Starting in 2021, the state border protection zone will be destroyed on the part of the border with Karaliaučiai.


According to the service, the protection zones will no longer be located on the border of the Nemunas, Širvinta and Šešupė rivers and on the part of the land border where surveillance systems are installed. The protection zone will remain around 10%. border with Königsberg.

The buffer zone will continue to operate near some bridges or viaducts on the border with Russia, where the risk of crime is still considered high, and in border waters where border surveillance is difficult, such as Lake Vištytis.

Natural persons and company representatives wishing to enter the border protection zone must submit additional applications and documents to border guards, which the SBGS evaluates and makes a decision on granting a permit within ten business days.

“According to the State Border Guard Service, such a decision will not only reduce the administrative burden, but will also eliminate restrictions on legal activities of natural and legal persons, create additional conditions for recreational and economic activities and tourism development” the service said in a statement.

According to SBGS, after the implementation of modern surveillance systems and other technical and organizational measures at the border, border guards can guarantee unrestricted border control in the protection zone.

The borders of the border protection zone on the border with Russia were established in 2007 in order to strengthen the protection of the external border of the European Union and included areas with a higher risk of border crossing or smuggling.

The part of the border section that goes from the state border to the depth of Lithuania is marked with special signs, it can only be sent to it with a separate SBGS permit. Normally, this area extends into the territory of the country from 50 meters to several kilometers.

The protection zone of the state border remains in many areas on the border with Belarus, and its boundaries need to be slightly adjusted, expanded or narrowed.

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