Starting in April, Sodra will announce the difference between the salaries of women and men in companies


Initially announcing the obligation to employers, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor later clarified that they would not need to provide additional information to Sodra.

This innovation is expected to help both society and employers themselves to assess the pay gap between women and men. Currently, the employment of Lithuanian women is almost the same as in Sweden, and the pay gap with men is lower than the EU average.

Data from the EU statistical service Eurostat show that the employment of women in Lithuania reaches 77%. and only 2 percent. descends on male employment. According to this indicator, we rank second among EU countries after Sweden. According to data from the Department of Statistics, in 2019 the difference between the salaries of men and women in Lithuania amounted to 12.4%. and it was lower than the EU average.

“Salary advertising is a small but very important step to address the pay gap. Change in this area is not happening very quickly. Public attitudes must change, employers’ motivation and participation must be important,” says Monika. Navickienė, Minister of Social Security and Labor.

Lithuania is already implementing most of these measures when the European Commission raises the issue of transparency of remuneration of men and women, the right of employees to receive information on the level of remuneration of employees of the same job and the obligation to companies with more than 250 employees to publish information on the gender pay gap.

For example, the Labor Code stipulates that the employer must indicate in the job advertisement the amount of the proposed salary; An employer with an average number of employees over 20 must provide employee representatives with at least annual updates on depersonalized data on median earnings by occupational group and gender.

In addition, companies with 20 or more employees must have a compensation system, specifying the categories of employees by position and qualification, as well as their respective forms of compensation and remuneration, the procedure for granting bonuses and bonuses, etc. Employees will be informed and consulted before approval or modification. In short, the remuneration system must be designed in such a way as to avoid discrimination on the grounds of sex and other grounds.

The State Labor Inspectorate carries out inspections in the institutions to determine the causes of the wage gap between men and women.

Some companies apply a gender equality matrix. Compensation reviews take into account which gender at a particular level of position is dominant in terms of salary received. In this case, employees of the opposite sex receive additional pay increases to reduce the pay gap between employees of the opposite sex.

It also looks at how many men and how many women took advantage of vertical career opportunities, participated in training and took business trips. Anonymous surveys carried out in institutions, which help to obtain the opinion of the employees themselves, both on the wage gap between men and women and on other issues of discrimination in the workplace, are considered a good practice.

According to data from the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, in 2020, the unemployment rate was 8.5 percent. The female unemployment rate was 7.7 percent. men: 9.3 percent.

2020 15-64 m. The employment rate for the age group population is 71.6 percent. The employment rate for women in this age group was 71% and that for men 72.2%.

The wage gap between men and women is mainly due to the horizontal and vertical segregation of the labor market. In short, there are ‘female’ and ‘male’ professions, for example, men tend to work in IT, women in education, health, etc. Men also dominate the top positions. Another reason is that women are temporarily excluded from the labor market due to parental leave and caring for relatives.
