State control: we did not have this amount of debt


“Comparing the situation across the EU, we see that Lithuania suffered less from the COVID-19 pandemic last year: in 2020. The country’s real GDP fell by 0.8% in 2006, one of the lowest in the world. European Union (EU average 6.2%).

However, during 2020. In the second and third quarters, public debt increased by 6.2 billion LTL. and we didn’t have that much debt. The European Court of Auditors draws attention to public debt and notes that there is a close link between the level of public debt and the fiscal capacity to respond to other crises and finance long-term growth, ”said Auditor General Mindaugas Macijauskas.

According to the data from the State Audit Office, looking at the reasons for the increase in the number of unemployed, it can be seen that the average number of unemployed in Lithuania in 2019 amounted to 91.9 thousand in 2020. It was 34 thousand. higher and amounted to 125.9 thousand. By the way, in January of this year this number amounted to 20.6 thousand, the number of vacancies was similar: 20.7 thousand.

The State Audit Office also indicated that in 2020. The annual growth of deposits and household cash was 17%. and this is the highest growth in 10 years. As of January 1, 2021, there were 18.15 billion in accounts. euros. Deposits from non-financial corporations amount to 9,400 million. According to the National Audit Office, the annual growth was 29%. and it is also the fastest growing in the last ten years.

Data from the State Audit Office

Data from the State Audit Office

The National Audit Office recalls that at the end of last year it prepared a review “Management of Crisis and Emergencies COVID-19”, which provided a summary of the actions and measures of the Government for the management of the emergency COVID-19 in February -October. The use of COVID-19 mitigation measures and the actions of the institutions were also evaluated in other audits: “Social integration of people with disabilities”, “Does the change in education lead to better student performance?”, ” Management of road infrastructure “, etc.

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