Specialists assure that the record of deaths from COVID-19 has been announced: it is not the case that all these people died on December 28.


The number of deaths from COVID-19 in the last day is alarming: it has not yet been as high as 78 per day.

37 women and 41 men.

Most of them died in Vilnius and Kaunas counties, 13 in Telšiai county. There were seven deaths in Šiauliai and Tauragė counties.

And Christmas deaths

However, experts from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) say that it is not the case that all these people died in one day, on December 28.

“We get information on deaths from medical institutions and then we integrate it into our system. There was the question of whether they all died on December 28, so the answer is definitely no. Among those cases, there were deaths recorded on December 25 and 26, but the medical institutions provided information on those deaths on December 28, when we entered those deaths into our system, ”explained Justina Petravičienė, specialist from the Vilnius Department of NVSC.

According to her, the treatment facilities are now heavily loaded and the focus is on patients receiving treatment.

“The patient and his life are a priority, all the rest of the work is done, apparently, when there is a possibility. So, let’s say, there is a little delay. This is not the rule, in most cases information is provided quickly enough, but there are also delays when we receive that information later than it should. We should receive it daily, but this is not always the case, ”said J. Petravičienė.

The long Christmas weekend may have had an impact, although, as J.Petravičienė asserts, it is definitely not related to NVSC work: the center’s specialists worked weekends as normal working days.

“Perhaps it is more related to the workload of medical institutions, where we see a very difficult situation. We all see it, we all understand it. Therefore, it is not really the case that the death of all these patients is established on December 28, “said the NVSC representative.

A deceased person belonged to the age group 40 to 49 years, 14 to 60 to 69 years, 20 to 70 to 79 years, 33 to 80 to 89 years. and nine – 90-99 years. age group.

It also depends on outbreaks in the nursing home.

In Telšiai County, 13 deaths from COVID-19 were recorded during the previous day.

One of them is in the Telšiai Regional Hospital. Simona Simaitytė, deputy director of the institution 15 minutes He said that deaths happen every day.

“It just came to our attention then. It probably depends on the general morbidity, those outbreaks in the nursing home, in the welfare home in Dūseikiai, then we have a few more deaths,” he said.

People who die from COVID-19 often enter the hospital in poor condition, they have comorbidities, such as chronic heart and lung diseases, they are older, said S.Simaitytė.

“Thank God we do not have young people and their deaths,” he added.

During the previous day, 10,344 samples were analyzed for suspected coronavirus, 1921 were positive.
