the educational process safely. The environment itself must be organized in such a way that the least possible number of classes and different groups of students have contact in schools , follow the principle of group isolation and monitor the health status of students and staff. As now, children with fever or sickness are prohibited from participating in the educational process, “said J. Navickaitė.

In addition, depending on the epidemiological situation, the use of safety equipment may be recommended.

“The principle of classroom learning should be applied in schools: teachers go to classes and students in the classroom are in the same room. The teacher will bring his tools to class. We strongly recommend that schools plan their work in such a way that students from different classes are in different parts of the school, perhaps organizing classes on different floors to reduce contact, ”recommended J. Navickaitė.

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Portal recalls that ŠMSM has confirmed that this school year will begin on September 1. At that time, college freshmen are offered a delay in the school year.

However, although the lower probability of distance learning remains, this scenario is also being prepared. Therefore, additional funding is planned for schools to provide them with information technology tools, as well as to improve the digital skills of teachers. It is planned to allocate 12 million. euros.

In the second half of August, when school leaders and teachers return after the holidays, seminars, trainings on how to work with IT systems and learning platforms are planned.

