Stonys on his fraud suspicions: I see the investigation as a misunderstanding


“I see the investigation carried out by the police as a misunderstanding. I believe that the officials will take the necessary actions in such cases, discover all the important circumstances for the investigation and eliminate all suspicions not only for me, but also for the employees of the Central Cogeneration Plant of Kaunas, ”said KHP owner R. Stonys in a comment to BNS.

He emphasized that he was not directly involved in KHPP activities and was unaware of the complexities of all transactions, but that the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) was interested in the company’s diesel and oil sales, as these transactions were cited as suspicious by investigators. The businessman says he does not see anything illegal or suspicious in them.

“Even knowing that these transactions are being investigated by the police, I do not see anything illegal or suspicious about them. The Kaunas cogeneration plant buys diesel fuel from a Latvian company and sells it to fuel retail companies. Both purchases and sales. of fuel are real, the fuel supply is done through excise warehouses, where extremely strict fuel accounting is done, ”said R. Stonys.

According to him, in all cases the fuel is delivered to the final buyers, payments are made through the bank, amounts paid and received are declared, all taxes are paid.

“The company also sells technical oils. These transactions are also real, all payments are made through the bank, the oil is transported by a reputable transport company, all the oil bought and resold by Kaunas Power Plant is delivered to the port of Riga and shipped to the final consignee in Denmark. ” R. Stonys explained.

He said he was convinced that all the companies KHPP did business with were operational.

“These companies are registered in the VAT registry, declare large business volumes and in all cases both diesel and oil are effectively delivered. On the other hand, I can’t 100 percent. to ensure that these companies properly account for all transactions and the funds they receive from them, but I cannot control these things, they are their internal affairs, ”said R. Stonys.

He acknowledged that supplying diesel and exporting technical oil are not KHPP’s main activities, but the company sees an opportunity to make money from them.

“The plant carries out various activities that bring benefits to the company. (…) So far these activities have been profitable, last year the company received about 130 thousand profit in euros. We hope that in the future these activities will generate profits even bigger for the company, ”said R. Stonys.

The businessman responded to BNS’s questions in writing.

The FNTT reported in early March that a group of associates organized in a few months using the diesel and oil buy and sell scheme could have avoided around $ 1.1 million. VAT and special taxes.

Mindaugas Žalimas, who is considered the main organizer of the fraud scheme, was arrested for two weeks by the Kaunas District Court on March 4, and another suspected member of the group, Rolandas Mažrimas, was arrested for a month. The court did not arrest Linas Marijus Vaitkevičius and Darius Daugalas and sentenced them to minor preventive measures.

Stonys is the only suspect whose arrest was not requested by the prosecution. According to him, he knows the KHPP employees who are mentioned in the police report.

“I also know a person with whom the company (KHPP – BNS) had entered into an agency contract, on the basis of which this person offered the company to the oil trade. I do not personally know the other people mentioned in the suspicion report, ”stated BNS R. Stonys.

Stonys did not name the specific people named in the indictment report.

R. Stonys previously controlled the Dujotekana company, which was one of the largest gas importers of the Russian company Gazprom in Lithuania. According to TOP magazine, the value of R. Stonis’ property in 2019 amounted to € 70 million.
