Students who chose the advertised studies received nasty surprises: not all can be supported by wealthy parents


We remind you of that for everyone, in 2020. Incentive scholarships of 300 euros had to be paid to those who entered places of pedagogical studies financed by the state; These scholarships should be awarded to both those who enrolled in undergraduate studies and professional pedagogy.

In addition, taking into account the needs of the State, in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister, scholarships should be awarded to those who chose parallel pedagogical studies. However, the students who chose this professional path informed Delfi that the payment of these scholarships was long delayed.

He received nothing the day the scholarships were paid.

Vilnius University (VU) student Delfi said the state had promised to pay a 300 EUR scholarship to teachers, but on October 27, when the scholarships had to be paid, VU students received notifications of that they would be paid only from the end of November.

“All the students were confused, scholarships were promised, so the budget was adjusted, there was no job search and the focus was on science. How much money do students live to rent an apartment and be unemployed? Not all parents are wealthy and can fully support a student who studies. “

According to her, if this had been announced at least at the end of August, then perhaps some students would at least have found work or calculated their budget and resented being promised what could not be done on time.

A student from the Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) also complained to the news portal about the non-payment of these scholarships, who claimed that his research institution could not pay the scholarships for pedagogy students.

“The students at Kaunas University did not receive them on time, although the State Studies Foundation transferred the money to this academic institution. No one seems to be in a rush to share scholarships. “

According to him, not a single promised scholarship was not paid on time: money was expected for September, October and November (a total of 900 euros). When asked by management what the possible reasons for this delay were, they did not receive a specific response.

Students who chose the advertised studies received nasty surprises: not all can be supported by wealthy parents

The funds were received later

Rima Juciutė, Head of the Public Communication Branch of Vilnius University, commented that the funds for the payment of scholarships for teachers were received later than in October. Payment of scholarships to students: scholarships are generally paid before the 27th of the current month and VU received information about the funds transferred to pay for this scholarship on October 30 only.

“The scholarship calculation and payment process takes time, and the information received about the new type of scholarship still needs to be processed – describe the scholarship, create a benefit, order the scholarship payment, enter the database, etc. Therefore, the scholarships for teachers will be paid in November. Along with the payment of all scholarships for VU students, it is scheduled for November 24 and 27 “.

It was also supported by the KTU media representative Mantas Lapinskas, who at the same time emphasized that all scholarships that belong to students according to laws or contracts are paid at the university.

“This year, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports awarded 300 EUR scholarships to students studying pedagogy to all students studying only in places funded by the state. The scholarships are paid for the entire study period from the beginning of the studies, i. and for students of professional studies, the beginning of studies is considered on September 10, and for students of part-time studies, from the start of part-time studies, February “.

He stressed that according to the Minister’s order, eligible first-year students and applicants for part-time pedagogical scholarships had to participate in the selection only after enrollment, and presented the final data on the selection and the number of students to both the Ministry and the Foundation for State Studies by KTU before September 30. as indicated in the order.

“Unfortunately, as far as we know, due to the large number of applicants for related pedagogy studies, the final number and recipients of the scholarships became evident only at the end of October, the inter-institutional agreement with the ministry was signed in early November and the money has arrived these days.

Scholarships are not awarded by the university itself; We depend on the business processes of the ministry, but we can make sure that all scholarships are paid to all students by the end of this month. “

The amount paid turned out to be too small

However, after the scholarship was already transferred to VU, another student from this university complained that it was lower than expected.

“This year I entered Vilnius University, studying subject pedagogy. The free place with the incredible conditions promised seemed like a dream come true. You have probably heard of the promised scholarships of 300 euros. Now we are very disappointed with VU, because in theory we should have received scholarships a month ago, but we received them recently for three months. 770 Eur. Yes, the scholarships were not only late, but they also paid less than promised. “

According to her, when calling the research department, the answer as to why a limited amount was not provided.

“Vytautas Magnus University (Vytautas Magnus University -“Delphi) He did not delay and kept his promise, paid, while with VU every day the nerves. It would be possible to expand and expand, but I think VU is not ready to train teachers and deliver on its promises.

Nomeda Barauskienė, representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, commented on this whole situation due to delays in scholarships and poorly paid scholarships:

“In accordance with the procedure established by the Government, the State Studies Fund, which is in charge of managing the disbursement of funds for pedagogical scholarships to higher education institutions, transfers these funds to higher education institutions where they study pedagogy students.

Higher education institutions are responsible for paying scholarships to students. According to the representatives of Vilnius University, the scholarships for students have already been reversed, their amounts will be adjusted due to technical inaccuracies in the VU scholarship system ”.

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