STI: Independent companies can now apply for a grant


The total amount of the grants awarded to these companies is stated to be € 100 million. euros.

“When assessing whether a non-independent company meets the established criteria for receiving a grant, the financial indicators of its related companies in 2019 are also taken into account: companies related to the applicant operating in Lithuania must also submit financial reports to the Center Register the financial statements of these foreign companies for the 2019 sets or the corresponding financial data ”, says Rasa Virvilienė, Director of the Legal Department of the STI.

“We are starting the last stage of the first business support package. During it, up to 100 million will be distributed to related companies. Subsidies in euros. We understand that companies that have experienced restrictions are anxiously awaiting state aid, so agree With the European Commission in March, we hope to start distributing subsidies from the second support package to companies most affected by the pandemic. Another 70 million will be allocated to payments. “says Vincas Jurgutis, Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation.

Eligible businesses with an average monthly turnover of at least 30% compared to the period from November 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021 with the same period in 2019-2020 are eligible for the grant.

If the main activity of the company was restricted after November 30, 2020, the average business volume from December 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021 will be compared to the same period in 2019-2020.

Companies incorporated between November 1, 2019 and November 30, 2020 that did not receive income between November 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020 are eligible for the grant if their main activity is included in the list of restricted and indirectly restricted economic activities.

To receive the subsidy, companies must complete the application of an independent company and submit it through the STI electronic declaration system (EDS) at the address Applications will be accepted until June 1 of this year.

The grant is calculated on the basis of personal income tax paid by the company.

On January 20, the first business support package prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation came into operation, for an amount of 180 million. 150 million euros 30 million euros for grants. EUR for loans.

The grants have already been distributed to independent companies for more than a month, and it is expected to distribute up to 50 million. euros. It is planned to distribute up to 100 million. grants in euros.

More than 30 million were allocated to the business in the first month. in the form of loans and support grants in euros. The second 150 million is expected to start soon. Aid package of € 70 million, of which € 70 million will provide subsidies to the most affected companies.

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