STT frustrated dreams of obtaining Lithuanian citizenship: in the case – also famous names


In this case, the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office brought charges against Aušra Mažonienė, the former chairman of the Fundamentals of the Vilnius District State Language Proficiency and Qualification Examination of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, and five individuals deprived of bribery and influence trading.

Alfredas Grigutis, 60, who has been convicted of fraud multiple times before, is considered one of the most famous scammers in Lithuania, and foreign citizens, Jurijus Rubiankovas, 47, and Veronika Kulešova, 42, are also charged. of traffic.

Serge Hyacinthe Tatiefang, 32, who arrived in Lithuania from Cameroon in Central Africa 10 years ago, is also being tried for the effects of trade. He has played soccer for various Lithuanian teams for some time, but currently works abroad, although he is officially registered in Lithuania, where a family has started.

Another defendant, Jelizaveta Popova, a 73-year-old pensioner, who has lived in Vilnius so far, is accused by officials of bribery and influence trading.

Officials of the Special Investigation Service (STT) and the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office, who conducted a pre-trial investigation, established that in 2018. A. Mažonienė, director of the Pagiriai Gymnasium in the Vilnius district, who also served as President The Vilnius District Commission for the Qualification of the State Language Proficiency and Fundamental Constitutional Tests promised to positively evaluate the test results for a monetary reward. For this, the official received money, for the positive evaluation of J. Rubiankov and V. Kulešova, J. Popova paid 500 euros and promised to pay the same amount later.

It was also established that another member of the commission should be bribed.

Furthermore, A. Mažonienė also received a bribe of 900 euros in his office for a positive evaluation of the examination of six foreigners, although they did not even intend to accept it.

Vilna’s cunning pensioner J. Popova had planned to pay A. Mažonienė money and for the positive evaluation of the footballer S. H. Tatiefang’s exam: the pensioner who took 150 euros from him failed to fulfill his intentions.

When STT officers became interested in the fictitious exams that needed to be passed to obtain Lithuanian citizenship, the director of the Pagiriai gym was looking for ways to avoid criminal liability that threatened her. And it coincided that at that time A. Grigutis de Vilnius, considered one of the most ingenious swindlers in Lithuania, was released from prison.

The educator, familiar with him, believed in the stories followed by the scammer that he could bribe pre-trial investigative officers, that they could terminate the pre-trial investigation started for money. A. Mažonienė paid 3.5 thousand for the scammer. EUR.

Vilnius regional court judge Rasa Paužaitė will hear this criminal case; The hearing scheduled for Wednesday did not take place because, for unclear reasons, convoy officials did not bring A. Grigutis, who is currently serving a sentence for other crimes, from prison. J. Popova, a pensioner who enjoyed boastful and influential acquaintances, also did not appear in court; Although she was prohibited from leaving her place of residence, the pensioner moved to Druskininkai from Vilnius without even notifying officials.

“J. The Popova summons returned as undeliverable, although it was sent to the address where she was detained, a written commitment not to leave, Judge R. Paužaitė said. – For this reason, the court contacted the accused by telephone, stated that he was in Druskininkai, attended private health procedures and did not attend the hearing. Considering that he had violated the conditions of the preventive detention measure, he did not present the legal certificate that he was unable to attend the court hearing, the court issued a decision to dismiss it, and this decision was entrusted to the Vilnius and Druskininkai police commissioners. “

According to the judge, the police did not fulfill this obligation: Vilnius officials indicated that the accused had told them that he lived in Druskininkai and that he would not be able to appear in court due to his state of health. At that time, J. Popova told Druskininkai police that he was aware of the planned meeting and would arrive at the specified time.

“The officer trusted the defendant, but this hearing did not come,” the judge said.

Tatjana Benetė, a lawyer who was defending the pensioner at the time, said that on the eve of the hearing, J. Popova sent two letters to the court, written at 10 percent. in Lithuanian and 90 percent. in Russian, and stated that she would not be able to appear in court due to her medical condition, but noted that she acknowledged the allegations made against her and agreed to take responsibility.

“She alone is asking the court not to impose a very severe punishment,” said the defendant, who the defendant did not want to attend court hearings.

However, that possibility is not foreseen by law: by approving the position of the prosecutor supporting the state prosecutor’s office Jūratė Karčinskienė, the judge decided to take J. Popov to the next hearing.

A. Mažonienė, who promised fictitiously positive test results to foreigners for money, declined to comment on the charges against him yet, but noted that he had admitted his guilt from the start of the investigation.

“I immediately admitted, I don’t want to comment, it’s too difficult,” he said.

The Cameroonian footballer living in Lithuania at the time was outraged that he was being photographed and filmed in court. The man tried to reassure the translator, but this still did not calm him down. More about that in the video.

