Some people will need patience to obtain a passport of opportunity; they will have to wait for the tests.


“Almost all cities have published separate clues for passport access and rapid antigen tests. Especially in big cities, there are no problems with schedules, it is possible to register for the same day or tomorrow. ” 15 minutes I. Belukhina said.

Problems registering for the study, he said, can be found unless in smaller areas.

“For example, in Pakruojis it is possible to register only for June 4,” said the coordinator of the 1808 hotline.

You may have to go to other cities

Belukhina noted that some cities did not set aside separate times for research when it comes to obtaining a passport for opportunities.

Smaller cities have not posted so-called separate lanes for rapid antigen testing at all.

“There are smaller cities that have not fully declared so-called individual lanes for rapid antigen testing because the lanes are <...> for those for whom testing is mandatory prophylactically, for example, rapid antigen tests are mandatory for people at work. These cities are Prienai or Varėna, “said the coordinator.

“But there are always other cities, county centers, where people can take those tests if they want to,” he added.

15 minutes verified the operation of the COVID-19 antigen test registration system and where it is possible to perform them to obtain a passport for access.

There are 53 of those places.

When it is not possible to register, there is no free time or places for such tests in general, the system returns the following table:

Register for the test to obtain a passport for opportunities.

Register for the test to obtain a passport for opportunities.

Birštonas does not have a mobile point

In Pabradė it is possible to register for the test only on June 4, in Zarasai – June 7, in Neringa – June 8, in Plungė – June 11.

And, for example, in Birštonas there is no possibility to study at all.

Director of Administration of the Municipality of Birštonas, Jovita Tirvienė 15 minutes He stated that there is no mobile point in the municipality and that all those who need to take the test go to Prienai.

“There are only 5-7 kilometers from Birštonas to Prienai,” he noted.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Passport possible

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Possibility of passport

It is not necessary to take the test in Birštonas.

“We are monitoring the situation; so far, we have not been contacted or asked questions.” We believe this problem will be solved, “commented J.Tirvienė.

Boil has no electronic record, Prienai will have

It was not possible to register, electronically at least, for a test in Prienai to obtain a passport, but it will be available within a week. 15 minutes said Jūratė Zailskienė, director of the Prienai district municipality administration.

“It just came to our attention then. Those who do the tests anyway say no [žmonių] to day five, when there were many before, said the director of administration.

“But let’s open ourselves to the reassurance that people can do the same.”

It will open that line too, but the wishes are almost nil.

It is also not possible to register for the test electronically in Varėna, but Danas Bortkevičius, director of the Varėna Primary Health Care Center that oversees the activities of the mobile point, noted that this can be done by calling 1808.

“We have recently seen an increase in demand on Fridays and Saturdays. Surely people are calling more and doing more antigen testing when the passport of opportunity feature has come up.

We have already slightly increased the number of antigen tests this week. <...> and from next week there will be even more vacancies so that everyone who wishes can take the test, “he said.

The minister believes that the passport of opportunity is worth it

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said he believed that the passport of opportunities presented a week ago “really meets and meets the expectations of a certain part of society.”

That’s what he said on Tuesday for the LRT radio show “Morning Sounds.”

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Arūnas Dulkys

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Arūnas Dulkys

Representatives of cafes, restaurants and hotels explain that the flow of visitors has not increased due to the passport, and some businessmen say they are disappointed with the benefits of such a passport.

The more lenient eligibility passport and quarantine conditions are available to those who have a negative COVID-19 test, are co-infected with COVID-19 and have antibodies or have been vaccinated.

Read more about what the Opportunity Passport can do from June 1, read on here.
