sometimes it is necessary to put the “guest” in his place


While visiting the migrant camp in Vydeniai on Thursday, L. Kasčiūnas became involved in fierce disputes with migrants crossing the border between Lithuania and Belarus. He explained to illegal immigrants from Africa in a lofty tone that they would not receive asylum and could face incarceration if they did not go to their home country.

“I consider the conversation to be a very authentic and open conversation with people who visit Lithuania and who, for some reason, do not understand that they entered Lithuania illegally. I came with an open heart and with material prepared by the Migration Department on what are their rights and responsibilities and what awaits them if one decision is made or another. I tried to turn it all off. For some, it turned out to be rude, “a Conservative MP told reporters at Seimas.

He noted that the sharper tone regarding illegal immigrants was influenced by the behavior of immigrants: according to the politician, they waved a finger at his face and a business card from Vytautas Valentinavičius, head of the Human Rights Office of the Ombudsman’s Office of the Seimas. .

“I won’t use the word threaten, but when a guest moves a finger to your face, you realize that the guest needs to be put in their place sometimes. I tried to do that, I don’t know if I succeeded, you decide. It’s true. that I was still waving the business card of Vytautas Valentinavičius and said that it would help to solve all the problems. I don’t know what that means, “said L. Kasčiūnas.

“We need to speak, we have to inform people what awaits them, what is written in the Penal Code”, L. Kasčiūnas summed up the striking dialogue with illegal immigrants.

At the time, the chairman of the Seimas Human Rights Committee, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, described L. Kasčiūnas’ communication with migrants on Thursday as shameful.

“The chairman of the Committee for Defense and National Security, who yells at the migrants in the Vydeniai camp, is a very interesting illustration of 21st century Lithuanian parliamentarianism. I am sincerely ashamed, ”TV Raskevičius wrote on Facebook on Thursday.
