Strangers interrogated, damaged and mutilated Kaunas BMWs – police looking for them


As Vytautas told reporters on the portal, he informed officials on August 30 about a neighbor who had recently returned from the UK and was not self-employed. “I saw that I was going to a grocery store in Panemunė. I filmed it and when I got home I called the police. The officers came and transferred the pictures from my phone and said that the neighbor would be contacted by email and that a fine, ”said the Kaunas resident.

Vytautas decided to ask officials what to do if he saw another neighbor who did not comply with mandatory self-isolation. “I said: I am 100 percent sure that he will not follow the regime. They advised to call the police immediately,” Vytautas recalled the council of officials.

They came to explain the relationship to me: how dare I cling to them, violating their privacy. After a while, I called the police a third time, but they didn’t even come.

However, on the same day, the Kaunas resident met his neighbor, who again took his hand in self-isolation. “I was in a camp in the yard, I was sitting on the bed, he came, opened the door of the caravan and began to curse and talk to me: you will have dripI’ll take care of you, don’t act like that. I rushed to film, walked him home to film. When I got back to the caravan, I called the general emergency number 112 and called the police. The defendant said he would pass the incident on to the police and they would make a decision. But for the second time no one came, ”Vytautas commented on the situation.

A man who does not adhere to self-isolation / Photo by Reader Vytautas

On the evening of the same day, August 30, the Kaunas resident met his neighbor for the third time. “I found myself in the hall at night. His brother also came to him. They came to explain the relationship to me: how dare I cling to them, violating their privacy. After a while, I called the police a third time, but they didn’t even come, “the man allowed arrows of criticism because of the indifference of the officials.

The Kaunas resident was outraged by his neighbor’s irresponsible behavior. According to Vytautas, a person should also think about family members and other people who may be threatened. “His mother works, he is at risk,” Vytautas said.

The man agreed to share a video of his neighbor captured walking to the store, and when he saw that he was being filmed, he became upset and rushed to cover his face. In another video, a neighbor is caught violating a self-isolation regime standing on a busy street.

After contacting Odeta Vaitkevičienė, Chief of the Communications Branch of the Kaunas County Police Chief Commissariat, she was assured that officers had received notifications about a person who failed self-isolation on several occasions. “From the aforementioned address of August 30. To date, nine notifications have been received. Five (two on August 30, one on August 31, one on September 1 and one on September 7) due to a person who returned from abroad with disagreements between neighbors, ”said O. Vaitkevičienė.

At present, the decision has not yet been made, no fine has been imposed.

The representative of the police stated that on September 3 an administrative offense was initiated under the third part of article 526 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Lithuania: the first part provides for an administrative offense committed during the war, emergency, mobilization, quarantine, In case of emergency, if the emergency or extreme event endangers the life or health of people, impose a fine of five hundred to fifteen hundred euros to people and fifteen hundred to six thousand euros to the heads of legal persons or other responsible persons.

“Currently, the decision has not yet been made, no fine has been imposed,” reported O. Vaitkevičienė.

“Officials control people in self-isolation not only after receiving complaints from the population. The lists of people in self-isolation are constantly updated, this information is shared with the territorial police stations, which, according to the available forces and their employment , form tasks for active forces and monitor them both on site and by phone and telephone. Up to about 100 people are screened a day, of course in terms of capabilities and resources. Residents who record possible violations of self-isolation can report to the police officers, transmit visual material and information through the electronic police service system or report to the specialists of the National Public Health Center (NVSC), ”said O. Vaitkevičienė.

NVSC representatives assured journalists on the portal that officials record violations of self-isolation and compliance. “We do not have the ability to verify isolation by address. The police monitor compliance with the isolation conditions of people returning from abroad and must self-isolate. If violations of the isolation conditions are established, the misconduct court is initiated administrative ”, – Kristina Rudžinskaitė, Advisor, Division of Communicable Disease Management, Kaunas Department, NVSC
