Sputnik V vaccine is a government crisis


Matovic has offered to resign and remain a regular minister, Slovak news agency TASR reported on Sunday night.

In addition, the 47-year-old politician demanded the resignation of the Minister of Economy, Richard Sulik, and the Minister of Justice, Maria Kolikova.

These ministers belong to the partners of the Coalition Libertad y Solidaridad (SaS) and Por el Pueblo, respectively.

“We believe that it is absolutely necessary for Richard Sulikas to leave the Government and thus bring peace to the Cabinet of Ministers,” said I. Matovičius on behalf of his party “Common People and Independent Personalities” (OLaNO).

Disagreements between the coalition partners arose when I. Matovičius ordered the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V” without consulting the coalition parties. These parties wanted a decision from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Sputnik V.

Igor Matovich

Igor Matovich

The Minister of Economy and leader of the Liberal Party “Freedom and Solidarity” (SaS) R. Sulikas threatened to withdraw from the coalition if I. Matovičius did not resign.

In response to the prime minister’s statement on Sunday, R. Sulikas said he would not agree, I. Matovičius would continue to work in the government as a minister.
“We will not accept proposals of this type, whose main reason is, obviously, [I. Matovičiaus] personal revenge, ”said R. Sulikas.

None of the parties in the ruling coalition wants snap elections, and public opinion polls show that parties on the left are likely to win.

Slovakia, part of the euro zone, with 5.4 million population, in terms of COVID-19 deaths and per capita infection rates, currently ranks among the top in the world, according to data from the AFP news agency.

These terrifying indicators and I. Matovičius’s decision to purchase a Russian vaccine against the pandemic coronavirus Sputnik V provoked the outrage of the coalition partners led by the Prime Minister’s Ordinary People and Independent Persons (OLaNO) party.

The latest poll, released on Sunday, shows that more than 80 percent Slovaks support the view that Matovičius should resign.

OLaNO member, current Finance Minister Eduard Heger, Acting Minister of Health, is named as one of the possible candidates to replace I. Matovičius.

E. Heger did not disclose whether he would consider replacing his party leader I. Matovičius as Prime Minister.

Bratislava-based political scientist Samuel Abraham told AFP that if Matovich remained prime minister, the coalition would not be spared, and compared him to former US President Donald Trump and his views on managing the coronavirus pandemic.

Matovičius “handles the pandemic arbitrarily, stubbornly, does not listen to experts and plays with people’s lives,” Abraham said.

Mr. Matovičius has been Prime Minister of Slovakia for exactly one year.

It is true that ruling parties are reluctant to call snap elections, as opposition Social Democrats are currently leading the polls. If the election took place now, 21.4 percent. voters would vote for the Social Democrats, while OLaNO and SaS would receive only 11.3 and 10.3 percent, respectively. support for.

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