If A. Mažonė’s guilt is proven in court, he will face a sentence of up to seven years in prison. At that time, A. Grigučius and J. Popova face imprisonment for up to five years, and other defendants, up to four years.

Former KGB driver

A. Grigutis, who promised A. Mažonienė that he will stop the pre-trial investigation, is well known to law enforcement officers: he has been convicted of fraud on many occasions. The man had even offered to sell the buildings of the Lithuanian Post, in addition, he attracted almost 500 thousand out of ten people. EUR. The former KGB driver was very articulate, capable of giving the impression of a trustworthy businessman, and after that “it all came out like butter.”

A. Grigutis introduced himself to his victims as a major influencer from the Department of State Security (SSD) with acquaintances in various fields. It attracted solid sums not just from women, heads of an amber recycling company, but also … a police officer and the manager of a commercial bank.

During the examination of the case in court, it became clear that Natalija Š., A resident of the capital Žvėrynas, who believed in A. Grigutis’ speeches. He promised his parcel of land on Paribio Street to the bank and gave around 140 thousand LTL to the “businessman” who promised to invest money in the car trade business. EUR.

Kristina V., a “solid businessman” who works for one of the other commercial banks, was introduced to acquaintances through acquaintances. The woman believed the man’s promises that in Italy she would pay about 65,000. Eur will buy in the 17th-18th centuries. an antique salt-plated gold chest, in which an ancient from Israel is interested. The bank employee had given A. Grigučius 23,000, but 8,000. Eur returned later.

“This chest was no longer valuable when it intervened during transport to Lithuania, which is why business collapsed,” the man tried to justify his behavior.

He promised in Kaliningrad to buy two tons of amber

A. Grigutis, who introduced himself as a customs clerk to others, promised to mediate the purchase of luxury cars at auctions. Those who trusted them as “entrepreneurs” gave 3.5 to 7 thousand. Eur, but did not receive the machines.

The defendant explained in court that he was aware of the auctions planned abroad, but did not even intend to buy the machines for the money received.

That the victims blindly believed in A. Grigučius was also revealed by the fact that one man, who gave more than 7 thousand. Eur for the car, but without receiving it, then agreed to contribute to the mobile phone business. 12 thousand for it. The man who invested Eur was left with nothing again.

The managers of the amber processing company established in Šiauliai also went into a deep crisis. They believed A. Grigutis’ stories that 60 tons of amber were detained in Kaliningrad: the “businessman” said he would have contacts and could sell it.

Šiauliai residents agreed to buy more than 2 tons of amber, they paid 70 thousand. Eur, but left without anything.

Jadvyga B. de Vilnius ran out of money: a woman believed when a man offered her a very cheap offer to buy an apartment on Kalvarijų Street. Almost 35 thousand. The Vilnius woman, who paid Eur, paid the money 6 times, but was not sure if she really was caught on the hook thrown by a scam fishing rod.

A. Grigutis had also appointed a Vilnius lawyer for his affairs, who represented his interests in a criminal case.

When the Vilnius City District Prosecutor’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation into possible fraud, at that time only the “businessman” who was the suspect was not arrested, but could not leave Lithuania without the knowledge of the officials.

It turned out that the man had read in the newspapers the story that Andžela K. de Vilnius and her friend Rasiius R. were interested in law enforcement because they suspected of embezzling a solid amount of money and valuables from a bank in a country. After meeting with Angela K.’s mother, Liudmila K., A. Grigutis introduced himself as a top SSD official and offered to help his daughter.

The scammer, who boasted of acquaintances in law enforcement agencies, promised to “do everything possible” to end the criminal case and Angela K. to avoid criminal liability.

He took almost 75,000 from the girl’s mother. Eur: money a woman received after selling an apartment. Of this amount, A. Grigutis 44 thousand. Eur promised to pay the bank, which allegedly had to withdraw the police statement.

Another 11 thousand. Senior VSD promised to pay almost 8,000 euros to prosecutors sitting on Rinktin Street. Eur to a lawyer and a similar amount to the victim, who had his money and valuables stolen from the bank.

“Yes, I used it, I had no intention of paying anyone money, I planned to take it for myself,” said A. Grigutis without hesitation in court.

Prosecutors suspected that the “businessman” had lost money at the casino; he often visited gambling dens and had repeatedly made a profit in his own name.

R. Grigutis was also tried for confiscating money from a large real estate agency: almost 600,000 people were attracted. EUR. The man received this money for the allegedly privatized Lithuanian post buildings. The scammers were also furious behind bars: According to the ad, they met a woman and soon married her. The marriage of the faithful admirers of A. Grigutis ended sadly: immediately after her, the woman’s accounts were seized.

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