Stano will be vaccinated with AstraZeneca, but the confusion so far is sad: he shared the problems he has to go through.


It has already been announced that from April 1, Vilnius residents will be invited to get vaccinated. Currently, seniors (over 65 years old) who have not yet been contacted about the vaccine, adult graduates, teachers, lecturers and other educational personnel, participants in foreign missions (diplomats, soldiers) are invited to register for the vaccine. Vaxzevria (formerly AstraZeneca). ., highly trained athletes, cultural and artistic participants – all those who will have missions abroad due to their work) and those who suffer from chronic diseases (chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary, liver diseases, obesity with a BMI greater than 35, diabetics and others) .

A musician with a chronic illness, who was not on the list, corrected the information and checked it with various organizations. All of this was described by Stano on Facebook.

Last Tuesday, the Ministry of Health updated the vaccination priority list. Chronic diseases, including mine, really do exist.

This weekend, the Municipality of Vilnius announced the AstraZeneca “campaign”. Sign up and be the first. If it’s on the list, come and get your fix. Just that list.

I think it would be easier for me to find out who is on Russia’s sanctions list than on this one. And how do you select in this?

It is clear how the members of the Seimas and the Government were selected for the group of elected representatives to be vaccinated. We were selected during the elections and they were already organized in place.

Let’s go back to the list. I’m not in it. Oncological diseases are on the priority list, for me, NO.

My friends with the same diagnosis are not either.

There is no other friend with obesity.

Magic list.

I spoke with organizations that unite cancer patients and heard a similar response: “There is a SAM order, but no one knows how to carry it out.”

Well, I think someone really knows. And if you read this post, you will say something like: “And you did not know that? You have to go north, there the crocodile walks under the chain oak, kill that crocodile, dig the chest, and the chest contains an explanation of how to carry out the SAM command.

I called Santariškės, they did not know how to execute the SAM order.

I called the GP, I didn’t know either.

I called the vaccination center and they told me that I would take care of informing my doctors.
I called my outpatient clinic. I sent a copy of the SAM document. I have marked the points where I need to be vaccinated and my place on the priority list. And you saved me!

So why do you need gentlemen and ladies in the ministry?

How do doctors and patients catch up with their ever-changing confusion? After all, it is humanly possible. As usual.

I make an offer:

There are currently about 100,000 cancer patients in Lithuania. In their ministry, this group has the letter “C” (Cancer). Of those 100,000, up to 80 percent are over 65 years old. What it means to be on the priority list by age.

There are 20,000 young people with an oncological diagnosis. They are generally employed, lead normal lives, and are exposed to Covid-19 risk on a daily basis. And Covid-19 is a dangerous disease with an oncological diagnosis.

Take and list all patients in group C. One click of a button.
But, apparently, nothing will change here … That is why we have our own strength to come down from this cross this Good Friday ”, writes Stano.

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