Speeches by parliamentarians in protest to the Seimas: call to disobedience and translation of the Government


Dainius Kepenis, a “peasant” from the Seimas and skeptical of vaccines, was the first to greet those who attended the rally from the stage.

“We are two ‘green peasants’ here Valius Ąžuolas and Dainius Kepenis – their servants,” he announced, introducing his colleague from the group.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Dainius Kepenis

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Dainius Kepenis

D. Kepenis read the call from the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union to the Government to abandon the “strategy of intimidating people” and to immediately carry out a vaccination publicity campaign.

The politician called for “ending discrimination against unvaccinated people,” abandoning plans to ban unvaccinated people from using public transportation or visiting supermarkets, and not linking payment for a person’s treatment to the fact of vaccination.

V.Ąžuolas: The plan is being implemented in Lithuania

Then, recalling the Second World War, V.Ąžuolas stated his position.

“I would say the other way around: Jews came first, but I didn’t do anything because I was not Jewish. Later they came as Christians, but I did not do anything because I was not a Christian. After that, they came to me, but there was no one to talk to.

This is an inscription on the WWII memorial board. It is happening now. Let us remember that one day they will come for me and for us. And if we are silent, we will not stay, “warned a member of the Seimas.

Let us remember that one day they will come for me and for us. And if we keep silent, we will not be abandoned.

“Valstietis” explained that in Lithuania, as in other European countries, a major transshipment plan is being implemented.

“All this implemented plan, which is implemented not only in Lithuania, in France, England, in all European countries, is in accordance with the plan.

And the plan is very simple, as Klaus Schwab describes it, the big congestion. You will have nothing and you will be happy – the main task of the plan.

It is necessary to ask today if our leaders are the executors of this plan ”, commented V.Ąžuolas.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Protest against the Passport of Opportunity

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Protest against the Passport of Opportunity

Responding to his own question, the Seimas member said the rulers had already implemented the grand transshipment plan, but urged the protesters not to surrender without a fight.

“Let us not be recorded in history as if we had surrendered without a fight,” said V.Ąžuolas.

The Seimas member explained that the government makes laws, but “applies them only to the nation and the people,” not to itself.

He said this because only employees of the Seimas Chancellery who have a passport of opportunity are admitted to the Seimas, and politicians do not need to have such a passport.

It is a mockery of the nation, as the occupiers did, as the Nazis did.

“Ordinary employees of the Seimas cannot enter the Seimas, even their health data has been stolen, whether they have been vaccinated or not. And the members of the Seimas, the ministers, the government representatives can go anywhere freely and nothing applies to them.

It is a mockery of the nation, as the occupiers did, as the Nazis did. They are the same measurements ”, compared V.Ąžuolas.

The politician standing on stage urged the audience to stop obeying and fighting for the rights enshrined in the Constitution:

“Government coercion, segregation is effective as long as there is someone who obeys it and is afraid. Let’s stop being afraid, let’s stop obeying and fight for our Constitution and for all your rights. Only together are we a force. “

A.Gedvilas: to experiment with us – no

Aidas Gedvilas, an “employee” who took the stage, said he did not expect to see so many people at the rally near the Seimas.

He spoke as if he were a protester and a supporter: “I am very happy that so many of us who have not given up, have not fled and have not been lazy in coming here to defend our civic position.”

It is very gratifying that so many of us who have not given up, have not run away and have not been lazy to come here.

Gedvil said the current government made “inhumane decisions” and said he wanted to remind him that the voice of the protesters “is as important as that of others, whether or not they have a government-issued document, whether or not they are vaccinated.”

“Do you feel how this Government is serving your well-being? I’m not really sorry. However, I feel that all of Lithuania, its people and its democracy have become servants of the rulers. Today we all say no to that! ”Said A. Gedvilas.

“Discrimination, no, human rights violations, no, work bans, no, paid tests, no, experiments with us, no,” he continued, and the crowd told the politician.

Sigismund Gedvilas / 15min photo / Aidas Gedvilas

Sigismund Gedvilas / 15min photo / Aidas Gedvilas

He demanded that the rulers not violate their constitutional rights, that they stop forcing children to be examined and vaccinated, and that they not force experiments.

