STIs: Some of those seeking help with the coronavirus are clever


The State Tax Inspection (STI) reports that the companies included in 2021 For the individual assessment of the list of victims of Covid-19, the STI selected 236 companies with 83.5 million. back taxes.

The STI of these companies requests to provide documents that prove that the tax aid measures applied to them are necessary to guarantee the liquidity and continuity of the company’s business.

“Analyzing the indicators of the companies affected by the Covid-19 list, the STI faces situations in which the decisions made by the directors or shareholders of the companies that requested assistance during the emergency have not improved the financial situation of the company ”Says Artūras Klerauskas, Deputy Director. of the ITS.

As an example, he cited a property leasing company that rents property. It has 1.5 million. tax arrears in euros. But at the same time he paid the shareholder 3 million. euros.

Another example is a pharmaceutical company with 0.5 million. arrears in euros. Last year, he received 0.4 million. paid half in dividends.

Another company that sells drinks has 0.6 million. back taxes. But at the same time, the company has 6 million. euros.

A. Klerauskas pointed out that the tax administrator has reasonable doubts as to whether these companies, which have back taxes but paid dividends at the end of the year, made loans to their shareholders or other companies, or if the amount of funds accumulated in their accounts is higher. that their arrears, they should use fiscal aid measures.

According to the deputy, some companies are astute: they declare themselves victims, but generate higher turnover, transfer employees to other legal entities, fictitiously declare that the company is engaged in wholesale or retail trade, although in reality it may be, for example, production of tombstones. Also, some companies that have requested additional documents are unable to provide them at all.

According to A. Klerauskas, this year it will be more closely monitored whether companies have really suffered.

Depending on the situation, the STI provides companies with the opportunity to provide individual explanations of the situation, information on the actions they intend to take to restore or strengthen the financial position of the company. After a comprehensive assessment of all circumstances, company indicators and individual explanations, the STI will decide on the validity of the company’s presence on the list of beneficiaries.

According to STI data, in the 4th quarter of last year. 445 companies disbursed 17.9 million. dividends of 30.2 million euros, although it has a tax delinquency of 30.2 million euros. euros. 2020 December 1 companies had accumulated 220.3 million. 100 million euros in arrears, while bank accounts are around 100 million euros. euros.

According to the STI, the total amount of deferred taxes is approximately 772 million. euros.
