some wanted Auska to be sold for two apartments


The main idea of ​​the article is: Did the resort authorities really deliberately think that the exclusive seaside vacation homes, located practically on the seashore, would not be sold at auction, but instead would be transferred to the Palanga property?

It is believed that now that the building is no longer on the Turto bankas property list, the fate of a ghost is extremely sad for him. One of the members of the Palanga City Council also helps the author to circulate this idea.

“Of course you can’t do anything, just close it”

As we wrote earlier, on February 19. At the end of March, the authorities of Palanga, who took over the town, decided to lease Auska for several years until all the necessary documentation had been prepared for the adaptation of the object to the needs of the city and its possible reconstruction.

According to the terms of the tender, which will be announced soon, the villa would be rented for two years with the possibility of extending the contract for another period, and the initial rental price – 10 thousand. EUR per month, or what the tenant company Ambra Investicijos has paid so far. The lease with her expires on April 29.

Commenting on the decision by which it was decided to temporarily rent the famous villa to Vakarinei Palanga, the Mayor of Palanga, Šarūnas Vaitkus, said that this is the most optimal way to use the building at this stage.

“The municipality cannot do business and provide accommodation services, this is not a function of the municipality. At the end of April the lease contract with the current tenant company Ambra Investicijos expires.

We consider what to do next. However, the winning company may take a year, two or more to prepare a feasibility study for the use of the villa, as well as to prepare all the technical documentation.

Of course, during that time nothing can be done, just lock the villa or hand it over to the Municipal company “Palangos Investicijų Valdymas”, but we decided that it is better to look for tenants so that we do not have to stay with the villa. for several years “. The mayor of Palanga spoke with Palanga Occidental.

Take control of Auska de Palanga, without logics

The author of an article that recently appeared on one of the portals, who, by the way, started his journalistic career in “Palanga Occidental”, says that the idea of ​​the Palanga authorities to rent a villa has already been criticized – there is no doubt that the building will be condemned to the fate of the ghost. “

In other words, now that the building is no longer on the Property List, a particularly sad and deplorable fate awaits.

Eugenijus Simutis, a member of the Palanga City Council, also helps the author to get this idea rolling.

“I don’t think the city should have intervened here. On the other hand, state policy also looks strange when it is handed over to the Property Bank,” said E. Simutis, a member of the City Council of the City of Palanga.

I had no doubt that knowing how aggressive the business is right now, the object will sell quickly and instead of a villa, apartment buildings will be built by the sea. However, in his opinion, Palanga’s decision to take over the villa was hasty – it could become a drain on the resort’s budget.

“There are conservatives in Palanga, but they act like Social Democrats: as much state and municipal property as possible. And all of this should be kept out of the budget. I don’t see any logic here.

The company would have built that basin and the Municipality would not have to turn its head, it would have built other objects as well, and now everything is within the budget of the Municipality. The crisis also comes for the Municipality. Now the budget is not being raised as it should, as it used to be. This is the logic, we take it all, we keep everything from the budget ”, the article quotes E. Simutis, a member of the Palanga City Council.

According to him, “considering the fact that a special study is only now being prepared to answer the question of how the building could be used, it is obvious that the Palanga government, which fought loudly for the town and wanted to seize she had no idea what to do with the large object that seized him. “

Revenge for failed plans?

The mayor of Palanga, Šarūnas Vaitkus, is convinced that similar posts are an obvious payback for the fact that someone has been ruined by the idea of ​​privatizing Auska.

A journalist from Vakarinės Palanga has also found out about these plans, and one of the best-known Lithuanian businessmen spoke about this idea openly a few years ago.

“Who did we put to the scourge for not allowing the privatization of Auska? I read the speech of Eugenijus Simutis, a member of the City Council, and I don’t believe it with my own eyes – it turns out that after the Government suspended the privatization and transferred the Villa “Auska” to Palanga by resolution, the City Council, trying to adapt it to the needs of society, is doing wrong.

It is not the first time I have heard this, so I think someone is very hurt by the loss of the opportunity to privatize 22 hectares of coastal forest with a complex of buildings in an exceptional location. It is a pity that some members of the Palanga City Council also help alleviate the pain of revenge for this “someone”, wrote the resort manager Š.Vaitkus on his account on the social network Facebook.

“AND. Simutis, who is harassing the media with his advice and ideas, appears to be reassuring himself, doubting that the state has done the right thing by selling a rare Lithuanian object.

However, he also states here that Palanga “did not need to interfere” due to the future of “Auska”. Very comfortable position, I don’t know what to do, but what was done is wrong. If so, can a City Council member with such an ambiguous opinion on this important issue be a politician and take care of city affairs?

According to E. Simutis, was the Municipality wrong to take over the precious state property placed on the counter at the last minute? Was it necessary to allow the privatization of the building by the sea, surrounded by pine forests? Maybe to have a lot of little “showers” there in the future, and then we’d all find out who’s to blame for that, “says the resort manager.

Š. Vaitkus was also surprised by the fact that E. Simutis, who has been in the town hall for more than the first term, declares that the basin city should not have built either, because this object would still have been built by a company.

“Palanga has been waiting for more than 20 years for the business to build a swimming pool necessary for everyone at the resort. Even so, before arriving, he took and built himself. The Palanga Basin won not only for its own needs, kept jobs, but also financed a free swimming learning service for the children of Palanga with the funds raised.

33 thousand children used it. Sometimes, and the older people of the complex have the opportunity to use the water procedures in preferential conditions and at an affordable price ”, recalled the mayor.

“Why does the person chosen by Palangiškės for the City Council spread a well-known lie to Lithuanian society? Another city politician, Svetlana Grigorian, does not miss the opportunity to blow up the bagpipe of E. Simutis.

He also regretted in the same public forum how badly the municipality of Palanga is behaving to seize Auska. And the young politician was paired over the pool that the Municipality supposedly maintained during the Council meeting, ”says the resort manager.

Should Auska also be sold for the price of two apartments?

The mayor recalled that a few years ago E. Simutis criticized the Municipality also because the campsite built in Nemirseta by efforts of the Municipality was too big, and nobody rented it looking for a dealer, because the rent was too expensive. Then a member of the city council predicted the ghost part for the camp as well.

“And what happened? As soon as the tender for the temporary lease of the campsite was announced, the company of E. Simutis’ friends soon appeared, which operated successfully on that campsite for two years. Then the politician who criticized the object found activities in the same campsite ”, recalled the mayor.

“It is not up to E. Simutis to decide whether the object now acquired by the company is attractive. As history shows, E. Simutis is not the best oracle of business. When Auskai, taken over by the municipality, predicts the future of the building ghost, you better be afraid of only 400 thousand. The future of the old police station complex sold by the state. There, politicians can really meet ghosts, “resents the head of Palanga.

According to Š.Vaitkus, the old buildings of the police station in a prestigious place in Palanga, at the beginning of Vytauto street, facing a well-kept forest, sold 1 hectare of land by the sea to Turto Bankas for the price of two Apartments of 50 square meters. “Did a member of the city council want such a fate for Auska?” Asks the manager of the complex, Š.Vaitkus.

By the way, the old building complex of the Palanga Police Station is practically opposite the entrance to the Auska territory. The entire complex of almost 3,000 square meters with 1.78 ha of land in 2018. In January, the Property Bank sold for 574 thousand. euros.

The old children’s camp next to the police station has already been turned into an area of ​​private cabins, where the builders for sale, for example, 50 square meters m of recreational building last fall asked for more than 200 thousand. euros.
