Some restrictions have been restored for travelers: what is important to know when planning a vacation abroad?


The Health Ministry announced in early July that, in accordance with the Council of Europe’s recommendations on the risk of spreading coronavirus strains, certain restrictions on travelers were being restored, according to a press release.

“We welcome these changes, as the safety of travelers always remains a priority for us. However, we want to reassure people who have planned trips in the near future: there are certainly no major changes, it is more about testing and isolation requirements for both children and adults who are not sick or vaccinated. We can delight travelers who have been vaccinated or who have already contracted the virus with a full vaccination schedule, there are no changes for them and travel is possible without major restrictions ”, assures A. Keinytė.

According to her, the acceleration of vaccination in Europe and the world is creating a favorable scenario also for autumn trips. Malta, one of the leading countries in the world in terms of vaccination rates, is also popular with travelers, where 70% have already been fully vaccinated. population and Iceland, where 60% have already been fully vaccinated. population. In addition, the data available to specialists shows that vaccines are quite effective in preventing the delta strain and its complications, hospitalization.

“We still have no basis for forecasts that the tourism sector will shut down again in the fall as severely as last year. We hope that people who want to travel without major restrictions will find reasons to continue to be vaccinated in order to develop meaningful global immunity. not only in Lithuania, but also around the world, which will allow everyone to breathe easier, ”says A. Keinytė.

The head of the tour operator adds that travelers are booking more and more trips in the fall and are not afraid of possible changes, and the number of people planning trips in July and August this year is approaching the pre-pandemic level.

A. Keinytė recalls that according to the recently renewed procedure, vaccinated, sick or in-transit persons will not need examination or isolation upon return to Lithuania. The remaining travelers who are not covered by this exemption, depending on the area of ​​the holiday destination, must complete a COVID-19 survey before returning to Lithuania, if they return from green zone countries, as well as another 3-5 days after returning. , test if the states in the yellow zone were visited. Travelers returning from red or gray zone countries must be in isolation for an additional 10 days, with the possibility of shortening the isolation period no earlier than 7 days after the COVID-19 test and a negative result. Also, as of July 12. Isolation and testing requirements do not apply to children under 12 years old, conditions are strict for carriers.

When approaching a planned trip, it is important to check the requirements for entering and returning to a specific country; Many destinations will require the completion of entry forms, a document proving a negative COVID-19 test result, and some countries require mandatory medical insurance. It is true that the conditions for vaccinated or sick travelers traveling to some countries have been simplified: vaccinated people in Turkey, Greece and its islands, Bulgaria and Croatia will not need a COVID-19 test. All Lithuanian citizens can come to Montenegro without restrictions.

When preparing for a trip, it is also highly recommended to purchase travel insurance to protect not only from accidents or canceled trips, but also from potential medical expenses, including treatment for COVID-19. While some countries fully cover the cost of medical treatment for tourists when they become ill while traveling, others may have to pay for their own meals or accommodation, and insurance covers these costs.

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