State-protected witness helped arrest notorious criminal – anger poured out on Skvernel for all the trouble


“Skvernell is to blame for everything, and I have to be on the list of political prisoners, so I even wrote to the president, but he does not respond: you are committing genocide, not justice,” said Valantin, five times convicted. , was outraged by the trial.

Judges Virginia Pakalnyte-Tamošiūnaitė had a difficult task: the defendant, who was brought to justice and escorted to the courtroom by armed convoy officers, did not react to the court’s comments, did not want to cover his face with a medical mask . And it was only when he was warned that the case would end the trial in the absence of the defendants that S. Valantinas calmed down.

“Yes, you can condemn me without me, plant Skvernelis instead of me, I don’t have to be here,” shouted S. Valantinas, who is well known to the Šiauliai law enforcement officers. The defendant did not say what happened to the former prime minister.

Although the man was officially registered as a farmer in Šiauliai district, as of 2018, he was not working, not even living in Lithuania before his arrest – officials know that the man and his partner were located in the Latvian capital.

Prosecutors charged Mr. Valantin with illegally disposing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with the aim of selling or distributing very large quantities of them. The study found that already in 2019. In August and September, S. Valantinas is suspected in Vilnius for 4.8 thousand. He sold 461 grams of amphetamine per person and gave him cannabis and the same amphetamine for free. In addition, it will be in May, he had the intention to sell 60 g of heroin to the same person, but was stopped by police officers.

The Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office prosecutor Tomas Uldukis, who supported the state prosecutor’s office in the case, revealed to the court that the person to whom S. Valantinas supplied drugs acted according to a model of copycat crime issued by officials , so all actions were controlled. and conversations between men were recorded. This person is Albin Gudin, he is also well known in the criminal world.

Prosecutor Tomas Uldukis

Prosecutor Tomas Uldukis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

Gudin’s name was mentioned more than 20 years ago during an investigation into the kidnapping of two Croatian citizens; criminals who took foreigners hostage demanded payment of 100,000. Redemption in USD. Although the hostages were released, the kidnapping officers did not notice; only the Belarusian guarding the abducted foreigners was convicted.

Today, the name of A. Gudinas is mentioned not only in the criminal case of S. Valantinas, but also in the case of one of the leaders of the so-called group “Gruščikėliai”, which became widely known in Lithuania more than two Decades ago, Vidas Revucks, 51, living in the Prienai district. He is also in charge of the acquisition, transportation and sale of extremely large quantities of drugs.

In the case of V. Revuck, the prosecutor supporting the accusation against the state, Marius Švanas, said that A. Gudinas has been granted the status of witness protected by the state: “A. Gudin is cooperating with law enforcement officials, is under protection, has another pre-trial investigation underway, suspected of being involved in an organized group, some of the suspects are still wanted, warrants have been issued arrest and will continue for a while. long time. “

S. Valantinas does not hide that he contacted A. Gudin, but claims that all the transcripts of the conversations in the criminal case are false and that he wants to deal with him. At that time, the Prosecutor T. Uldukis considered that the data collected during the investigation on the charges against S. Valantinas had been confirmed during the judicial hearing.

According to the prosecutor, during the investigation, the officers took a series of non-public steps to establish a functioning amphetamine laboratory in Lithuania. It is suspected that S. Valantinas may have acted with another person who is already dead, as well as other unidentified persons during the investigation were also involved in the alleged criminal activity.

“S. Valantin acted with caution and conscience”, according to the prosecutor, S. Valantin communicated with A. Gudin through the mobile application “Telegram”, from which “it is practically impossible to obtain data”, and called drugs bricks, blocks, mastyrks. In addition, he himself showed initiative to sell drugs, and in an interview he even admitted that he had brought 20 kg of psychotropic substances.

Associative photo

Associative photo

© Vilnius aps. VPK

‘TO. Gudin acted with the message of the state and joined S. Valantinas, who initially distributed the samples, his goal was to distribute as many as possible ”, emphasized T. Uldukis.

According to the accuser, although S. Valantinas did not admit guilt, this was demonstrated not only by the testimonies of A. Gudin, but also by secretly recorded conversations, other material in the case.

“By committing this crime, which consisted of four continuous crimes, the defendant was cautious and acted systematically and continuously,” according to the prosecutor, although the drugs sold by Valantin to Gudin were not marketed or distributed to third parties. .does not in any way reduce the danger to a person.

The prosecutor believes that Valatin should be sentenced to 12 years in prison for distributing large quantities of drugs. He also offered to confiscate 4.8 thousand from the accused. Eur, which he received after selling drugs, and the value of the car of another person who did not know anything about the crime, with which S. Valantinas came to sell drugs: 1.3 thousand. EUR.

The defendant reacted emotionally to the punishment again: in his last word to the court, the man demanded that he not be imprisoned and release innocent people as soon as possible. How the court will decide will become clear in early June.

S. Valantinas is well known to law enforcement officials: not only has he been previously convicted, but he has also been administratively punished many times; his name was also mentioned in the famous case of corrupt Šiauliai policemen belonging to the elite division. This is written in the recently published book “Police Gods”: S. Valantinas and his friend from Vilnius were indicted by forensic scientists in 2012. after attacking the country’s combat self-defense champion, Mikhail Kochiurov, nicknamed Misha.

During the investigation of this crime, the officers in Šiauliai almost caused gang wars – at night they punctured the tires of S. Valantinas and another suspect; They hoped that this would provoke the men and that they would take revenge on M. Kochiurov.

“Our aim was to provoke them, to take up arms again and take revenge on M. Kočiurov, for the plans that could have provoked a real gang war in Šiauliai, in the book” Police gods “, the former head of the county of Šiauliai. Police Commissariat Organized Crime Investigation Office Head of the Remigijus Zykas Department. – We thought that later they would take up arms and arrest them with the same weapon fired at Mr. Kochurov. That was the idea of ​​Tomas Ruchtinas (then head of 4th Division of the Organized Crime Investigation Office – “Delfi”): mentioned that he had done something similar before, while still working in the Telšiai police “.

Although the officials’ plan did not burn out, Mr. Valantin and his friend were still charged with attempted murder, but were later acquitted by the courts. And M. Kočiurov, who was recognized as a victim, took such a position that no one attacked his life.

The exceptional history of the policemen has almost 400 pages in the book “Police Gods”, which is already available in bookstores, as well as online at the publishing house “Baltos lankos”, the largest online bookstore and other points of distribution.

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