“People who do not agree to be vaccinated are not second class. People who do not support the actions of the government and have a different opinion cannot be labeled and punished.

All Lithuanians are equal and I promise that I will never support discriminatory and unconstitutional decisions, ”said A. Gedvilas.

M. Puidokas: one rally will definitely not be enough

Mindaugas Puidokas, an “employee”, also addressed the rally participants. He thanked the people for coming together, noted that the state is run by the nation and all those gathered, and MPs are said to be serving the nation.

“The members of the Seimas are chosen to serve our people, all of you.

The constitution was formed by everyone voting in a referendum, all our people were questioned, therefore, no politician, neither Prime Minister I. Šimonytė, nor Minister A.Bilotaitė, nor Minister G.Landsbergis, has the right to violate human rights and divide them. the same in animal husbandry. Softer “, – taught M. Puidokas.

Luke April / 15min photo / Mindaugas Puidokas

Luke April / 15min photo / Mindaugas Puidokas

“Now we are divided and despised. “When I asked the conservatives why they were doing this, they said they considered all protesters inappropriate,” he continued.

The politician said he wanted to list some important facts about vaccination against COVID-19.

“Until today, anyone who wants to have the right to be vaccinated. As for vaccines, they are in the experimental stage until 2023, they are in the experimental stage, which means that a person has the right to decide how to treat their health, that is a fact.

The second fact. All vaccine companies have agreed to distribute and use them to people in all parts of the world under one very clear legal condition: if they have no legal responsibility for side effects in humans. <...>

The third fact. Delta variety. All the professors, doctors who are even in favor of vaccination, make it clear that the delta strain is sick, carried and transmitted both by people who have been vaccinated several times and by those who have not. Consequently, the division of all of us into various groups of people – vaccinated and unvaccinated people – is even unscientific, ”said M. Puidokas.

He explained that Lithuanian society was being artificially divided and suggested demanding the resignation of the Government:

“It is time to wake up, get up and fight for your rights. <...> Until today, we must tell the Government and Prime Minister I. Šimonyte and his ministers that it is time for them to stand down! “

We must tell the Government and Prime Minister I. Šimonyte and his ministers that it is time for them to stand down!

M. Puidokas asked the participants to organize more demonstrations.

“It just came to our notice then. It won’t be the case that a white Vytis driver comes along and saves us all.

Dear ones, talk to your friends, to all those who are against vaccines, for vaccines, but for those who are in harmony, for the good of the people of the whole country, “he said, saying that the marches, the Protests and strikes will continue until “Lithuania becomes a truly democratic country that respects all citizens.”

It will evaluate the behavior and role of the members of the Seimas.

The day after the rally, which turned into riots, M. Puidokas and A. Gedvilas announced their separation from the latter.

VIDEO: Riots broke out at a demonstration near the Seimas: stones rushed towards officers, riots were quelled by riot police

Members of the Seimas assured that they have called on the population to peacefully protest against the government decisions planned and already adopted related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some 5,000 people gathered in protest before the Seimas regarding the government’s planned restrictions on immunity against COVID-19 and did not take the test. people.

At the end of the sanctioned rally, the protesters did not withdraw from the Seimas, blocking the exits of the parliamentary building and the exit from the inner courtyard of the Seimas.

VIDEO: It was filmed how an explosive fired at the officers shook

When the officers took them from the building, riots broke out: bottles and stones were thrown at the officers, sound rockets were fired, an explosive was fired, and tear gas was used at the protesters.

18 officers were injured in the incident.

A pre-trial investigation for incitement to riot was launched, 26 suspects were arrested, some of whom could have been arrested by the court.

The Seimas Defense and National Security Committee suggested that the Seimas Board evaluate the role of various parliamentarians during the riot demonstration.

Which parliamentarians were not appointed by the chairman of the committee.

President Gitanas Nausėda also lamented the contribution of Seimas members to Tuesday’s events and called for an assessment of the specific role of politicians in the processes. This will be done by the police.
