Stano was offended by Maldeikienė’s statement about the defenders of traditional families: why are you so close to me?


Those defenders of traditional families (including the cardinals, bishops, priests, and sacristies who support them) are primitive and lustful; their whole tradition is just the enjoyment of a very small prostitute, at least in dreams of sex … Among alcoholics, you didn’t even see books and school mistakes in writing don’t pay, that’s how it gets.

Here’s a quote from Maldeikienė.

Well, where is he next ???

You, as an MEP, have gone beyond the limits.

I don’t like Puidokas either.

I don’t like Orlauskas either.

I don’t like antivirals.

Corruption is rampant.

But I enjoy the traditional family and I appreciate the traditional family. Why are you so with me ???

I am not primitive.

I am not lustful.

I am not a small protein and I enjoy sex not only in dreams.

And yet I am hopeful. That isolation and emphatic humiliation of all priests, bishops, cardinals, sacristy, in my head, is a clear example of incitement to hatred against one of the groups in society.

What can you afford?

Aušra Maldeikienė belongs to the CHRISTIAN Democratic Group in the European Parliament. CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS!

Aušra Maldeikiene, you are an angry, angry and angry woman.

In any case, health to you and peace of mind, ”wrote Stano on Facebook.

On Friday, A. Maldeikienė declared that she was proud of her son’s actions and assured that, in her opinion, any normal person would do it.

“I am very proud of what my son did. And I’m not really proud of the fact that STT reported. This would be done by any normal person, and already my children or I in 15 minutes (by the way, that was the case, that character simply closed the door of his son’s office and the son dialed the STT manager’s phone).

By the way, do not be fooled, corrupt, it is somehow related to the Pavilion or some vulgar song march. The STT has had the information since day one, which was long before. Significantly.

I am proud that you are calmly resisting all these spiritually dead corrupt thieves, old-fashioned lewd marching men. ponchos shotgun.

I have known about all this from day one. The son informed me immediately after the STT visit, which took place half an hour after that disgusting purchase attempt.

I don’t know the new details (we respect Lithuanian laws, so even at home my son didn’t tell me what the researchers specifically told him), but even what I do know is enough to show that it will be interesting.

The son said he was very impressed by the professionalism of the STT investigators, so I hope that we will begin a new stage in the fight against political corruption.

But you know y’all are thieves and another aircraft šušera you are a dying Lithuanian.

All those proponents of traditional families will discourage me (and hopefully all my friends too) from viewing their binary books with a mindset, their passion for money, theft, lying, corruption, without which they cannot see their lives.

Defenders of traditional families (including cardinals, bishops, priests, and the sacraments that support them) are primitive and lustful; their whole tradition is just the enjoyment of a very narrow-minded person, at least in dreams about sex.

What is the respect, love and devotion that makes families (real, normal, non-traditional) not even fit in their minds.

Compassion. When you grew up among alcoholics, you didn’t see books and you didn’t even write an adverb in school without writing a mistake, that’s what you get.

Attempts to speak pompously do not change the substance of the matter.

Puidokas once again demonstrated the true face of a defender of traditional families.

Like all malewho will vote calmly both for beating children and for the security traditions to beat his wife, yesterday he again showed the face of a corrupt coward (I hope that Puidokas will now take me to court for defamation).

I repeat, Puidokai, you are a corrupt thief and a liar, by the way, already punished for lying. Aūūū, I’m waiting for a court summons, it will be interesting to see how you will turn a lie, ”wrote A. Maldeikienė on his Facebook account.

We remind you that M. Puidokas, a member of the Seimas Labor Party faction, stated on Thursday that he had suffered violence from agents of the Special Investigation Service (STT) in the Seimas.

He announced it during the plenary session of the Seimas on Thursday. During the session at the Seimas on Thursday, M. Puidokas stated that STT officials had used violence against him.

“There has been an unprecedented case in the history of parliamentarism. In my office I was abused by STT agents, they strangled me, they tore my clothes, without any legal status under their orders, because I am neither a witness nor a suspect.

They forcibly deprived me of my personal belongings, they broke my hands in blood, I was short of breath. I said I was drowning, but I kept drowning. They did not stop their actions. I really appeal to the president of the Seimas about what is happening. Because those things should not happen in the Seimas ”, said the parliamentarian.
After this statement, the deputy of Seimas M. Puidokas explained to journalists what happened.

“I immediately asked them why they had come, it was very vaguely said. I demanded a lawyer, I was very reluctant to give and give. There was even a reluctance to let me go to the bathroom, even though I had no legal status. I allowed them to search the office, I don’t close the offices, but who can enter there? ”Said M. Puidokas.

Maldeikis has not yet been able to provide precise details on the bribery offer, as an investigation is ongoing.

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