STI: About 39,000 have yet to file property tax returns. contributors


Residents and businesses that owned or acquired real estate for business use in 2020 must file real estate tax returns and pay calculated taxes by February 15.

We draw attention to the fact that residents do not have to pay taxes on real estate or its part, which is used for social care and maintenance, obtaining income from agricultural activities, education, as well as property exempt from taxes in the cemetery. “says the head of STI’s Fiscal Responsibility Department, Stasė Aliukonytė-Šnirienė.

There is no need to pay a fee for real estate used by an artist as a creative workshop for individual creative pursuits.

Commercial property is taxed regardless of whether it is used for economic activities or not. The tax is calculated according to the rates established by the municipalities where the property is located. For 2020, 0.5 to 3 percent applies. rate of the tax value of real estate subject to tax.

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