STI is launching a tax investigation into a company owned by Austėja Landsbergienė


On July 17, the STI and the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) decided not to investigate the activities of the Krajama company, whose sole shareholder is Austėja Landsbergienė, the wife of conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis.

At that time, a group of Seimas members petitioned the State Tax Inspectorate and the FNTT for the sale of land in the prestigious Vilnius district of UAB Krajama (now UAB Knowledge Investment) along with a one-euro transaction, although the market value of the plot was 1.3 bln. euros, Elta wrote.

However, the ITS then changed its mind and decided to open an investigation. STI does not disclose whether the investigation was initiated specifically for this transaction or after the published asset statements.

“The STI has launched a UAB Knowledge Investment tax investigation. As mentioned above, to ensure that taxpayers file and pay taxes properly, STI evaluates all data received about taxpayers, and data reported by taxpayers and received from third parties, information that has appeared in the media, data provided by other taxpayers about possible tax evasion, etc.

After analyzing the available data, the STI made the decision to initiate a tax investigation to ensure that the company adequately fulfills its tax obligations, ”said STI spokeswoman Rūta Asadauskaitė.

The first one denounced the investigation. 15 minutes.

The transaction was requested to be investigated.

As Elta previously wrote, the ITS was asked to carry out a tax investigation, along with an assessment of whether the transaction price in one euro had not been chosen to avoid paying taxes to the state. And the FNTT was asked to respond if the execution of such a transaction did not involve possible criminal acts. According to FNTT, after verifying the information, no signs of criminal activity were found in Krajama’s activities.

Conservatives said the “peasant” call to STIs and FNTTs was an attempt to defame.

“The bubble of peasant slander burst. Will you find the strength to apologize to people who have honestly worked and to business for the persecution and damage to your reputation,” said Vytautė Šmaižytė, head of conservative communication at Eltai, even earlier .

For his part, Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the LVŽS, who raised the subject of this “Krajama” transaction in the Seimas, states that the main objective of the “peasants” who appealed to the ITS and FNTT was to obtain an explanation of the transaction circumstances.

“I think the only thing that matters in this story is that the public and the politicians get answers to what has happened. We never say it may be an illegal activity, but that transaction with such an amount raised certain questions as to why it happened, “A. Širinskienė told Eltai.

Asset declarations published

On July 15, the ITS announced 48,000. ownership (family) ownership statements. They highlighted the wealthiest officials and their spouses.

Austėja Landsbergienė, the wife of Conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis, was in third place. Its declared assets amount to almost 13 million. EUR (12.97 million euros). Last year, A. Landsbergienė declared shares for 12.8 million. EUR. The amount of cash available in credit and non-credit institutions located in Lithuania is 111 thousand. EUR. The value of other registrable items, works of art and jewelry amounts to 2.8 thousand. EUR. The value of the plots in Lithuania is 2.1 thousand. EUR.

The total declared assets of the politician and his wife – around 14, 5 million euros.

At the time, Vytautė Šmaižytė, the head of communications for TS-LKD, told the media that G. Landsbergis and his family did not have such an amount of property, in real millions, as is often mistakenly thought.

“Before applying for a loan to build a new school in 2019, there was a mandatory requirement to assess the value of companies’ shares. What has been done: This value of the shares is reflected in the declaration of assets of A. Landsbergienė, but the financial liabilities of the business are even higher, currently reaching 20 million. euros

As previously announced, in August 2019, A. Landsbergienė increased the authorized capital of parent company Kibirkštis to LTL 12.6 million. EUR. The authorized capital was not increased by a monetary contribution, but by adding the shares of “Vaikystės sodo” and “Karalijos Queen Marta School” to the market value of the shares determined by commercial appraisers. Kibirkštis has taken over 20 million. – rent a new school building in the Kalnėnai district of Vilnius for 20 years, where the Vilnius Queen Martha school and one of the Childhood Garden network nurseries have been established since January 2020, – said V. Šmaižytė Delphi in the transmitted comment

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